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Instructor: Ms.


Bar charts only compare numbers (NO CHANGE OVER TIME)

→ We have to compare items

Souce: ielts-simon
Số lượng nhiều hơn

More males than females chose the TV.

More + S1 + than + S2 …
Số lượng ít hơn

Fewer males than females chose the radio.

Fewer/ Less + S1 + than + S2 …

Not as many males as females chose the radio.

Not as many + S1 + as + S2 …
Số lượng (gần) bằng nhau

Almost as many females as males chose the tablet.

(Almost) as many + S1+ as + S2 …


1. Introduction (paraphrase the question)

2. Overview (differences - similarities)

3. Details (grouping)

4. Details (grouping)
Introduction + Overview

The bar chart illustrates how many

children, divided by gender, played
six different kinds of sports (tennis,
badminton, cycling, swimming,
football, and hockey) in a town in
England in 2012.

Overall, football was the most popular sport for boys, while the majority of girls
preferred swimming. The sport with the most significant difference between two
genders was football. In addition, both males and females least preferred playing
Paragraph 3

In 2012, while 60 boys played football,

the figure for girls was considerably
lower (around 20). In terms of tennis,
the number of boys played that sport
was 50 in comparison with well under
40 for girls. Similarly, more boys cycled
than girls, with figures being
approximately 35 and 20, respectively.
With regards to hockey, the difference
between two sexes was minimal, with
only about 5 more boys playing that
sport than girls.
Paragraph 4

On the other hands, more girls took

part in the two remaining sports
which both showed a difference of
about 10 between two genders.
Fewer girls preferred playing
badminton than swimming, with only
40 girls playing this sport compared
to 50 girls for swimming.

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