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November 19, 2023

Time Flies
As the semester comes to an end it really has me questioning a lot of things like does time really
go by that fast? It seems like it was just last week that I started my very first year of college but
it’s already November and it’s like 13 weeks in already it’s really hard to believe. It doesn’t seem
real. Even now with my first semester of college over I still don’t feel like I’m ready for college
even though I’m already in college it feels like I should still be in high school and honestly I
wouldn’t mind going back. At the same time I feel like time is going by faster and faster and in
no time I’ll be out in college with no idea of what I’ll be doing. It’s a struggle a huge struggle of
mine whenever people tell me “well what do you imagine yourself doing” and I always answer
nothing I genuinely can’t see myself doing anything it’s kind of this time of I’m going with the
flow of things and trying to manage what it is that’s being thrown at me and seeing if it’s a good
fit for me and if it's not it’s time to try and look again for something that motivates me even in
the slightest. But with how time is going it feels like I may never find my motivation and if it
does it might be too late for me. I do have hope that things will look ok for me as long as I live a
stable life. It feels like I’m not asking for much but even with living a stable life it’s difficult.
There are a lot of things to worry about which is why I choose to look on the brighter side of
things. It gives me hope that it’ll work even if it’s just a little.

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