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Class 12 Mathematics | Vector Algebra | Notes
Class 12 Mathematics | Vector Algebra | Notes

Vector Algebra
Class 12 Mathematics | Vector Algebra | Notes

In this chapter we will come to know about some interesting facts of vectors
and how they are used in our day-to-day life.
Following are some examples where vectors are used.
• Motion of aeroplane is based on the concept of vectors. When the
motion of the aeroplane is considered both speed and in which direction
it flies in the sky is also taken into account.

• The landing instructions which a pilot receives from air traffic controller.
• Suppose when a ball is thrown let it be thrown with some speed (for
e.g.:-5m/s) and the direction in which it is thrown is let north-east .This
shows we are considering a vector as the ball has both speed and

• Vectors are to derive results in engineering and science. Fluid

mechanics, static, Electrical Engineering etc.
Class 12 Mathematics | Vector Algebra | Notes

• In game of cricket the bowler bowls the ball with

some speed and in some
direction and also the batsman hits the ball
with some speed and in particular direction. So
the concept of vectors is involved

• A motor can be either used for pumping water or in a car. Motors work
on the principle of torque which is a vector quantity.

• In the game of carom board the striker is hit

with some speed and in some direction.

Class 12 Mathematics | Vector Algebra | Notes

Vectors are the physical quantities which have both direction as well as
Vectors are represented by an arrow.
The point A (as shown in the figure) from where the vector AB ⃗ starts is
called its initial point.
The point B where it ends is called its terminal point.
The distance between initial and terminal points of
a vector is called the magnitude (or length) of the vector, denoted by |AB
⃗| , or |a ⃗| or |a|.
The arrow indicates the direction of the vector.

Scalar & Vector

Consider the following measures and to classify them as scalar and vectors.

Measures Scalar Vector Criteria
Class 12 Mathematics | Vector Algebra | Notes

It has only the

magnitude and
10kg no direction. So
it is a scalar

It has both the

magnitude and
21 metres as well as
north west direction.
Therefore it is a
vector quantity.

It has only the

magnitude and
300 no direction. So
it is a scalar

It has only the

magnitude and
70 Watts no direction. So
it is a scalar
Class 12 Mathematics | Vector Algebra | Notes

It has both the

magnitude and
25m/s2 as well as
Acceleration direction.
Therefore it is a
vector quantity.

It has only the

magnitude and
Distance no direction. So
it is a scalar

It has both the

magnitude and
as well as
Therefore it is a
vector quantity.

It has both the

magnitude and
as well as
Therefore it is a
vector quantity.
Class 12 Mathematics | Vector Algebra | Notes

It has only the

magnitude and
Speed no direction. So
it is a scalar

It has only the

magnitude and
Work done no direction. So
it is a scalar

It has both the

magnitude and
as well as
Therefore it is a
vector quantity.

Right handed rectangular coordinate system

Right hand thumb rule is applied to
understand the orientation conventions for vectors in three dimensions.
Suppose if we fold our 4 fingers as shown in the diagram and move from X to Y
axis then the thumb gives the direction of Z-axis.
Class 12 Mathematics | Vector Algebra | Notes

Position Vector
Consider a point P in space, having coordinates (x, y,
z) with respect to the origin O (0, 0, 0).
Then, the vector OP--> having O and P as its initial and terminal points,
respectively, is called position vector of the point P with respect to O.
The value of | OP ⃗ | = √(x) 2+(y) 2+ (z) 2.

Direction Angle & Direction Cosines

Consider a position vector OP ⃗ (or r->) of a point P(x,y, z) as shown in the
The angles α ,β and γ made by the vector r-> with the (+)ive directions of x,y
and z-axes
Class 12 Mathematics | Vector Algebra | Notes

The cosine values of these angles, i.e., cos α, cos β and cos γ are known as
direction cosines of the vector r->
They are denoted by (l, m and n). Therefore, cos α =l, cosβ=m and
cos γ= n.
Consider the right angled triangle OAP,
=> cosα=(x/r) where (r= |r->|). Similarly from right angled triangles(OBP) and
(OCP) we get cos β =(y/r) and cos γ =(z/r) .
The coordinates of the point P can also be written as (lr, mr, nr)
The lr, mr, nr are called as direction ratios of vector r ⃗. The direction ratios
are denoted as a ,b and c respectively.
In general l2+m2+n2 =1.

Problem: -
Write two different vectors having same direction.
Answer: -
Consider a ⃗= (î + ĵ + k̂) and b ⃗ = (2î + 2ĵ + 2k̂).
The direction cosines of a ⃗ are given by,
l= ((2)/ (√ (1)2+ (1)2+ (1)2)) = (2/2√3) = (1)/ (√3)
m= ((1)/ (√ (1)2+ (1)2+ (1)2)) = (1)/ (√3) and
n= ((1)/ (√ (1)2+ (1)2+ (1)2)) = (1)/ (√3)
The direction cosines of b ⃗ are given by,
l= ((2)/ (√ (1)2+ (1)2+ (1)2)) = (2/2√3) = (1)/ (√3)
m= ((2)/ (√ (1)2+ (1)2+ (1)2)) = (2/2√3) = (1)/ (√3) and
n= ((2)/ (√ (1)2+ (1)2+ (1)2)) = (2/2√3) = (1)/ (√3)
The direction cosines of a ⃗ and b ⃗ are the same. Hence, the two vectors have
the same direction.
Class 12 Mathematics | Vector Algebra | Notes

Find the direction cosines of the vector î +2ĵ + 3k̂
Let a ⃗ = î +2ĵ + 3k̂.
Therefore I a ⃗I=√ ((1)2+ (2)2+ (3)2) = √ (1+4+9) = √14.
Hence, the direction cosines of a ⃗ are (1/√14), (2/√14), (3/√14).

Types of Vectors
• Zero Vector
• Unit Vector
• Coinitial Vector
• Collinear Vector
• Equal Vectors
• Negative Vectors
• Free Vectors

Zero Vector:-
Class 12 Mathematics | Vector Algebra | Notes

A vector, whose initial and terminal points coincide, is called a zero vector or
(null vector).
It is denoted by 0.
Zero vector cannot be assigned a definite direction as it has zero magnitude.
Unit Vector:-
A vector whose magnitude is unity (i.e., 1 unit) is called a unit vector.
The unit vector in the direction of a given vector a ⃗ is denoted by aˆ.
Coinitial Vectors:-
Two or more vectors having same initial point are called Coinitial vectors.

Collinear Vectors:-
Two or more vectors are said to be collinear if they are parallel to the same
line, irrespective of their magnitudes and directions.
For example: - Consider 3 vectors as shown in the figure, they all are parallel to
each other but their magnitudes are different as well as the directions. But
they are said to be collinear vectors because they are parallel to each other.
Class 12 Mathematics | Vector Algebra | Notes

Equal Vectors:-
Two vectors are said to be equal, if they have the same magnitude and
direction regardless of the positions of their initial points.
For example: - Consider 2 vectors whose magnitudes and their directions are
same irrespective of origin, then they are known as equal vectors.

