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[Name of text]
[Student’s name]
1) ⏰ Start the 10 minute timer.
2) 💻 Google: [word] pronunciation
3) 🗣 Record yourself saying the word 3 times.
4) 🗣 Insert your recording next to the word.
5) 🖉 Write the word and its translation in your Vocabulary Journal.
6) 📖 Complete the “Vocabulary Chart” box for the word. (Copy the sentence on Slide 3.)
7) Repeat for all words.

1) [word] 🗣 4) [word] 🗣 7) [word] 🗣 10) [word] 🗣

2) [word] 🗣 5) [word] 🗣 8) [word] 🗣 11) [word] 🗣

3) [word] 🗣 6) [word] 🗣 9) [word] 🗣 12) [word] 🗣

+ Sentences +
1) aptitude
I have an aptitude for languages.
2) diver
The divers swim in the ocean.
Write the word and its translation in your Vocabulary Journal.



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