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By: Luis Katigbak

Our knowledge of ourselves and the world around us is shaped by the experiences,

feelings, and moments that make up life's incredible journey. We eventually learn to understand

the fundamental substance of life and its innate purpose as we travel along this complicated

journey. This insight comes from reflection, self-awareness, and a growing intimacy with the

complex web of reality.

Realization of life comes, first and foremost, with an acceptance of its transience. Every

facet of life is ephemeral, dynamic, and changing. Impermanence serves as a reminder to

treasure the present, appreciate the beauty in each fleeting moment, and recognize the fragility

of our existence. It occurs in everything from the cyclical nature of the seasons to the phases of

our own lives. The realization of life's transience serves as our inspiration to making the most of

the time we have given us a sense of urgency to go after our goals, look after our relationships,

and make a positive difference in the world.

Luis Katigbak's "Passengers" is a masterfully written short story that explores the

nuances of life dynamics, nostalgia, and time passing. A passenger and the significance of a set

of travelling are at the heart of this story. "You liked bus rides; I remember that much" is a

reflective and introspective piece of writing that explores the significance of bus rides in the

context of a past relationship. The author begins by expressing their initial disbelief at their

partner's preference for buses over taxis, attributing it to their sheltered upbringing. However, as

the narrative unfolds, the author realizes the charm and unique experiences that bus rides offer.
The narrative delves into various aspects of bus rides, contrasting them with the

perceived advantages of taking taxis. The author acknowledges that buses lack the privacy and

comfort of taxis but acknowledges their distinctiveness. The crowdedness, the interactions with

fellow passengers, and the urban landscapes viewed from the bus window become catalysts for

conversations and memorable moments between the couple.

The author contemplates the significance of memories and ponders why certain

memories persist while others fade away. They suggest that people tend to remember things

that are easier to think about or explain, avoiding memories that may cause emotional pain.

However, recalling the shared experiences on bus rides brings joy and pleasure without the

accompanying sting.

Throughout the narrative, the author reminisces about specific moments and

conversations that occurred during bus rides. These recollections serve as snapshots of their

relationship and evoke a sense of nostalgia. The author's daydreams about an easier future

together provide an escape from the challenges they face in their current circumstances.

As the story progresses, the author reveals their current life situation, including their job

and frequent travels. They express detachment from their work, describing it as a means to an

end rather than a fulfilling endeavor. The airports and plane rides become a source of solace,

allowing them to be passengers once again and relinquish control.

The writing takes a philosophical turn as the author contemplates the existence of

multiple universes and the infinite possibilities they hold. They ponder the idea that in some

alternate reality, their daydreams about their relationship may have come true. This reflection

underscores the bittersweet nature of their past and the uncertainty of what could have been.

In the closing paragraphs, the author imagines a serendipitous encounter with their

former partner on a plane to Singapore, allowing them to share their latest daydream and find
solace in each other's presence. The imagery of a never-ending road and the couple holding

hands symbolize their desire for a lasting connection despite the uncertainties of life.

"You liked bus rides; I remember that much" is a poignant and contemplative piece that

explores the significance of seemingly ordinary experiences within a relationship. It captures the

essence of nostalgia, the longing for what could have been, and the fleeting nature of human

connections. Through introspection and reflection, the author offers a glimpse into the

complexities of love, memory, and the inherent uncertainties of life's journey.

Overall, "Passengers" is a poignant and introspective story that showcases Katigbak's

ability to evoke nostalgia and reflect on the complexities of one's life. Through his eloquent

prose, he offers readers a glimpse into the power of traditions, the fleeting nature of time, and

the eternal bonds that shape our identities. Despite its brevity, the story leaves a lasting

impression, leaving readers with a sense of introspection and a deeper appreciation for the

profound impact of realizations in life.

Christian Kyle S. Beltran


Blue Scholar

President NUFV-ICE:SC

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