Negative of a Vector:-
A vector whose magnitude is same as that of a given vector but direction is
opposite to that of it is called negative of the given vector.

Free Vectors:-
Class 12 Mathematics | Vector Algebra | Notes

Vectors that don’t change even if it is displaced in parallel direction without

changing its magnitude and direction are called free vectors.

Problem:-Represent graphically a displacement of 40 km, 30° west of south.

Answer: -
The vector OP ⃗represents the required displacement.

Addition of Vectors
Consider a scenario when a man moves from A to B and then from B to C (as
shown in the fig).
Then the net displacement made by a man from point A to point C, is given by
the vector AC ⃗and expressed as:-
AC ⃗ = AB ⃗ + BC ⃗
This is known as the triangle law of addition.
Class 12 Mathematics | Vector Algebra | Notes

Head to tail vector addition

To add two vectors, position them so that the initial point of one coincides
with the terminal of the other.
Consider two vectors a ⃗and b ⃗ and move them parallel to each other such
that tail of b ⃗ touches the head of a ⃗.
Then the resultant vector will be given as vector (a ⃗ + b ⃗).
Also AC⃗ = -CA ⃗ from equation (AC ⃗= AB ⃗+ BC ⃗).
AA ⃗= AB ⃗+BC ⃗+ CA ⃗=0. This implies when we consider the sides of the
triangle in order, it leads to zero resultant as both initial and terminal points
coincides with each other. This is shown in the figure (ii).
Constructing a vector as shown in the figure (iii) BC’⃗ and the magnitude of
BC’ ⃗ is same as BC ⃗ but the direction is opposite to the vector BC ⃗, i.e.
BC’ ⃗= - BC ⃗
By applying triangle law of addition we have, AC’ ⃗ = AB ⃗ + BC ⃗
= AB ⃗+ (-BC ⃗)
AC’ ⃗= (a ⃗ - b ⃗).
Therefore vector AC’ ⃗ is said to represent the difference of a ⃗ and b ⃗.
Class 12 Mathematics | Vector Algebra | Notes

Parallelogram law of vector addition:-

If we have two vectors (a ⃗and b ⃗) represented by the two adjacent sides of a
parallelogram in magnitude and direction, then their sum
(a ⃗ + b ⃗) is represented in magnitude and direction by the diagonal of the
parallelogram through common point.
By using parallelogram law of vector, it will be given as:-
OC ⃗ = OA ⃗ + AC ⃗(Fig)
In triangle OAC applying triangle law of addition,
OC ⃗= OA ⃗ + AC ⃗
Therefore, OC ⃗= a ⃗ + b ⃗
Again applying triangle law of addition in triangle OCB,
Class 12 Mathematics | Vector Algebra | Notes

OC ⃗= OB ⃗ + CB ⃗
OC ⃗= a ⃗ + b ⃗
Hence proved.

Problem:- Find the sum of the vectors a ⃗= (î -2 ĵ + k̂) and b ⃗= (-2î + 4 ĵ + 5k̂)
and c ⃗ = (î -6 ĵ -7 k̂).
The given vectors are a ⃗= (î -2 ĵ + k̂) and b ⃗= (-2î + 4 ĵ + 5k̂) and
c ⃗ = (î -6 ĵ -7 k̂).
Therefore (a ⃗+ b ⃗+ c ⃗) = (1-2+1) î + (-2+4-6) ĵ + (1+5-7) k̂
=0.î -4 ĵ -1 k̂.
=-4 ĵ -1 k̂.
Properties of vector addition
Commutative property: - For any two vectors a ⃗ and b ⃗ if we add
(a ⃗+ b ⃗) or (b ⃗+ a ⃗ ) ; the result will be same i.e.
(a ⃗+ b ⃗) = (b ⃗+ a ⃗).
Class 12 Mathematics | Vector Algebra | Notes

Associative property:-
For any three vectors a ⃗, b ⃗ and c ⃗ then:-
(a ⃗+ b ⃗ ) +c ⃗ = a ⃗+ (b ⃗+ c ⃗)
If we add first a ⃗and b ⃗ and then add the result to c ⃗ it will be same if we
first add (b ⃗ and c ⃗) and then adding the result the vector a ⃗.

Additive Identity:- Suppose if add 0 ⃗ to any vector a ⃗ then we will

get the vector a ⃗
(a ⃗+ 0 ⃗) = (0 ⃗ + a ⃗) = a ⃗.
Therefore 0 ⃗ is the additive identity for the vector addition.
Multiplication of a Vector by a Scalar:-
Let a ⃗ be any vector and λ be a scalar.
Multiplication of vector a ⃗ by a scalar λ is denoted as :-
Class 12 Mathematics | Vector Algebra | Notes

(λ a ⃗ ).
(λ a ⃗ ) is also a vector which has the direction same or opposite to that of
vector a ⃗.
The magnitude of vector (λ a ⃗ ) is given as :-
|λ a ⃗ | = | λ|| a ⃗ |
Geometrically can be shown as:-

Additive Inverse: -
If we add a vector a ⃗ with itself but in opposite direction then the resultant is
0 ⃗.
If λ (scalar) =-1, then (λ a ⃗) = - a ⃗, the magnitude of negative vector is same
as a ⃗ but direction is opposite to a ⃗.
The vector – a ⃗is called the negative (or additive inverse) of vector a ⃗.
It is given as a ⃗ + (–a ⃗) = (–a ⃗) + a ⃗ = 0 ⃗.
Unit Vector in a direction
Unit vector is a vector of magnitude 1.
It is denoted by a^.
Let λ(scalar) = (1/| a ⃗ |), then | λ a ⃗| =| λ|| a ⃗ |.
=> (1/| a ⃗ |) | a ⃗ | = 1.
Therefore λ a ⃗ represents the unit vector in the direction of a ⃗.
Unit vector can be written as: -a^ = (1/| a ⃗|) a ⃗.
Class 12 Mathematics | Vector Algebra | Notes

Components of a vector
Unit Vector
Consider points A(1,0,0), B(0,1,0) and C(0,0,1) on x-axis y-axis and z-axis,
|OA ⃗ |=1, | OB ⃗|=1 and | OC ⃗ |=1 this shows all the 3 vectors having the
same magnitude 1.
The vectors OA ⃗, OB ⃗and OC ⃗ are known as unit vectors along the axes OX,
OY and OZ respectively and they are denoted by î , ĵ and k̂ respectively.

