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Abdul Latif Adam


Fossil fuels: Coal, crude oil, and natural gas are all considered fossil fuels because they
were formed from the fossilized, buried remains of plants and animals that lived millions
of years ago. Because of their origins, fossil fuels have a high carbon content.
Oil, gas, and other fossil fuels come with grave consequences for our future and health.
Digging these fuels out of the ground turns people’s backyards and treasured wild places
into industrial zones, and burning them causes climate change as well as contributes to
asthma, heart disease, and cancer.
There are so many consequences we bear mining and using fossil fuels. One of this is,
land degradation.

Digging up, processing, and moving underground oil, gas, and coal deposits take a
humongous toll on our ecosystem, green housing and landscape. The fossil fuel industry
leases vast stretches of land for infrastructure such as wells, pipelines, access roads, as
well as facilities for processing, waste storage, and waste disposal. In the case of strip
mining, including mountain tops and forests—are scraped and blasted away to expose
underground coal or oil. Even after operations cease, the nutrient-leached land will never
return to what it once was.

Suncor Mine and tailings ponds near Fort McMurray, Alberta, Canada
Land degradation, air pollution and other harmful effects of fossil fuels can be prevented
by using renewable sources of energy. Renewable energy such as solar energy is the most
cleanest and abundant source of renewable energy which has NO or less effects on the
ecosystem, environment or our lives.
Solar energy traps radiant energy from the sun and converts it into electrical and thermal
energy which can be used over and over without running out.
Land degradation was something that I really had not considered but is a very serious
subject given the world’s need for food supplies. Land degradation can easily be seen in
the coal regions where strip mines are left open forever. The government has begun
trying to reclaim some of those strip mines but they have a long way to go.

I like your choice Abdul. Very good paper.


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