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MINI SOCA PT PAL 2020/2021

1. Mahasiswa mengerjakan dalam kelompok kecil (3-4 orang) dalam 1 PBL

2. Mahasiswa diminta untuk membuat presentasi mengenasi scenario kasus yang kalian
dapatkan pada slide powerpoint (ppt) selama 15-20 menit
3. Mahasiswa tidak diperkenankan mengambil gambar dari textbook, internet, jurnal, atau
website apapun. Jika diperlukan gambar, mahasiswa diharapkan untuk menggambarnya
menggunakan fitur Pen, shape, smartArt, graphic pada powerpoint
4. Mahasiswa tidak diperkenankan untuk meng-copy atau plagiat kalimat/paragraf dari
textbook, internet, jurnal, atau website apapun.
5. Presentasi akan dilaksanakan pada pert.27 : PAL 1. Kuliah Histologi Sistem
Urinarius 2 – Tan Fei Fan dari pukul 13.30-16.20
6. Setiap kelompok kecil hanya memilih 1 skenario (Note: Dalam 1 PBL wajib meliputi
2 skenario yang ada)
7. Jika ada pertanyaan, silakan menghubungi PT PAL masing-masing
Scenario 1

Alice, 13 years old, drinks water frequently, so she doesn’t get dehydrated. She assessed her
hydration state by looking at the urine color chart. Pale yellow urine means well hydrated,
while dark yellow urine means dehydrated.


Elaborate and analyze all the information on this case systematically. Please explain the
problems that arise in the case, then answer the question below.


Anatomy : Explain the anatomy of kidney!

Histology : Explain the histological feature of kidney!

Physiology : Explain Starling equation in the kidneys!

Biochemistry : Explain the hormones that act on the kidney!

Scenario 2

Alex, 22 year old bodybuilder, had noticed that his urine was getting less and darker. He had
no dysuria and fever. His father said it was normal because he did not drink much. After
drinking plenty of water, he realized that he had more urine while urinating and found that his
urine was no longer dark.


Elaborate and analyze all the information on this case systematically. Please explain the
problems that arise in the case, then answer the question below.


Anatomy : Explain the anatomy of the lower urinary tract!

Histology : Explain the histological feature of the lower urinary tract!

Physiology : Explain the clearance method for quantifying kidney function!

Biochemistry : Explain acid-base regulation caused by the kidney!

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