Find the unit vector in the direction of the vector a ⃗ = (î + ĵ +2 k̂).
The unit vector n̂ in the direction of vector a ⃗ = (î + ĵ +2 k̂).
I a ⃗I=√ ((1)2+ (1)2+ (2)2) = √ (1+1+4) =√6.
Therefore aˆ = (a ⃗)/ (I a ⃗I)
= (î + ĵ +2 k̂)/ (√6) = (1/√6) î + (1/√6) ĵ + (2/√6) k̂
Find the unit vector in the direction of vector a+b, a ⃗ = (2î - ĵ + 2k̂) and
Class 12 Mathematics | Vector Algebra | Notes

b ⃗ = (-î + ĵ -k̂).
The given vectors are a ⃗ = (2î - ĵ + 2k̂) and b ⃗ = (-î + ĵ -k̂).
a ⃗ = (2î - ĵ + 2k̂)
b ⃗ = (-î + ĵ -k̂)
Therefore a ⃗+ b ⃗ = (2-1) î + (-1+1) ĵ + (2-1) k̂
=1 î+0 ĵ +1 k̂
= î + k̂
I a ⃗ + b ⃗ I =√ (1)2+ (1)2
Hence, the unit vector in the direction of is (a ⃗+ b ⃗) is
(a ⃗+ b ⃗)/ I a ⃗ + b ⃗ I = (î + k̂)/ (√2)
= (1/2) î + (1/√2) k̂
Position Vector:-
Consider a position vector OP ⃗ of a point P(x, y, z) as shown in the figure.
Let P1 = perpendicular from P onto the plane XOY .This
shows P1P is parallel to the z-axis.
Also from the figure we can see that the î , ĵ and k̂ are the unit vectors along x,
y and z-axes respectively.
By the definition of the coordinates of P, P1P ⃗ = OR ⃗= z k̂ .
Similarly, QP1 ⃗= OS ⃗= yĵ and OQ ⃗= x î .
Therefore OP1 ⃗ = OQ ⃗ + QP1 ⃗ = x î + yĵ and
OP ⃗= OP1 ⃗+ P1P ⃗ = x î + yĵ + z k̂
Hence the position vector of P with reference to O is given as OP ⃗ or
r ⃗ =x î +yĵ+ z k̂
Where r = position vector P.
This form of any vector is known as component form.
x, y and z are called scalar components of vector r⃗.
Class 12 Mathematics | Vector Algebra | Notes

x î + yĵ + z k̂ are called vector components of vector r ⃗ along the 3 respective

The length of any vector r⃗= x î + yĵ + z k̂ is given as | r ⃗| =√((x)2+(y)2+(z)2).

Problem: - Compute the magnitude of the following vectors: a ⃗ = î + ĵ + k̂ and b

⃗ =2 î -7 ĵ -3 k̂.
The given vectors are: a ⃗ = î + ĵ + k̂ and b ⃗ =2 î -7 ĵ -3 k̂
I a ⃗I=√ ((1)2+ (1)2+ (1)2) = √3
I b ⃗I=√ ((2)2+ (-7)2+ (-3)2)
=√ (4+49+9)
Problem: -
Write two different vectors having same magnitude.
Answer: -
Consider a ⃗ = (î -2 ĵ +3 k̂) and b ⃗ = (2 î -7 ĵ -3 k̂)
It can be observed that:
I a ⃗I=√ ((1)2) + (-2)2+ (3)2) = √1+4+9 =√14 and
I b ⃗I=√ ((2)2) + (1)2+ (-3)2) =√1+4+9=√14.
Hence, a ⃗ and b ⃗are two different vectors having the same magnitude.
The vectors are different because they have different directions.
Class 12 Mathematics | Vector Algebra | Notes

Components of a vector: Vectors Operations

Let there be two vectors given by a ⃗ = a1 î + a2 ĵ + a3 k̂ and
b ⃗ =b1 î + b2 ĵ + b3 k̂
Sum of vector a and b is given by:-
(a ⃗+ b ⃗) =( a1+ b1) î +( a2 + b2) ĵ +( a3 + b3) k̂
Difference of vector a and b is given by:-
(a ⃗- b ⃗) =( a1- b1) î +( a2 - b2) ĵ +( a3 - b3) k̂
Vectors a & b are equal if and only if a1=b1, a2=b2 and a3=b3.
Multiplication of vector by Scalar (λa ⃗)=( λ a1) î +( λ a2) ĵ + (λ a3) k̂
Distributive law
Let a ⃗and b ⃗ be any two vectors, and k and m be any scalars. Then
ka ⃗ + m a ⃗=(k+m) a ⃗
k (m a ⃗) =(km) a ⃗
k(a ⃗+ b ⃗) = k a ⃗+k b ⃗
Collinear Vectors
For any value of λ, the vector (λa) is always collinear to the vector a ⃗.
Two vectors a ⃗and b ⃗ are collinear if and only if there exists a nonzero scalar λ
such that b ⃗ = λ a ⃗
=> b1 î +b2 ĵ +b3 k̂ = λ (a1î +a2 ĵ +a3 k̂) where b ⃗ =( b1 î +b2 ĵ +b3 k̂) and
a ⃗=( a1 î +a2 ĵ +a3 k̂)
=> b1 î +b2 ĵ +b3 k̂ = (λ a1) î + (λ a2) ĵ + (λ a3) k̂
=> b1 = λ a1, b2= λ a2, b3 = λ a3
Therefore (b1 /a1) = (b2/a2) = (b3/a3) = λ
If a ⃗ = a1 î +a2 ĵ +a3 k̂, then a1, a2 and a3 are also called as direction ratios of a
Class 12 Mathematics | Vector Algebra | Notes

If l, m, n are direction cosines of a vector, then l î + m ĵ + n k̂ = (cosα) î + (cosβ)

ĵ + (cos γ) k̂ is the unit vector in the direction of that vector, where α, β and γ
are the angles which the vector makes with x, y and z axes respectively.

