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English Drama TKJ 2

In a kingdom led by the king named Mark, there was a lot of excitement over the birth of his first
daughter with the queen named Allena.
(Camelia holding her first baby daughter with the king)

Queen: O king, what will you name our first daughter?

King: I will name my first child Princess Adellia.
Queen: What a beautiful name (while stroking the baby's head) grow up beautiful, O you my
daughter, be a kind woman and continue this kingdom.

On the other hand there was someone who the king and queen did not realize was watching them
with hatred, he was a cunning wizard, he wanted to seize and control the kingdom and country
that the king led.

Witch: What the hell do they want to make their daughter the successor of the kingdom, I should
be the ruler of this kingdom and country, I will not let that happen (leaves the place)
The witch went away to find the magic glass that she had in her secret place.

Witch: O magic glass, can I rule this kingdom and country?

Magic Glass: Hmmm, I think you can take over the kingdom and rule this country.
Witch: Is it really like that? How can you do that, O magic mirror?
Magic mirror: Yes, there is only one way for now
Witch: How?
Magic mirror: You can kill the queen and princess and captivate the king.
Witch: WHAT? By killing them, it will jeopardize my position.
Magic Glass: Take it easy! With your beautiful face you can slowly captivate the king's attention,
then you can take the queen's place and take the throne.
Witch: Your idea is not a bad one.
Magic Glass: Of course.
(After mulling over the idea given by the Magic Glass, the witch immediately strategizes to carry
out her evil idea)


A dozen years passed precisely at the age of the 17th Princess, Queen Allena's beloved mother
passed away due to an illness she experienced, which made it the bitterest gift for Princess
Adellia because she was left behind by her mother. Officials and officials of the Royal State
began to arrive at the Palace to give condolences on the death of the Queen to King Mark and
Princess Adellia. The King continued to strengthen his daughter to always be strong with the
death of Queen Allena.
King: O my daughter, don't you continue to be sad, we let Queen Allenia's mother go so that she
is calm there.
Princess: I have not been able to let go of my mother, father, because on my birthday my mother
left me which became the bitterest gift I got.
Meanwhile, a Prince from an outside kingdom came to express his condolences to the
king and princess.
Prince: Greetings King, I am Prince Ken from the Kingdom of Bawangko, condolences for the
departure of the Queen.
King: Thank you Prince for coming to my royal residence, let me introduce you to my daughter
Prince: You're welcome King, I heard that your daughter is very beautiful, O king.
With the meeting of the Prince and the Princess, the King also had a desire to match them
in order to establish an inter-kingdom owned by the Prince.
King: My daughter, let me introduce you to Prince Ken of Bawangko Kingdom, I hope you can
get to know him better.
Prince: Greetings Princess, I am Prince Ken of Bawangko Kingdom, I am sorry for the passing
of the Queen, I hope you can accept her passing.
Princess : Greetings Prince, thank you for coming all the way from your kingdom to attend the
funeral of the Queen Mother.
Prince : You are welcome princess, as others have said you look beautiful and graceful princess.
Princess: Thank you Prince, you are praising me too much.
A few days after the Queen's departure the Witch took the opportunity to start
approaching the Princess who was sitting pensively in the Royal Garden
Witch: Princess Adellia are you alright?
Princess: I am very sad about my mother's passing.
Witch: Don't be sad princess, auntie is here to accompany you.
Until the next few days the princess continued to be accompanied by the evil witch until
she could smile again, the king who got the news that his daughter had improved felt very happy
and grateful, the king then told the aunt who accompanied his daughter to meet the king to thank

