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1. SOP

SOP stands for Standard Operating Procedure. It is a set of step-by-step instructions compiled
by an organization to help workers carry out routine operations. SOPs are designed to ensure
consistency, efficiency, and safety in work processes. They can also be used to communicate
important information and best practices to employees. SOPs are commonly used in industries
such as manufacturing, healthcare, and food service.

2. BPM

Business Process Management (BPM) is a management approach that focuses on improving

organizational performance by optimizing business processes. It involves identifying,
analyzing, modeling, and designing business processes, as well as implementing,
monitoring, and continuously improving them. BPM seeks to align processes with the strategic
goals of the organization, improve operational efficiency, reduce waste and errors, enhance
customer satisfaction, and foster innovation. It typically involves the use of specialized software
tools to automate and manage processes, as well as the involvement of multiple stakeholders
across the organization. BPM is a continuous process that requires ongoing analysis and
improvement to achieve optimal results.

3. Different

The main difference between BPM (Business Process Management) and SOP (Standard
Operating Procedure) is their scope and purpose. In summary, SOPs are detailed instructions
for carrying out specific tasks or activities, while BPM is a management approach for optimizing
business processes. SOPs are focused on individual tasks, while BPM is focused on the entire

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