Show that the vectors 2 î -3 ĵ + 4 k̂ and -4 î +6 ĵ - 8 k̂ are collinear.
Let a ⃗ =2î -3 ĵ + 4k̂ and b ⃗ =-4î +6 ĵ -8k̂.
It is observed that b ⃗ =-4î +6 ĵ -8k̂ = -2(2î -3 ĵ + 4k̂) =-2 a ⃗
Therefore b ⃗ = λ a ⃗ where λ=-2
Hence, the given vectors are collinear.
Find a vector in the direction of vector 5 î - ĵ + 2k̂ which has magnitude
8 units.
Let a ⃗ = (5 î - ĵ + 2k̂)
Therefore I a ⃗ I =√ ((5)2+ (-1)2+ (2)2) = √ (25+1+4) = √ (30)
Therefore aˆ= (a ⃗)/ (I a ⃗I) = (5 î - ĵ + 2k̂)/ √ (30)
Hence, the vector in the direction of vector 5 î - ĵ + 2k̂ which has magnitude
8 units is given by,
8 aˆ= 8((5î - ĵ + 2k̂)/ √ (30)) = (40)/√ (30) î – (8)/ √ (30) ĵ + (16)/ √ (30) k̂
= 8 ((5î - ĵ + 2k̂)/ √ (30))
= (40)/√ (30) î – (8)/ √ (30) ĵ + (16)/ √ (30) k̂
Show that the vector ( î +ĵ + k̂) is equally inclined to the axes OX, OY, and OZ.
Let a ⃗ = (î +ĵ + k̂).
Class 12 Mathematics | Vector Algebra | Notes

I a ⃗I=√ ((1)2+ (1)2+ (1)2) =√3.
Therefore, the direction cosines of a ⃗are (1/√3), (1/√3), (1/√3)
Now, let α, β and γ be the angles formed by with the positive directions of
x, y, and z axes.
cos α=(1/√3), cos β =(1/√3), cos γ =(1/√3)
Hence, the given vector is equally inclined to axes OX, OY and OZ.

Vectors joining two points

Let P1(x1, y1, z1) and P2(x2, y2, z2) are initial point and terminal point
respectively, then the vector joining P1 and P2 is given by vector P1P2 ⃗.
Joining the points P1 and P2 with the origin O, and applying triangle law of
Then from triangle OP1P2(figure) :- OP1 ⃗ + P1P2 ⃗ = OP2 ⃗
The vector will be always specified as:-
(Terminal point – Initial point).
This implies P1P2 ⃗ = OP2 ⃗ - OP1 ⃗
Therefore P1P2 ⃗=( (x2 iˆ + y2 ĵ + z2 k̂) − (x1 î + y1 ĵ + z1 k̂))
=( x2 - x1) î + (y2 – y1) ĵ +( z2 - z1) k̂
The magnitude of P1P2 ⃗is given as:-
I P1P2 ⃗I= √( (x2 - x1)2+ (y2 – y1) 2+( z2 - z1) 2)
Class 12 Mathematics | Vector Algebra | Notes

Find the vector with initial point (2, 1) and terminal point (-5, 7).
AB ⃗= (-5-2) î + (7-1) ĵ
AB ⃗=-7 î +6 ĵ

Find the direction cosines of the vector joining the points A (1, 2,-3) and B (-1,-
2, 1).
The given points are A (1, 2, –3) and B (–1, –2, 1).
Therefore AB ⃗= (-1-1) î + (-2-2) ĵ + {1-(-3)} k̂
=> AB ⃗ = -2 î - 4 ĵ +4 k̂
Therefore I AB ⃗I =√ ((-2)2+ (-4)2+ (4)2)) = √ (4+16+16)
Hence, the direction cosines of AB ⃗ are (-2/6), (-4/6), (-4/6)
= (-1/3), (-2/3), (2/3).
Class 12 Mathematics | Vector Algebra | Notes

Find the unit vector in the direction of vector PQ ⃗, where P and Q are the
points (1, 2, 3) and (4, 5, 6), respectively.
The given points are P (1, 2, 3 ) and Q (4, 5, 6 ).
Therefore PQ ⃗= (4-1) î + (5-2) ĵ + (6-3) k̂
I PQ ⃗I==√ ((3)2+ (3)2+ (3)2)) = √ (9+9+9) = √27 = 3√3
Hence, the unit vector in the direction of PQ ⃗ is
(PQ ⃗)/ I PQ ⃗I = (3 î + 3 ĵ + 3 k̂)/ (3√3)
= (1/√3) î + (1/√3) ĵ + (1/√3) k̂

Show that the points A, B and C with position vectors,
a ⃗ = (3î -4ĵ -4 k̂), b ⃗ = (3î -4ĵ -4 k̂), c ⃗= (î -3ĵ -5k̂) ,respectively form the vertices
of a right angled triangle.
Class 12 Mathematics | Vector Algebra | Notes

Position vectors of points A, B, and C are respectively given as:

a ⃗ = (3î -4ĵ -4 k̂), b ⃗ = (3î -4ĵ -4 k̂), c ⃗=(î -3ĵ -5k̂)
Therefore AB ⃗ = (b ⃗ - a ⃗) = (2-3) î + (-1+4) ĵ + (1+4) k̂= (-î+3 ĵ+5 k̂)
BC ⃗ = (c ⃗ - b ⃗) = (1-2) î + (-3+1) ĵ + (-5-1) k̂ = (-î -2 ĵ-6 k̂)
CA ⃗ = (a ⃗ - c ⃗) = (3-1) î + (-4+3) ĵ + (-4+5) k̂ = (2 î - ĵ + k̂)
I AB ⃗I2 = (-1)2+ (3)2+ (5)2 = 35
I BC ⃗I2 = (-1)2+ (-2)2+ (-6)2 = 41
I CA ⃗I2 = (2)2+ (-1)2+ (1)2 = 6
Therefore I AB ⃗I2 + I CA ⃗I2 = 36 + 6 = I BC ⃗I2
Hence, ABC is a right-angled triangle.

Section Formula
Let P and Q be two points represented by the position vectors OP ⃗ and OQ->
respectively w.r.t. to origin.
Then the line segment which joins the points P and Q can be divided by the
third point R in two ways :- Internally and Externally.
Case 1:- When R divides PQ internally ,
Class 12 Mathematics | Vector Algebra | Notes

If R divides PQ ⃗ such that m (RQ ⃗ ) = n (PR ⃗),

Where m and n are positive scalar quantities.
Suppose R divides PQ ⃗ internally in the ratio m: n.
Consider triangles ORQ and OPR (from the figure):-
RQ ⃗= (OQ ⃗ - OR ⃗ ) = (b ⃗ - r ⃗) (Equation(1))
PR ⃗= ( OR ⃗ - OP ⃗ ) = (r ⃗ - a ⃗) (Equation (2))
Therefore from (1) and (2) after simplification
m(b ⃗ - r ⃗) = n (r ⃗ - a ⃗)
Or r ⃗= (mb ⃗ + n a ⃗)/(m+n) (by simplification)
Hence the position vector of the point R which divides P and Q internally in
the ratio (m:n) is given by :-
OR⃗ = (mb ⃗ + n a ⃗)/(m+n)

Case 2:-When R divides PQ externally,

Let we have 2 vectors P and R and the point R is present outside the PQ ⃗.
The PQ ⃗ is divided externally in the ratio (m: n).
Therefore (PR ⃗)/(QR ⃗) = (m/n) (equation (1))
From the figure we have :- (a ⃗+ PR ⃗) = r ⃗
=> PR ⃗= (r ⃗ - a ⃗).
Also (b ⃗ + QR ⃗) = r ⃗
=> QR ⃗ = (r ⃗ - b ⃗)
Class 12 Mathematics | Vector Algebra | Notes

