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Orb of Life

Manual and Instructions

Welcome to the Orb of Life Attunement!

Please read this manual carefully before your attunement.

What is an Orb of Life?
An orb of life is an etheric energy ball that consists of highly concentrated, high
frequency life force energy. It is not a physical, tangible object, it is made up of pure
energy and acts like an antenna for life force and keeps on producing it.
After you have paid for your orb, I will create it and send to you remotely.
Your orb will last for a lifetime, as it will never wear out.
The orb is not a physical item but a spiritual energy that is transferred from me to you
in a similar way to other energy healing attunements.

Lets begin the Orb of Life Attunement Process

I have now sent the energy orb to you and its ready for you to receive.
Once you are ready, get yourself comfortable and prepared in whatever way you wish.
Then say the following words,
“ I (say your full name) am now ready to receive the orb of life attunement being sent
to me via chi ball by Andrea Phillips.” The Orb of Life will instantly arrive, hovering
above your crown chakra. You do not need to do anything, just relax and stay open
minded and receptive to your Orb for about 15 minutes. If, you wish you can visualize
the orb above our head. Please drink a glass of water after your attunement is

Uses for an Orb of Life:

Charge water and other items
Automatically protect you from negative energies and psychic attacks
Help you to clear blocks
Help you in healing sessions, both distance and hands on
Room clearing
Great to use in Reiki Sessions
Chakra clearing/cleaning

Giving intentions to your Orb for yourself

You do not need to give your orb any instructions as it will provide you with a steady
stream of life force energy permanently. However you can if you chose ask your orb to
perform specific instructions for you.
To give instructions to your Orb, just tell it in your own words what you want it to do,
and it will follow your intentions.
•"Orb of Life, please clear my seven chakras, one by one."
•"Orb of Life,please charge this water/pendant/other item with Life Force."Then wait
about half a minute before your charged item is ready.
•"Orb of Life, please fill this room with Life Force.”
•"Orb of Life, please clear this room of negative energy

Be creative, there are no limits to the abilities of the Orb. The energy is intelligent and
will flow following your intention.

Other Uses For Your Orb

•To create energetic protection for yourself, your kids, your pets, your home and
possessions, create an Orb and instruct it:“Orb of Life, please protect (person or
object).” Imagine the Orb hovering over or near the person or object.

•To find help for your problems, first, clearly identify the nature of your problem (it is
recommended that you avoid asking for things like money without working for it –
askfor a job instead).
Create an Orb and instruct it: “Orb of Life, please help me to find an answer to this
problem.” Try to state the problem in a few words as possible. The answer may come
at night in a dream, or through meditation, or through a coincidence like finding the
answer in a book or in a conversation with another person.

•To find help to achieve your life goals and attract success, first, make a list of your
priority goals and ambitions. Take just one of these and break it down into steps
(activities;acquiring resources; speaking to people; etc.), so that the most manageable
steps comes first. Create an Orb and instruct it: “Orb of Life, please help me to
complete the steps and achieve my goal of (say your goal).” You must now be willing
to actually follow the steps and complete them, one at a time, and along the way you
will be helped to achieve them so you finally attain your goal. Create one Orb for each
life-goal you wish to achieve.

If for any reason you do not wish to receive the energy flow from your Orb, just tell it to
stop. You can always start it again, at any time just by asking it to start.
After using the Orb for some time, you might not notice the energy of the Orb as much
as in the beginning. This is not because the Orb has lost its power, but simply because
you have become used to its energy. As a test of this, you could ask the orb to stop
sending you energy for 3-5 days and then turn it on again and notice the difference.

Using your Orb to Heal Others

When giving healing sessions to others, you can use the Orb of Life to help you.
Just tell it what you would like it to do.
•"Orb of Life, please give (say recipient's name) the life force he/she needs right now.”
•"Orb of Life, please clear (say recipient's name) seven chakras, one by one." etc. etc.
When the job is done, the Orb will return to its position above your head, unless you
have told it otherwise.
You may wish to temporarily lend out your orb to someone, this is no problem, just tell
the orb who to go to, what you want it to do and for how long, for example, “Orb of
Life, please go to (say recipient's name) and help him/her be protected for the next 3

Creating an orb for someone else

You can also create an orb for another person and send it to them.
Creating an Orb of Life to send to another person is easy to do:
Make sure you are relaxed and will not be disturbed.
1. Visualize you are surrounded by life force that is becoming stronger and stronger
and brighter and brighter. Do this for about five minutes.
2.Say to the life force-“Life force will be generated continuously and you will not fade
until I am done with this creation.”3. Imagine a large ball of light hovering in front of
4. Start filling the ball with life force by intending to do so. Visualize the ball getting
brighter and brighter in blue color. Do this for about 10 minutes until the ball is full with
light and life force.
5.Say to the ball-“Life force will now be generated continuously and you will never fade
or weaken.”
6.Say-“I ask that this Orb of Life I have created be passed to (name of recipient) when
they ask to receive it.”
IThe recipient says-“I now accept my orb of life from (your name)” and they will receive
the orb of life you have prepared.

Creating an Orb of Life for Another person who is physically present.

Use the same procedure as above, with the person sitting on a chair.
Have the person relax and stand behind him or her.
Proceed with steps 1 and 2 above.
At step 3, visualize the ball hovering over the other person’s head, and place your
hands on either side of it as though you were holding the ball, but not quite touching it.
Proceed with steps 4 and 5.
At step 6, say “I ask that this Orb of Life that I have created be passed to ( say
person’s name) when they ask to receive it.” The person should now say "I now accept
my Orb of Life from (your name).”

Thank you for allowing me to send you your orb!


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