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After doing some self-check I noticed that most of the time, I do these common daily activities that are

not essentially good for my health and physical appearance.

I can’t lie, and I don’t want to lie. Upon doing some self-check it’s obvious that I do not have a healthy
physical self.

Base on the self-check I’ve done, these common activities I do every day was not healthy at all. An
individual must eat healthy foods and do daily activities that will strengthen our physical body. We must
also take a look on how we manage our time daily so that we proportionally balance the activities that
will help our physical and mental self a healthy one. It made me realized that I should check the things I
do and what I put on my mouth every day. Because what I instilled now is what I will be reaping in the
future. But frankly speaking and to be honest, its not just me but a lot of us straggled on how to stay
healthy while enjoying the food and comfortability of life. But as we get older, we should see to it that
we must enjoy life and food responsively.

Beauty is what we see on others physical appearances. We can perceive someone’s identity just by
looking at their face. Beauty is something that everyone has.

A beautiful person is someone who is not just physically has a pleasing appearance but most especially a
beautiful person is someone who is gracefully handled him/herself in front of others and in front of
him/herself. A beautiful person is someone who encourages, empower and inspire others to embrace
the imperfectly perfect physical self they have.

I am beautiful because I accepted wholeheartedly the imperfectly perfect I am.

I am beautiful because I appreciate, value and respect the people around me.



Gaspingly breathing…

Tired in life. Tired of what would be my life.

I am physically, emotionally, morally and spiritually tired of everything inside, but when you look at me
in person, I am lively and full of happiness. A type of person you’ll never imagine that life is cruel to me.

Growing up, living peacefully with a type of family everyone dreamed of, I can say that the childhood
experiences and memories I have with them was the backbone of who I am today. Among with my sister
and brother, both of my parents built this kind of expectation in me that I should be the best, I should be
on top, I should be the smartest, in short, I felt that they wanted me to be perfect in the eyes of
everyone, a daughter they can show off. So then, I push myself and prove to them that I can what they
expect me to be. I can’t be lousy and witless. Thus, I always make sure and push myself to learn new
things every now and then.
I instill this kind of expectation wherever I go. When I was working, I see to it that whatever demands my
job as a loan officer needed in me, I will make sure that it will be more on what they expect me in
return. While I was on my work, I receive a news that for sure if everyone will hear will break them into
pieces, but I shockingly observed myself that this news was just ordinary in me. I didn’t cry. I didn’t share
it with friends whom I trusted the most. I just don’t have the energy and time to dwell and think of what
my family would be now that it’s broken. Everyone around me sees me as a tough and full of happiness,
so I always see to it that whatever problem or circumstances universe throw at me, I will see to it that I’ll
be standing firmly.

Having someone, my person, whom I can share with the ugly and beautiful paces of my life turns me to
the real person I am today. I appreciate my lacking in some things, my weaknesses and what I can’t be. I
just appreciate and embrace what I can offer. Being surrounded with this kind of person allows me to be
just me, whom can accept that I am just nothing, that even if I can’t be the best, I will be his most
valuable person he can have.

Socrates once said, “The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing”, maybe it’s not just me but
all of us who’s constantly finding who we really are. Even Socrates questioned moral knowledge maybe
we just have to fill in and be take away on the continuous changing environment we have.

Real self

I am truer to myself. Pretending to be tough and perfect is not my thing. I do love myself, the real self I
have now than the other which is the false self. I surround myself with the people that will help me to
grow and embrace my real self.

False self

Living with a lot of expectations and pressure. Pretending to be okay and tough. Being false to self turns
me to be heartless sometimes.

Being able to be real in myself has a lot of work to do and people to engage with. It is a long journey but
the sweetest journey I’ve ever had because it leads me to who I really am today. While living with false
self, just turns me and constantly allowing me to hurt myself whenever I failed.

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