From equation(1) :- (r ⃗ - a ⃗)/ (r ⃗ - b ⃗) = (m/n)

On simplification we will get r ⃗ = (m b ⃗ - n a ⃗)/(m-n)
Hence the position vector of the point R which divides P and Q externally in the
ratio (m:n) is given by :-
OR⃗ = (mb ⃗ - n a ⃗)/(m-n)

Find the position vector of a point R which divides the line joining two points P
and Q whose position vectors are (î+2 ĵ- k̂) and (-î+ ĵ+ k̂) respectively, in the
ration 2:1.
(i) Internally
(ii) Externally
The position vector of point R dividing the line segment joining two points, P
and Q in the ratio m: n is given by:
Internally: (mb ⃗+ n a ⃗)/ (m+n)
Externally:(mb ⃗- n a ⃗)/ (m-n)
Position vectors of P and Q are given as:
OP ⃗ = (î+2 ĵ- k̂) and OQ ⃗ = (-î+ ĵ+ k̂)
Class 12 Mathematics | Vector Algebra | Notes

(i) The position vector of point R which divides the line joining two points P
and Q internally in the ratio 2:1 is given by,
OR ⃗ = (2) (-î+ ĵ+ k̂) + (1(î+2 ĵ- k̂)/ (2+1)
= ((-2î+2 ĵ+ 2k̂) + (î+2 ĵ- k̂)) / (3)
= (-î + 4 ĵ + k̂)/ (4)
OR ⃗ = (-1/3) î + (4/3) ĵ + (1/3) k̂

(ii) The position vector of point R which divides the line joining two points P
and Q externally in the ratio 2:1 is given by,
OR ⃗ = (2) (-î+ ĵ+ k̂) - (1(î+2 ĵ- k̂)/ (2-1)
= (2) (-î+ ĵ+ k̂) - (1(î+2 ĵ- k̂)/ (2-1)
OR ⃗ = -3 î + 3 k̂

Find the position vector of the midpoint of the vector joining the points P (2, 3,
4) and Q (4, 1, – 2).
Class 12 Mathematics | Vector Algebra | Notes

The position vector of mid-point R of the vector joining points

P (2, 3, 4) and Q (4, 1, –2) is given by,
OR ⃗ = ((2î+3ĵ+4 k̂) + (4î +ĵ-2k̂))/ (2)
= ((2+4) î + (3+1) ĵ + (4-2) k̂)/ (2)
= (6 î + 4 ĵ + 2 k̂)/ (2)
= (3 î + 2 ĵ + k̂)

Product of Two Vectors

Considering examples:-
Suppose we have a wooden stick and in order to move the stick we will apply
some force onto it.
The stick will move this shows some work is done in moving the stick.
Work done = Force. Displacement
Where Force and Displacement both are vector quantities and the work done
is a scalar quantity.
Class 12 Mathematics | Vector Algebra | Notes

Consider the case when the wooden stick is fixed on the wall with the help of a
Again force is applied the wooden stick will start rotating.
Torque = Force X Distance
Where Force and Distance both are vector quantities and the torque is also a
vector quantity.
Whenever cross product is considered then the resultant will be a vector
Whenever dot product is considered then the resultant is a scalar quantity.
Scalar (or Dot Product) of two vectors
The scalar product of two nonzero vectors a ⃗ and b ⃗is denoted by (a ⃗. b ⃗).
It is defined as: - a ⃗. b ⃗= | a ⃗ | | b ⃗ | cos θ
Where θ = angle between a ⃗ and b ⃗, | a ⃗ | = magnitude
of a ⃗ and | b ⃗ | = magnitude of b.

Derivation with the help of example:-

Consider a log of wood and if a Force F is applied on it, the log of wood
moves. From the figure we can see that the θ is the angle between
displacement and force.
Force can be written into 2 components i.e. F cos θ
and F sin θ.
Work done = (Fx Displacement + Fy Displacement)
Where FX = Force in x direction and FY = Force in y direction.
Work done = F cos θD-> + F sin θ
Class 12 Mathematics | Vector Algebra | Notes

Where D ⃗ = displacement in x direction and displacement in y direction is 0.

Therefore Work done = F cos θ D->
=> W = |F ⃗ | | D ⃗ | cos θ

(a ⃗. b ⃗) is a real number.
Let a ⃗and b ⃗ be two nonzero vectors, then (a ⃗. b ⃗) =0 if and only if a
⃗ and b ⃗ are perpendicular to each other i.e. (a ⃗. b ⃗) =0 ó a ⃗ ⊥ b ⃗.
( θ =900 then cos 900 =0 therefore a ⃗. b ⃗ =0).
If θ =0, then (a ⃗. b ⃗) = Ia ⃗I I b ⃗

If θ = π, then (a ⃗. b ⃗) = -I a ⃗I I b ⃗
Class 12 Mathematics | Vector Algebra | Notes

Therefore (î. î = ĵ. ĵ = k̂. k̂ =1) as they are in same direction which shows they
are parallel to each other and (î. ĵ = ĵ. k̂ = k̂. î =0) as they are perpendicular to
each other.
The scalar product is commutative i.e. ( a ⃗. b ⃗) = (b ⃗. a ⃗)

Angle between Vectors: Scalar (or Dot product)

To Prove:- cos θ = (a ⃗. b ⃗)/(I a ⃗I I b ⃗I)
Or θ = cos -1(a ⃗. b ⃗)/(I a ⃗I I b ⃗I).
Consider (a ⃗. b ⃗) = Ia ⃗I I b ⃗I cos θ (equation 1)
Dividing both the sides of equation(1) by (I a ⃗I I b ⃗I) we get,
cos θ = (a ⃗. b ⃗) / (Ia ⃗I I b ⃗I)
or θ = cos -1(a ⃗. b ⃗)/ (|a ⃗ ||b ⃗ |).
Properties of scalar product
Let a ⃗and b ⃗be any two vectors and λ be any scalar. Then
(λa ⃗ ). b ⃗ = λ (a ⃗. b ⃗ ) = a ⃗ (λ. b ⃗ )
Derivation of scalar product:-
To derive :- (a ⃗. b ⃗) = (a1 b1) +( a2 b2) + (a3 b3)
Consider 2 vectors such that a ⃗ = a1 î +a2 ĵ +a3 k̂ and
b ⃗ = b1 î +b2 ĵ +b3 k̂.
(a ⃗. b ⃗) = (a1î +a2 ĵ +a3 k̂). (b1 î +b2 ĵ +b3 k̂)
=(a1. b1) (î. Î) + (a1. b2) (î. Ĵ) + (a b3) (î. k̂) +
(a2. b1) (Ĵ. Î) + (a2. b2) (Ĵ. Ĵ) + (a b3) (Ĵ. k̂) +
(a3. b1) (k̂. Î) + (a3. b2) (k̂. Ĵ) + (a b3) (k̂. k̂) equation (1)
Using (î. î = ĵ. ĵ = k̂. k̂ =1) and (î. ĵ = ĵ. k̂ = k̂. î =0) equation(1) becomes
Class 12 Mathematics | Vector Algebra | Notes

Therefore (a ⃗. b ⃗ ) = (a1 b1) + (a2 b2) + (a3 b3).

