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“Operations management Overlook after Graduation: Self Re-engineering Towards Success”

Those who have the ability to continuously reinvent themselves are the ones who have the most success in life.
You were not made to remain stationary. Your feet and eyes are pointed forward to allow you to continue traveling
in that direction. It reminds me that every step of the way even if you fail or succeed you have to move forward and
keep going no matter how hard it is, Since the world is changing so quickly, you must adapt as well in order to stay
relevant. You are a powerful being with the ability to accomplish anything you set your mind to.

I also remember the topic that sir Francis told to us “what to look in a company to apply for” after graduation
Opportunities for learning are crucial in any role, but they are particularly critical in the early phases of a person's
career. Finding a full-time job or internship that enables you to study as much as possible is therefore essential to
the advancement of your career. A strong company should provide you with opportunity to learn about the sector as
well as internal progression prospects. This is particularly crucial for internships and entry-level positions since the
chance to advance and gain a full-time position can motivate you to demonstrate your dedication to the team and
learn as much as you can. The one exception to this rule is if your goal is to obtain experience for a year or two prior
to attending graduate school rather than seeking a long-term position.

Another thing that makes impact to me is that he tackles the work place behavior that is also important having a
job, working together and showing respect for one another is what it means to be a team. The variety of personal
behavior patterns that exist in the workplace might make collaborative efforts difficult. However, you can develop
your managerial abilities and support your team's successful collaboration by being more knowledgeable about
various workplace behavior patterns. Base on his experience as an employee if you are that are not only competent
and well-trained, but also occupy roles that complement their abilities and limitations, are essential to a successful
firm. Every role has specific requirements, and employees may interact with their work more readily and
productively when the correct people are assigned to positions where their work behaviors are advantageous.
Employers can determine the kinds of people to hire for specialized roles by evaluating work behaviors.

Therefore, achieving success is a result of who you become rather than something you seek. You must constantly
reinvent yourself and improving daily if you want to have long-term success, and always remember that our time
change many things, always adapt and be knowledgeable for you to succeed and always remember to never stop
learning for you to grow and be a better person.

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