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Course code Course title Category L P Pr Credits

Introduction to Gem and Jewellery Industry Major core 0 0 4 4

Course learning outcomes:

CLO1 Equip students with gemological skills for identifying and grading various gemstones.

CLO2 Master fundamental techniques of jewelry design and hands-on production skills.

Develop advanced proficiency in jewelry production with diverse materials.


CLO4 Train in retail operations and customer service within jewelry stores.

CLO5 Provide knowledge in inventory management, merchandising, and store management.

Weeks 1: Practical Gemology

Lab Sessions: Identifying and grading various gemstones using tools and techniques.

Field Trips: Visits to gem mines or wholesalers (if feasible).

Practical Assessment: Gem identification test.

Weeks 2: Jewelry Design and Production

Workshops: Basic techniques in jewelry design - sketching and modeling.

Production Unit Experience: Hands-on experience with jewelry making tools and processes.

Practical Project: Design and create a simple piece of jewelry.

Weeks 3: Advanced Jewelry Production Techniques

Production Unit Tasks: Working with different materials and advanced tools.

Group Project: Collaborative creation of a jewelry collection.

Assessment: Evaluation of created pieces for quality and design.


Weeks 4: Retail Operations and Customer Service

In-Store Training: Rotating through different roles in jewelry stores.

Customer Interaction: Real-world practice in customer engagement and sales.

Practical Assessment: Conducting a sales transaction and customer service scenario.

Weeks 5: Business Operations in Jewelry Industry

Workshops: Inventory management, merchandising, and store management.

Group Project: Developing a business plan for a hypothetical jewelry store.

Final Assessment: Presentation of business plans and store management strategies.

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