Hence proved.
Projection of a vector on a line

Suppose a vector AB ⃗ makes an angle θ with a given directed line l (say). Then
the projection of AB ⃗ on l is a vector p ⃗ (say) with magnitude | AB| cosθ, and
the direction of p ⃗ being the same (or opposite) to that of the line l, depending
upon whether cos θ is positive or negative.
The vector p ⃗ is called the projection vector and its magnitude I p ⃗ I is called
as the projection of the vector AB ⃗ on line l.
Class 12 Mathematics | Vector Algebra | Notes

Find the angle between two vectors a ⃗ and b ⃗ with magnitudes √3 and 2,
respectively having (a ⃗. b ⃗) = √6.
It is given that,
I a ⃗I =√3, I b ⃗I =2 and (a ⃗. b ⃗) = √6.
(a ⃗. b ⃗) = I a ⃗I I b ⃗I cos θ
Now we know that,
Therefore, √6 = √3 x 2 x cos θ
=> cos θ = (√6) / (√3 x 2)
=> cos θ = (1/√2)
=> θ = (π/4)
Hence, the angle between the given vectors a ⃗ and b ⃗ is (π/4).

Find the angle between the vectors (î -2 ĵ +3 k̂) and (3 î -2 ĵ + k̂)?
Class 12 Mathematics | Vector Algebra | Notes

The given vectors are a ⃗ = (î -2 ĵ +3 k̂) and b ⃗= (3 î -2 ĵ + k̂).

I a ⃗I =√ ((1)2 + (-2)2+ (3)2) = √ (1+4+9) = √14.
I b ⃗I = √ ((3)2 + (-2)2+ (1)2) = √ (9+4+1) = √14
Now (a ⃗. b ⃗) = (î -2 ĵ +3 k̂). (3 î -2 ĵ + k̂)
=1.3 + (-2) (-2) +3.1
= (3+4+3) = 10.
Also, we know that (a ⃗. b ⃗) = I a ⃗I I b ⃗I cos θ
Therefore, 10 =√14 √14 cos θ
=> cos θ = (10/14)
=> θ = cos-1 (5/7)

Find the projection of the vector î – ĵ on the vector î + ĵ.
Let a ⃗ = ( î – ĵ) and b ⃗ = ( î + ĵ)
Now, the projection of vector a ⃗ on b ⃗ is given by,
(1)/ (I b ⃗I) (a ⃗. b ⃗) = (1)/ (√1+1) ({1.1 + (-1) (1)})
= (1/√2) (1-1) =0
Hence, the projection of vector a ⃗ on b ⃗ is 0.

Find the projection of the vector (î +3 ĵ +7 k̂) on the vector (7î - ĵ +8 k̂).
Let a ⃗ = (î +3 ĵ +7 k̂) and b ⃗ = (7î - ĵ +8 k̂)
Class 12 Mathematics | Vector Algebra | Notes

Now, projection of vector a ⃗ on b ⃗ is given by,

(1)/ (I b ⃗I) (a ⃗. b ⃗) = (1)/ ((√ (7)2+ (-1)2+ (8)2) ({1(7) + 3(-1) +7(8)})
= (7-3+56)/ (√ (49+1+64)
=(60)/ √ (114).
Show that each of the given three vectors is a unit vector:
(1/7)(2î +3 ĵ +6 k̂), (1/7) (3î -6 ĵ +2 k̂), (1/7) (6î +2 ĵ -3 k̂)
Also, show that they are mutually perpendicular to each other.
Let a ⃗ = (1/7) (2î +3 ĵ +6 k̂) = (2/7) î + (3/7) ĵ + (6/7) k̂,
b ⃗ = (1/7) (3î -6 ĵ +2 k̂) = (3/7) î -(6/7) ĵ + (2/7) k̂,
c ⃗ = (1/7) (6î +2 ĵ -3 k̂) = (6/7) î -(2/7) ĵ - (3/7) k̂
I a ⃗I =√ ((2/7) 2 + (3/7) 2 + (6/7) 2) = √ (4/49) + (9/49) + (36/49) = 1
I b ⃗I =√ ((3/7) 2 + (-6/7) 2 + (2/7) 2) = √ (9/49) + (36/49) + (4/49) = 1
I c ⃗I =√ ((6/7) 2 + (2/7) 2 + (-3/7) 2) = √ (36/49) + (4/49) + (9/49) = 1.
Thus, each of the given three vectors is a unit vector.
(a ⃗. b ⃗) = (2/7) x (3/7) + (3/7) x (-6/7) + (6/7) x (2/7) = (6/49)-(18/49) + (12/49)
(b ⃗. c ⃗ ) = (3/7) x (6/7) + (-6/7) x (2/7) + (2/7) x (-3/7) = (18/49)-(12/49)-(6/49)
(c ⃗. a ⃗) = (6/7) x (2/7)+(2/7)x(3/7)+(-3/7)x(6/7) = (12/49) +(6/49)-(18/49) = 0.
Hence, the given three vectors are mutually perpendicular to each other.

Find I a ⃗I and I b ⃗I, if (a ⃗ + b ⃗). (a ⃗ - b ⃗) =8 and I a ⃗I = 8 I b ⃗I.
(a ⃗ + b ⃗). (a ⃗ - b ⃗) = 8
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=> (a ⃗. a ⃗ - a ⃗. b ⃗ + b ⃗. a ⃗ - b ⃗. b ⃗) = 8
=> I a ⃗I2 - I b ⃗I2 = 8
=> (8 I b ⃗I2) - (I b ⃗I2) = 8 using (I a ⃗I=8 I b ⃗I)
=> 64 I b ⃗I2 - I b ⃗I2 = 8
=> 63 I b ⃗I2 = 8
=> I b ⃗I2 = (8/63)
=> I b ⃗I = √ (8/63)
=> I b ⃗I = (2√2)/ (3/√7)
I a ⃗I = 8 I b ⃗I = 8 x (2√2)/ (3/√7) = (16√2) / (3/√7)