King: thank you for your concern for my daughter in return you can ask anything from me.
Witch: I don't mind, and thank you for your generosity O king, I don't want anything in return
from you.
King: I see that my daughter loves you very much and needs a mother's love, how about you take
my wife's place to be my daughter's mother.
Witch: Is that so, O king? If indeed the princess needs my love, I am willing to become your
wife as well as a birth mother for Princess Adellia.
King: I will arrange our marriage later.
Witch: Yes, King.
The king arranged all the preparations for his marriage to the witch and the witch was
now the queen of the kingdom, so the opportunity and the witch's initial intention to get the
throne of the kingdom and the country was getting closer.
The Witch went to her magic mirror to inform her of her success and evil plan.
Witch: Since I have become the queen, my steps to rule the kingdom are getting faster and I must
get rid of the king as soon as possible.
Mirror: That's right, Madam, that way you can rule this kingdom quickly.
Witch: Well, I'll lock up the king to facilitate my plan to finish off Princess Adellia and take
away her throne.
When King Mark was thinking about the welfare of his people without him realizing it,
the Witch who had now become Queen in the Kingdom began to order her subordinates to
confine King Mark and take him to the dungeon without the knowledge of Princess Adellia.
Then the Witch summoned her subordinates whom she trusted all this time as loyal followers
and 2 Royal guards to be assigned tasks.
Witch: Come here bodyguards, I want to give you an assignment.
Royal Guards Anggi: What task is the Queen?
Witch: I want you to spread the information to the people that the king is dead, then you take
Princess Adellia to the middle of the forest and leave her alone there, I don't want to be denied
you just follow my orders.
Royal Guards Rehan: Yes Queen, we will carry out your orders
The witch called her subordinates who had been serving her to give her a task.
Witch: Hey, you guys hurry up and do my job!
Subordinate Gilang : What's wrong, ma'am?
Witch : I want you to lock up the king in the dungeon and immediately go to the forest to make
sure if the princess has been taken there and killed by the royal guards.
Subordinate; Alright, as you command mistress.
After the Witch gave orders to the royal guards and subordinates to carry out tasks from
her, meanwhile the Guards began to meet the Princess to be invited to hunt in the forest and then
leave her.
Guardsman Rehan: Princess Adellia, do you want to come with us to hunt in the forest so that
you can know how to hunt there.
Princess Adellia: Sounds interesting I will come hunting with you guys, wait a minute I will
prepare my equipment first.
Guards Anggi: Yes, Princess, we will wait for you outside the kingdom.
Without suspicion, the princess followed the Royal Guards to hunt in the forest, at the same time
the guards were very worried because they did not want to hurt Princess Adellia.
Bodyguard Anggi: Hey Guards Rehan, what about the queen's orders, I'm very confused because
I don't want to hurt Princess Adelia.
Guards Rehan: Just like yourself, I also don't want to hurt the princess let alone leave her alone
in the forest there because there are many wild animals that might kill her.
Guards Anggi: But if we don't carry out the queen's orders we will be killed by her, we better
obey the queen's orders and leave the princess in the forest for our safety.
Guards Rehan: Well, hopefully the princess can save herself in the middle of the forest later.
While they were hunting in the middle of the forest the Princess did not realize that her
guards were no longer behind her, and she began to fear being alone in the middle of the forest
without hunting experience. At that moment a Good Fairy appeared who approached the
Good Fairy: Hey beautiful woman, why are you in the middle of the forest like this? Are you
Princess Adellia: I'm lost, I don't know where my guards are, at first we were hunting but when I
looked behind me my guards were gone and I was very confused.
Good Fairy: So there you have it, princess introduce me to the Fairy in this forest, it's getting
dark and it's not good for you to be in the middle of the forest like this follow me nearby where
the dwarves' house is.
Princess Adellia: Huh Dwarves? Are there really dwarves in the middle of this forest? Are they
evil because I'm afraid I've never met them before?
Good Fairy: Take it easy princess, they are good and diligent Dwarves, they will accompany you
to spend the night at their house.
The princess followed the good fairy to meet the Dwarves because it was getting dark and
wanted to spend the night there,
Arriving in front of the courtyard of the dwarves' house, the fairy called the dwarves to come out
of their house.
Fairy: Dwarves are you home?
Snezzy: What's wrong fairy?
Grumpy : Who is this beautiful girl, fairy?
Fairy: She is a girl who is lost in the forest and needs help.
Sleppy: Then what does that have to do with us, fairy?
Happy: Come in, pretty girl, let's chat inside.
Princess: Okay, thank you.
Dopey: So who are you? And how did you get here?
Princess: I am a princess from the kingdom of Zayaland. I was originally invited to hunt by my
two guards but somehow they left me without me realizing they were no longer behind me.
Sneezy: Then what are you here for?
Princess: I was invited by the Forest Fairy to come here and she asked me to stay here for a
while, is that okay?
Grumpy: Of course it's okay, but can you take over our duties?
Princess: Of course I can do it, what tasks should I do?
Sleepy: First you have to make breakfast for all of us, then wash our clothes and make us milk
every night before we go to bed.
Happy : oh yeah don't forget to always clean the house and the yard.
Princess: Well that's an easy task, I'll do it.
Fairy: Well if that's the case I'll take my leave to guard the forest.

