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For all purpose

Why a simple secularization

issue causes the struggle of our
heroes to fight for equity and
nationalist aspirations and

For Presenration
Full Name 2022 Feb 26

Secularization is a cultural transition in which

religious values are gradually replaced with
nonreligious values. In the process, religious
figureheads such as church leaders lose their
authority and influence over society.

Two kinds of priests served the Catholic Church in the
Philippines. These were the regulars and the seculars.
Regular priests belonged to religious orders. Their main
task was to spread Christianity. Examples were the
Franciscans, Recollects, Dominicans, and Augustinians.
Secular priests did not belong to any religious order.
They were trained specifically to run the parishes and
were under the supervision of the bishops.
Conflict began when the bishops insisted on visiting the
parishes that were being run by regular priests. It was
their duty, they argued to check on the administration of
these parishes. But the regular priests refused these
visits, saying that they were not under the bishop's
jurisdiction. They threatened to abandon their parishes if
the bishops persisted.

The regulars resented the move because they
considered the Filipinos unfit for the priesthood Among
other reasons they cited the Filipinos brown skin, lack of
education, and inadequate experience

The issue soon took on a racial slant. The Spaniards

were clearly favouring their own regular priest over
Filipino priests.
Equity: This refers to fairness and justice. In the
context of secularization, it could refer to the
struggle to ensure that all individuals,
regardless of their religious beliefs, are treated
fairly and have equal opportunities.

Nationalist aspirations and representations: This refers to the
desire for a nation to be self-governing and to have its unique
culture and identity represented. In the context of
secularization, this could involve a struggle to maintain
cultural traditions and values in the face of changing societal
norms. So, a simple secularization issue can cause our heroes
to struggle because it involves challenging deeply held
beliefs and traditions, fighting for fairness and justice and
striving to maintain cultural traditions and values This struggle
can be particularly intense if the heroes are part of a minority
group or if their beliefs and values are not widely accepted or
understood. 2

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