Evaluate the product (3 a ⃗ - 5 b ⃗). (2 a ⃗ + 7 b ⃗).
(3 a ⃗ - 5 b ⃗). (2 a ⃗ + 7 b ⃗)
= (3 a ⃗. 2 a ⃗ + 3 a ⃗. 7 b ⃗ - 5 b ⃗.2 a ⃗ - 5 b ⃗.7 b ⃗)
= (6 a ⃗. a ⃗+21 a ⃗. b ⃗-10 a ⃗ b ⃗-35 b ⃗. b ⃗)
=6 I a ⃗I2 + 11 a ⃗. b ⃗ - 35 I b ⃗I2
Find the magnitude of two vectors a ⃗ and b ⃗, having the
same magnitude and such that the angle between them is 60° and
their scalar product is (1/2).
Let θ be the angle between the vectors a ⃗ and b ⃗.
It is given that I a ⃗I = I b ⃗ I, (a ⃗. b ⃗) =(1/2), and θ = 60°. (1)
We know that a ⃗. b ⃗ = I a ⃗I I b ⃗ I cos θ.
Therefor (1/2) = I a ⃗I I a ⃗ I cos 60° Using (1)
=> (1/2) = I a ⃗I2 x (1/2)
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=> I a ⃗I2 = 1
=> I a ⃗I = I b ⃗I = 1
Find I x ⃗I, if for a unit vector a ⃗, (x ⃗- a ⃗) (x ⃗+ a ⃗) =12?
(x ⃗- a ⃗) (x ⃗+ a ⃗) = 12
=> (x ⃗. x ⃗ + x ⃗. a ⃗ - a ⃗. x ⃗ - a ⃗.a ⃗) = 12
=> I x ⃗I2 - I a ⃗I2 = 12
=> I x ⃗I2 – 1 = 12 (I a ⃗I = 1 as a ⃗ is a unit vector).
=> I x ⃗I2 = 13
Therefore I x ⃗I = √ (13).

If a ⃗ = 2î +2 ĵ +3 k̂, b ⃗=-î +2 ĵ +k̂ and c ⃗ = 3î +ĵ are such that a ⃗+ λ b ⃗
Is perpendicular to c ⃗, then find the value of λ.
The given vectors are a ⃗ = 2î +2 ĵ +3 k̂, b ⃗=-î +2 ĵ +k̂ and c ⃗ = 3î + ĵ
Now, a ⃗+ λ b ⃗ = (2î +2 ĵ +3 k̂) + λ (-î +2 ĵ +k̂)
= (2- λ) î + (2+2 λ) ĵ + (3+ λ) k̂
If (a ⃗+ λ b ⃗) is perpendicular to c ⃗, then
(a ⃗+ λ b ⃗). c ⃗=0.
[(2- λ) î +(2+2 λ) ĵ+(3+ λ) k̂].(3 î+ ĵ)=0
(2- λ) (3) + (2+2 λ) (1) + (3+ λ) (0) =0
=> 6- 3 λ + 2+ 2 λ =0
=>- λ+8=0
=> λ=8.
Hence, the required value of λ is 8.
Class 12 Mathematics | Vector Algebra | Notes

Show that: (I a ⃗ I b ⃗) +( I b ⃗ I a ⃗) is perpendicular to
(I a ⃗ I b ⃗) -( I b ⃗ I a ⃗), for any two nonzero vectors a ⃗ and b ⃗.
((I a ⃗ I b ⃗) + (I b ⃗ I a ⃗)). ((I a ⃗ I b ⃗) - (I b ⃗ I a ⃗))
= (I a ⃗I2 b ⃗. b ⃗) - (I a ⃗ I I b ⃗ I) (b ⃗. a ⃗) + (( I b ⃗ I I a ⃗ I a ⃗. b ⃗) – (I b ⃗I2 a ⃗. a ⃗))
= I a ⃗I2 I b ⃗I2 - I b ⃗I2 I a ⃗I2
Hence (I a ⃗ I b ⃗) +( I b ⃗ I a ⃗) and (I a ⃗ I b ⃗) -( I b ⃗ I a ⃗),
are perpendicular to each other.

If (a ⃗. a ⃗=0) and (a ⃗. b ⃗=0), then what can be concluded about the vector
b ⃗?
It is given that (a ⃗. a ⃗=0) and (a ⃗. b ⃗=0).
(a ⃗. a ⃗)=0 => I a ⃗ I2 =0 => I a ⃗ I =0
Therefore a ⃗ is a zero vector.
Hence, vector b ⃗ satisfying (a ⃗. b ⃗) can be any vector.

If the vertices A, B, C of a triangle ABC are (1, 2, 3), (–1, 0, 0), (0, 1, 2),
respectively, then find ∠ ABC. [∠ ABC is the angle between the vectors
BA ⃗ and BC ⃗]
Class 12 Mathematics | Vector Algebra | Notes

The vertices of ∆ABC are given as A (1, 2, 3), B (–1, 0, 0), and C (0, 1, 2).

Also, it is given that ∠ ABC is the angle between the vectors BA ⃗ and BC ⃗.
BA ⃗= {1-(-1)} î + (2-0) ĵ + (3-0) k̂ = 2î +2 ĵ +3 k̂
BC ⃗ = {0-(-1)} î + (1-0) ĵ + (2-0) k̂ =î + ĵ +2k̂
Therefore (BA ⃗. BC ⃗) = (2î +2 ĵ +3 k̂). (î + ĵ +2k̂)
=2x1+2x1+3x2 = 2+2+6 =10
| BA ⃗|=√ (2)2+ (2)2+ (3)2 = √4+4+9=√17
| BC ⃗|=√1+1+ (2)2 = √6.
Now, it is known that:
(BA ⃗. BC ⃗) = | BA ⃗|| BC ⃗| cos [∠ ABC]
Therefore, 10 =√17 x√6 cos [∠ ABC]
=> cos [∠ ABC] = (10)/ (√17 x√6)
=> ∠ ABC = cos-1(10/√102)
Show that the points A (1, 2, 7), B (2, 6, 3) and C (3, 10, –1) are collinear.
The given points are A (1, 2, 7), B (2, 6, 3), and C (3, 10, –1).

Therefore AB ⃗ = (2-1) î + (6-2) ĵ + (3-7) k̂ = î+ 4 ĵ -4 k̂

BC ⃗ = (3-2) î + (10-6) ĵ + (-1-3) k̂ = î+ 4 ĵ -4 k̂
Class 12 Mathematics | Vector Algebra | Notes

AC ⃗ = (3-1) î + (10-2) ĵ + (-1-7) k̂= 2î+ 8 ĵ -8 k̂

I AB ⃗I=√ ((1)2 + (4)2+ (-4)2) = √1+16+16= √33
I BC ⃗I=√ ((1)2 + (4)2+ (-4)2) = √1+16+16= √33
I AC ⃗I=√ ((2)2 + (8)2+ (8)2) =√4+64+64 =√132=2√33
Therefore I AC ⃗I = I AB ⃗I + I BC ⃗I
Hence, the given points A, B, and C are collinear.
Vector (Cross) Product
The vector product of two nonzero vectors a-> and b-> is denoted by a-> × b->.
Vector product is given as:- (a⃗× b⃗) =| a⃗ || b⃗ | sin θ nˆ
Where n ˆ = unit vector perpendicular to both a-> and b->. The value of n ˆ
is given by the right hand thumb rule.

