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Date: 15-16.11.2023
Groups: 405, 406, 407,408,409, 311 уск.
Teacher: Kaibulla R.B.

Module Functional Stylistics and problems of Lesson length:

translation 50 minutes.
Theme of Seminar 12. The Newspaper Style in the Aspect of Translation
the lesson
Informatio Most learners are mostly female and young adults (about 21). The number of learners
n about the is about 15.
Aim of the  to provide an opportunity for Ss to gain knowledge and skills through
lesson discussion, and other interactive activities.
Resources Pictures on the topic, Internet, video, a CD player
Time Teacher’s activities Students’ activities
25 min Greeting. Attendance checking. S-S
Ss should be prepared to answer the following problematic questions: T-S
1. Describe the newspaper style, its functions, substyles, the typical features.
Illustrate examples from the lecture and seminar materials to give an extended
2. Outline lexical and grammatical features of news articles.
3. Speak on stylistic, lexical, grammatical and lingua-cultural features of
headlines of the English-language articles.
4. Comment on the techniques used for translation of advertisements.
25 min  Ss should change the following sentences into newspaper headlines. Ss T-S
must remember to follow stylistic peculiarities of this sub-style S-S
(grammar, vocabulary etc.). IW
Sentences: GW
The Russian Athlete is Winning a Prize.
Houses are Smashed by the Hurricane.
Minister is Leaving his Job.
The Policeman was killed.
The Committee Discussed the Effect of Price Control.
 In the previous seminar classes T asked Ss to analyze the article
“Vladimir Putin is now a reality TV star” by indicating the style-
forming characteristics. Ss may work in groups of 3-4 students and
translate it from the English into Kazakh language.

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