On the other hand, now the kingdom of Zayaland is experiencing riots due to the
leadership of Queen Bellinda which causes misery for the people of the kingdom. Queen
Bellinda, who was monitoring the people, was approached by two of her subordinates who
brought bad news about Princess Adellia.

Subordinate Witch 1: QUEEN I BRING BAD NEWS FOR YOU!

Witch Bellinda: What bad news?
Subordinate Witch 2: The people you told to kill the princess didn't kill the princess.
Witch Bellinda: WHAT? How could they let the princess go?
Subordinate Witch 1: I don't know ma'am, all I saw was that they let go and let the princess live
in the middle of the forest.
Witch: Damn guards, hurry up and find where Adellia's daughter is and tell me immediately.
Subordinate Witch 2: Yes, Madam, we will immediately go to the forest to look for Princess
Adellia's whereabouts.
With the discovery that the princess was still alive, the witch immediately ordered her
subordinates to look for Princess Adellia in the middle of the forest, not long after the
subordinates had found the princess who was in the house of the dwarves and immediately
returned to the kingdom to report to the witch. The witch immediately planned something and
called the Royal Servant.
Witch: Hey you two come here!
Servants 1&2: What is it Queen?
Witch: Hurry up and buy me an apple at the market and stop by a shop to buy a sleeping potion.
Waiters 1 & 2: Okay Queen, we'll get it for you.
After giving orders to the servants to buy an Apple and a sleeping potion, the servants were
surprised because of what a potion was bought for and for whom.
Servant 1: Hey sis, what do you think the Queen told us to buy an apple and sleeping potion for?
Servant 2: I don't know if the Queen is up to something because I heard that the King was locked
up in the dungeon.
Servant 1: We don't need to interfere with the Kingdom now, if we refuse it will endanger
ourselves, our lives could be at stake.
Servant 2: Your words are true, hopefully the princess can return to the kingdom and take over
the kingdom as before.
The servants returned to the kingdom and gave what the queen ordered to buy an apple and a
sleeping potion.
The Witch was quick to disguise herself as an old lady selling an apple which had been poisoned
by the Witch.
Witch: "TOOOK TOOOK TOOOK," Excuse me.
Princess Adelia: Iyah nek, is there anything I can help you with?
Witch: Grandma is selling an apple, do you want to buy it?
Princess Adelia : I don't have any money, Grandma, what if I give you my goods in exchange for
your apple?
Witch: Okay, beautiful Ananda, this is a sweet apple, you must really like it because it's very
Because of Princess Adelia's innocence, she accepted the apple given by the witch who
disguised herself as an old grandmother selling apples. It wasn't long before Princess Adelia
immediately ate the apple which had been given poison by the witch and soon the princess felt
dizzy and eventually fainted.
Meanwhile, the Dwarves returned from the forest to see Princess Adelia who was lying
Grumpy: Princess Adelia, what happened to you?
Sleepy: Putrii banguun Putriii what happened?
Hapy: Quickly put Putrii on the bed and get her a glass of water.
Doc: I'll get the water, you guys take the princess to her bed.