Consider a wooden stick which is fixed in the wall with the help of a nail.
If we apply force as shown in the figure the stick will topple.
Torque produced = F ⃗x r ⃗
θ = angle between the r ⃗ and the force
The 2 components of force will be F cos θ (vertical) and F sin θ (horizontal).
Form the figure we can see as F cos θ and r ⃗ are both
in same directions so Fcos θ won’t produce any effect.
Therefore Torque =| F ⃗ || r ⃗ | sin θ.
Result of cross product of any 2 vectors is a vector.
Direction is perpendicular to both inputs (F and r).
Class 12 Mathematics | Vector Algebra | Notes

Vector Product: Right handed rectangular coordinate systems

In order to find the vector product of 2 vectors a-> and b->, then the
direction of a-> × b-> will be given by the thumb.

a-> × b-> is a vector.
Let a⃗and b⃗ be two nonzero vectors. Then a⃗ × b⃗ = 0 if and only if a⃗ and
b⃗ are parallel (or collinear) to each other, i.e., a⃗ × b⃗ = 0 ⃗ ⇔ a⃗ || b ⃗.
If θ = (π/2) then ( a-> x b->) =| a-> || b-> | nˆ.
îx î = ĵ x ĵ = k̂ x k̂ =0 and î x ĵ = k̂ , ĵ x k̂ = î and k̂ x î = ĵ

sin θ =(| a-> x b->|)/(| a->|| b->|)

It is always true that the vector product is not commutative, as
Class 12 Mathematics | Vector Algebra | Notes

( a-> x b->) = - ( b-> x a->). The magnitudes are same but the directions are

Cross Product as Area of triangle

If a-> and b-> represent the adjacent sides of a triangle then its area is given
as :-
(1/2)| a⃗ × b⃗|

By the definition of area of triangle, from the figure:

Area of triangle ABC = (1/2) AB.CD
But AB=| b->| (given) and CD=| a->| sin θ.
Thus area of triangle ABC = (1/2) | b->|| a-> | sin θ = (1/2) | a-> x b->|.
Cross Product as Area of Parallelogram
If a-> and b-> represent the sides of a parallelogram, then area is given as | a⃗ x

Area of parallelogram ABCD = DE

But AB=| b->| (given) and DE = | a->| sin θ.
Therefore Area of parallelogram ABCD = | b->|| a->| sin θ = | a-> x b->|.
Vector (Cross) Product: Distributive Property
Class 12 Mathematics | Vector Algebra | Notes

If a-> , b-> and c ⃗ are any three vectors and λ be a scalar, then:-
a⃗× (b⃗ + c ⃗) = a⃗ × b⃗ + a⃗ × c ⃗.
λ(a⃗× b⃗) = (λ a⃗) x (b⃗) = a⃗ x (λ b⃗)
Vector(Cross) Product: General Vector:-
Let a ⃗and b⃗ be two vectors and in component form they are given as:
(a1î +a2 ĵ +a3 k̂) and (b1 î +b2 ĵ +b3 k̂) respectively.
To Prove:-

Using ( a-> x b->) = (a1 î +a2 ĵ +a3 k̂) x (b1 î +b2 ĵ +b3 k̂)
= a1 b1 (î x î) + a1 b2 (î x ĵ) + a1 b3 (î x k̂) + a2 b1 (ĵ x î) + a2b2 (ĵ x ĵ)
+ a2 b3 (ĵ x k̂) + a3 b1 (k̂ x î) + a3 b2 (k̂ x ĵ) + a3 b3 (k̂ x k̂)
= a1 b2 (î x ĵ) - a1 b3 (k̂ x î) - a2 b1 (î x ĵ) + a2 b3 (ĵ x k̂) + a3 b1 (k̂ x î)
- a3 b2 (ĵ x k̂)
(Using î x î = ĵ x ĵ = k̂ x k̂ = 0 and î x k̂ = - k̂ x î, ĵ x î = - î x ĵ
and k̂ x ĵ = - ĵ x k̂)
= a1 b2 k̂ - a1 b3 ĵ - a2 b1 k̂ + a2 b3 î + a3 b1 ĵ - a3 b2 î

Problem: -
Class 12 Mathematics | Vector Algebra | Notes

Find a unit vector perpendicular to each ( a-> + b->) and ( a-> - b->),
where a-> = î +ĵ + k̂ and b->= î +2 ĵ +3 k̂?

Now | c ⃗| = √ (4+16+4) = √24 = 2√6.

Therefore, the required unit vector is (c ⃗)/ (| c ⃗|)
= (-1/√6) î + (2/ √6) ĵ – (1/√6) k̂

If a unit vector a⃗ makes an angle (π/3) with î, (π/4) with ĵ and an
acute angle θ with k̂, then find θ and hence, the components of a⃗.
Let unit vector have (a1, a2, a3) components. a⃗ = a1î + a2ĵ + a3k̂.
Since a⃗ is a unit vector, | a⃗|=1.
Also it is given that a⃗ makes angles (π/3) with î and (π/4) ĵ with, an
acute angle θ with k̂.
Then we have:
cos (π/3) = (a1/|a|)
=> (1/2) = a1 (because |a|= 1)
cos (π/4) = (a2/|a|)
Class 12 Mathematics | Vector Algebra | Notes

=> (1/√2) = a2 (because |a|= 1)

Also, cos θ = (a3/|a|)
=> a3 = cos θ
Now, |a|= 1
=> √ ((a1)2+ (a2)2+ (a3)2) =1
=> (1/2)2 + (1/√2)2 + cos 2 θ=1
=> (1/4) + (1/2) + cos 2 θ=1
=> (3/4) cos 2 θ=1
=> cos 2 θ = 1 – (3/4) (1/4)
=>cos θ = (1/2) => θ = (π/3)
Therefore a3 = cos (π/3) = (1/2)
Hence, θ = (π/3) and the components of a⃗ = ((1/2), (1/√2), (1/2))
Find the area of the triangle with vertices A (1, 1, 2), B (2, 3, 5) and
C (1, 5, 5).
The vertices of triangle ABC are given as A (1, 1, 2), B (2, 3, 5) and
C (1, 5, 5).
The adjacent sides AB ⃗and BC ⃗of ∆ABC are given as:
AB ⃗ = (2-1) î + (3-1) ĵ + (5-2) k̂= î + 2ĵ +3k̂
BC ⃗ = (1-2) î + (5-3) ĵ + (5-5) k̂ = - î + 2ĵ
Area of ∆ABC = (1/2) | AB ⃗ × BC ⃗|.
Class 12 Mathematics | Vector Algebra | Notes


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