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Everyone I’m Paul Luis Concepcion and I will be doing a movie review about Every

child is special. Our world is surrounded by people who have a very narrow mind,

judgmental and irrational. They are those people who love discriminating others

especially when they saw something indifferent. They don’t know the real

meaning of acceptance. For them to realize that their doing something bad we

need first to prove ourselves. It’s not bad, it’s better because it will let them

regret their own words. We need to have a wide understanding and be careful

with our words. We need to respect others if want to be respected in return.

The story tell us that a child is a child whoever they are they should be

accepted. Never reject them nor make them feel that they are worthless for it

brings them too much frustration that leads to depression. They should be care

and given much attention. We all have incapability but despite of it we still

have hidden talent which will reveal sooner or later by the help of those people

around us. That is why we should apply this sayings in our life don’t judge the

book by its cover, look inside and discover. Another is “no one is an island”,

we cannot live alone; we need someone by our side who will guide us, nurture

us and someone who will help us to discover things which we cannot do alone

and someone who will accept us. Now It's been an honor to be among such

accomplished individuals and to be able to present my perspective before you

all, thank you and have a great day.

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