After putting princess Adelia to bed the Dwarves quickly informed the Good Fairy of princess
Adelia's current condition.
Dopey: Princess Adelia Fainted!
The Good Fairy: How did she faint? What happened?
Dopey: We didn't know that after we left the forest she had fainted at home, and it seems that the
princess fainted as a result of eating the apple.
Good Fairy: Let's go to your house quickly, I want to see how Princess Adelia is doing.
Perii Baik and Dopey rushed back to the Dwarves' house to see Princess Adelia's condition.
Fairy: Try massaging Princess Adelia's hands and feet.
The dwarves did what the fairy said.
Grumpy: How is it fairy she never wakes up, what should we do now?
Fairy: Looks like we have to wake up the princess by bringing in the prince.
Snezzy: I'll summon the prince to his kingdom.

Snezzy went out of the forest to tell the sad news of princess Adellia, After snezzy arrived he
met the guards and the guards immediately relayed the news back.
Bodyguard 1: the prince has something to tell you.
Prince: What's up bodyguards, tell me
Bodyguard 2: Earlier there was a dwarf from the forest who came to see us and said that Princess
Adellia was fainting and did not wake up.
Guardsman 1: He also told you to come to their house to help the dwarf wake up Princess
Prince: Alright then, take me to the dwarf's place.
Guardsman 2: Yes, sir, we will take you to the dwarf's house.
The three of them went through the forest and searched for the dwarf's house.
When they arrived at the dwarf's house, the prince knocked on the dwarf's house, then one of the
dwarves came out and told the prince to come in.
Grumppy: Please come in, Prince.
Prince: Well, thank you, your bodyguards will wait outside just in case.
Bodyguard 1: Yes, prince.
They all circled around Adellia's sleeping daughter and tried to wake her up.
But to no avail, the princess was still asleep. That's why the prince proposed a great healer.
Then the prince went out to tell the bodyguard to call the healer.
Prince: Guards meet the healer in the kingdom to come here.
Bodyguard 2: Yes, sir.
The prince's bodyguards returned to the kingdom to look for a doctor who could cure and make
the poison that Princess Adellia had drunk.
Bodyguard 1: Are you a healer?
Physician: Yes, I am a doctor, what's wrong?
Bodyguard 2: We are ordered by Prince Ken to take you to a place which is very important.
Physician: Well, if that's the prince's order, I'll go with you, where are we going, guards?
Bodyguard 1: To the middle of the forest there is a house that is our destination and Prince Ken
is already there.
After the guards met the Royal Physician they then went to the destination of the Dwarf's house,
where the Physician did not know if what he had to treat was Princess Adellia who was
Physician: What's wrong with the prince calling me? (after seeing the condition of the princess
who was lying on the bed, the doctor was confused) What happened to Princess Adellia, O
Prince: I am begging for your help to treat the princess.
Physician: It looks like we have to make a potion to cure the princess.
Grumppy: What potion doctor, can I help to make the potion?
Physician: I need marijuana leaves to make the potion.
Grumppy went looking for the leaves said by the doctor around the forest, after a long search
Grumppy found the leaves and as soon as possible he returned and helped the doctor make the
The doctor and Grumppy made a potion for the princess, then gave it to the prince to drink to
Princess Adellia. After the prince drank the potion, it wasn't long before Princess Adellia
regained consciousness and was confused about what had happened to her.
Princess: Why is the prince here?
Prince: You had a prolonged fainting spell due to the apple you ate, and we're all trying to help
Princess: Thank you all for your sincere hearts in helping me through this.
Dwarf: You're welcome princess
After the realization of Princess Adellia, the prince invited the princess to return to the palace of
The princess, the prince and his two bodyguards arrived at the palace and freed the king who was
imprisoned by a witch, after the king was free they made plans to take back the kingdom from
the hands of the evil witch. They all uncovered what had happened to them and the kingdom
after the witch's hand and imprisoned the witch, then the kingdom returned to the king's hands.


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