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However, there are also a number of contradictory findings. For instance, while Potenza et al.

found that pathological gambling and major depression shared 34% of their genetic variance, Blanco
et al. [19] found a much weaker relationship between the two disorders. However, these
contradictory results might be explained by sample selection and differences in diagnostic criteria,
bringing the authors to the assumption that the shared genetic variance between the two disorders
may increase with the severity of gambling problems [19].

Further empirical examination of shared genetic factors of pathological gambling and comorbid
disorders (e.g., depression) thus may help in identifying the common etiological factors. In this
regard, focusing on the severity of gambling problems would be especially useful, as it would further
the understanding of the possible differences in the background of the initiation, development, and
maintenance of gambling problems. Examination of adolescent samples may also be useful in this


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van átfedés más betegségekkel is

korábbi cikkhez hasonlóan

The compared results of the twin studies shows that DG is a complex part of the behavior addictions.
Just like the findings of the earlier review by Gyollai et al. (2014), this review highlights the
importance of genetic factors in the development and maintenance of DG by twins. Although some
research shows that only environmental influences are important, not genetics (Slutske et al., 2014b,
Slutske et al. 2018). These outcomes and the changes in the availability of gambling shows that more
research is needed so we can understand this complex phenomenon more deeply. This review also
paid attention to the comorbid mental disorders and addictions, which also pointed out the
importance of genetic factors e. g. Vitaro et al. (2014) highlights that 22% of genetic variance
influenced both gambling and substance use.

22% of the genetic variance of gambling involvement was explained by genetic factors that also
influenced substance use

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