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Chapter 1: IS in Global Business

*Digital Firm:
+ significant Business relationship ..
+ core business in digital network
+ Key corporate assets are managed digitally
● 6 strategic business objectives of IS:
+ Operational excellence
+ New product, services
+ Customer and supplier intimacy
+ Improved Decision Making
+ Competitive Advantage
+ Survival
● What is IS?
+ Input
+ Process
+ Output
+ Feedback
Data (raw) —-----> processing —--> information (output)
● Level of a firm:
+ Senior mana: CEO, CFO
+ Middle mana: scientist, knowledge workers
+ Operation mana: workers
● Business function:
– Sales and marketing
– Human resources
– Finance and accounting
– Manufacturing and production

CHAPTER 2: Global E-business & Collaboration

E-business: Environment/ Electronic/ thương mại điện tử/ internet: kinh doanh trên nền tảng
xã hội
E-business: kinh doanh trên nền tảng internet
E-Commerce: hoạt động mua và bán trên không gian mạng internet
E-government: dịch vụ & thủ tục hành chính trên internet

● What are business processes?

+ Flow of material information (quy trình của thông tin)
+ logically related set of task (Luồn thông tin được sắp xếp hợp lý và xử lí hợp
+ Tie to function area, cross-function
● Collaboration?
+ short or long term (hợp tác lâu dài hoặc ngắn hạn)
+ informal + formal (hợp tác chính thống or không chính thống)
● What is social business? : use of social networking to engage employees,
customers, suppliers
● Business benefits:
+ Productivity: share knowledge and resolving problem
+ Quality: Faster resolution of quality issues
+ Innovation: More ideas for products and services
+ Customer service: Complaints handled more rapidly
+ Financial performance: Generated by improvements in factors above
● Time/space matrix: 4 TH
+ Cùng thời gian khác địa điểm
+ Cùng thời gian cùng địa điểm
+ Cùng địa điểm khác thời gian
+ Khác thời gian, khác địa điểm


● The relationship between IS and organizations? → ▪ Structure ▪ Business processes ▪

Politics ▪ Culture ▪ Environment ▪ Management decisions
● What is an organization? (slide 8)
+ Technical definition?
+ Behavioral definition?
● What is the impact of IS as an organization?
+ Economics (slide 21) (đọc kĩ)
+ Transaction Cost Theory (slide 22)
+ Agency theory (slide 23)
● Resistance to change? (slide 26) → 4 factors
– Nature of the innovation
– Structure of organization
– Culture of organization
– Tasks affected by innovation
● Porter’s Competitive forces model?
● The business value chain model?
● Network - based strategies:
+ Network economics (slide 48)
+ Virtual company model (slide 49)
+ business ecosystem (slide 50)


● What are ethics, social issues?

● Fire moral dimensions of the information age?
+ Property rights and obligations
+ Accountability and control
+ System quality
+ Quality of life
+ Information rights and obligations

● Key technology trends: (slide 15)

+ Computer power double
+ Data storage costs rapidly decline
+ Data analysis advances
+ Networking advances (mạng viễn thông)
+ Mobile device growth impact
● Candidate Ethical Principles: (slide 24)
+ Golden Rule
+ Slippery Slope Rule
● Computer crime and abuse (slide 41)
● How to protect user privacy

Case study: FB có được xem là Ethical and Social Issues in IS

Case study nào có Apple or FB (thầy thích Apple)

Case Study: Facebook Privacy: Your Life for Sale 157

CHAPTER 5: IT Infrastructure & Emerging Technologies

● Definition of IT infrastructure?
● Components of IT infrastructure?
● Technology driver of Infrastructure Evolution (slide 17)
+ Moone’s law; Nanotechnology
● The trends of computer hardware and Computer Software? (Software → Linux
and open-source software)
● Dealing with platform and infrastructure change:
+ Cloud computing (rõ khái niệm)
+ Virtualization (...)
+ Green computing: less power
● The IT infrastructure ecosystem: component? (coi cái sơ đồ slide 27)

Database –logical view (mo sach ra ghi khai niem )
● File Organization Terms and Concepts:
+ Database file?
+ File?
+ Record?
+ Field?
+ Entity?
+ Attribute?
● Operation of relational DBMS?
+ Select?
+ Join?
+ Project?
● Capabilities of DBMS? (slide 19)
+ Dictionary
+ Querying
+ Report
● Establisting and Information Policy: (slide 43)
+ Data administration:
+ Data governance:
+ Database administration:
● Ensuring data quality: (slide 44)
+ identify and correct faulty data:
+ data quality audit:
+ data cleansing (scrubbing)


● What is a computer network?

● Components in a network? (slide 11)
– Client and server computers
– Network interfaces (N I C s)
– Connection medium
– Network operating system (N O S)
– Hubs, switches, routers
Hubs, switches khác nhau → go to direct address (Switchs có)
● Key digital networking technologies:
+ Client/server computing (15)
+ Packet switching (16)
+ TCP/IP - Connectivity: 4 layers → Application layer – Transport layer – Internet
layer – Network interface layer
● Transaction Media + Speed:
+ bps
+ hezt
+ BW
● DNS (Domain Name System):
vd: → vn là top
● Internet service and communication tools:
- E-mail
- Chatting and instant messaging
- Newsgroups
- Telnet
- File Transfer Protocol (FTP)
- World Wide Web

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