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This book is a special bonus report written by relationship coach Amy North, a
renowned women’s dating expert and author of The Devotion System.

This book is included with Brad Browning’s best-selling Ex Factor Guide. It is

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Wouldn’t it be nice if you knew what was really going on inside a
man’s head? Wouldn’t it be convenient if you knew exactly what a
guy meant, or how he was really feeling? Wouldn’t that make your
love life a whole lot simpler?

In this brief bonus book, that’s the topic I’ll be covering: how to read
a man’s mind. You’ll learn how to read between the lines and
interpret the true meaning behind your ex’s words and actions.
Basically, you’re going to get a crash course in telepathy.

Let’s get started, shall we?


Beware of Overanalyzing
Even though I’m about to help you figure out what a man is thinking
based on his words or actions, I need to start by explaining why
doing this isn’t actually always a good idea.

Yes, there’s no question that you can learn a lot about what a guy is
thinking or feeling just by reading between the lines. But, even if
you’re a truly gifted mind-reader, there’s a risk you might be wrong.
And perhaps even more importantly, sometimes there is no “deeper
meaning” to be found.

For example, when a man says to you, “I just want to hang out with
my guy friends this weekend,” there’s a good chance he’s being
honest. He might just really want to spend some time drinking beer
and doing guy stuff with his buddies. But if you’re always looking
for the hidden meaning behind what he’s saying, then you’re liable
to overanalyze and make conclusions that are blatantly false.

Perhaps, for instance, you interpret your boyfriend saying “I just

want to hang out with my guy friends” to mean “I’m bored of you and
I’m going to go visit my secret lover”. If you came to that conclusion,


and you accused your man of cheating on you as a result, how do
you think he’s going to like that? He’s going to be offended and
upset, you’re going to appear incredibly insecure, and the trust in
your relationship is going to crumble. And all of that happened
because you misinterpreted his comment. See how this ‘mind
reading’ stuff can be dangerous?

Even if you chose not to accuse your boyfriend of cheating in that

situation... even if said nothing about your suspicions, and you
simply let those thoughts swirl around your head the whole
weekend… you’re not doing yourself any favors. A far better way to
handle things would be to simply take his words at face value until
you’ve got some very good reasons to believe otherwise.

My point is simple: be careful. Don’t overanalyze what your ex (or

any man) is doing or saying. Yes, sometimes you can read into a
man’s actions or words and learn something useful about how he’s
feeling or what he wants. But you shouldn’t always assume there’s a
deeper meaning to be found. Try not to become narcissistic and
look for hidden truths behind everything a man does or says. That’s
when “reading his true feelings or intentions” turns into “obsessing”,
and obsessive overanalyzing is never productive or helpful.


So, with that disclaimer out of the way, we can get into the more
interesting stuff…


What Does It Mean When…
Here are the top scenarios you’ll face when it comes to your ex.
Follow these helpful tips to read his mind and win him back.

…he posts emotional status updates?

If your ex is posting sappy Facebook statuses or “woe is me” Twitter
updates, then it’s because he’s trying to get your attention. Even
though he may not come right out and say so, this is his “subtle” way
of letting you know that he’s unhappy without you.

The truth is, even if your relationship ended poorly, this is his way of
expressing the despair he’s feeling. In this case it’s important that
you don’t sink to his level, but instead keep showing the world how
positive and upbeat you’re feeling. After all, misery may love
company, but no man wants to be with a Debbie Downer.


…he asks your mutual friends about you?

If your ex is looking for information about how you are and what
you’re up to it’s because he misses you. Think about it for a moment.
If he didn’t want anything to do with you, he’d avoid talking and
hearing about you.

Sure, your name may come up casually in conversation, especially if

you do share friends, but if he’s actively digging for dirt on what’s
going on in your life it’s because he’s wishing he was still a part of it.

If you catch wind that this is happening then use the situation to
your advantage. While you don’t want to straight up tell your friends
what to say to your ex, you can craft stories that will likely be told.
For instance, if you want him to know that you’re doing great then
tell your pals about all the wonderful and exciting things you have
been up to. If you want him to know that you’re seeing other people,
then be sure to let your friends know. This game of telephone is
bound to get to him.


…he asks if you’ve been seeing anyone?

This one is a bit trickier, but you can probably tell by his tone how
he means it. If your ex pops this question it’s usually for one of two
reasons: he either wants you to be over him, or he wants you back.

If you find yourself in this situation, it’s important to choose your

words wisely. While you may want to tell him that you have been
seeing other people, you also want to do so in a way that gives the
impression you’re seeing the best of the best. If your ex boyfriend
seems jealous when you tell him about all the dates you’ve been
going on, it’s probably because he’s not over you and isn’t ready to
see you moving on.

Then again, if you’re not comfortable telling your ex this, you can
always say that you’ve been too busy with “X,Y and Z” to go on dates.
Regardless of which option you choose, the point is to let your ex
know that you’re not sitting around waiting for him to come calling.


…he avoids you in public?

“Stacy Alert!” For those of you who have seen Wayne’s World, you’ll
know what I’m talking about: the ex girlfriend who keeps appearing
in all the same places as her old boyfriend, despite his attempts to
avoid her.

If your ex is actively avoiding you in public it’s because he doesn’t

want to talk to you. Perhaps because he’s still hurt, angry or upset,
or maybe because he doesn’t want to do the awkward “Hi, how are
you?” routine.

If you notice this happening then it’s important that you respect his
space. If you make advances or pursue him, you’ll only irritate and
annoy him further. Instead show him that you’re doing perfectly fine
without him (even if this isn’t the case) and carry on with your
everyday to-do’s.


…he calls you late at night?

If your ex is calling you late at night, it’s probably for a reason. And
not necessarily a good one...

When a man calls after hours he’s usually after something. Yes,
there’s a rare chance that he’s looking for genuine conversation, but
the more likely option is that his reason for calling is sexually

Whether he’s looking to get lucky or is drunk and spilling his heart
out, make a habit to not answer his calls past a certain time. It’ll save
you wasting your energy on a drunk dial or booty call, and not to
mention the embarrassment you’ll avoid dealing with in the

If you do answer, don’t take what he says to heart. He may be feeling

emotional in the moment and he may have something different to
say the next morning when he sobers up. Read The Ex Factor Guide
chapter on “sex with your ex” for more details on how to handle the
booty call situation.


…he blocks you on social media?

When an ex blocks or deletes you from social media sites, the sting
can come like a slap in the face. I mean, how could he just go and
remove you from his life like that? What about all your memories?

The thing is, if your ex blocks or deletes you from social media, he’s
doing it for a reason. For instance, it could be because he wants to
cut ties and remove reminders of you. Or, it could be his way of
distancing himself as he tries to get over the breakup. He may even
choose to do so to help himself avoid saying or doing anything
“stupid” in the heat of the moment.

If you notice that your ex has blocked or deleted you from social
media it’s important that you keep your cool. As much as you may
want to blast his phone with “How dare you” messages, don’t. In fact,
this could actually be a blessing in disguise.

Once your ex removes you from his life he’ll have the opportunity to
miss you. When this happens, he’ll likely try check in and see what
you’re up to. As you learned from the Ex Factor Guide, this No
Contact period can work like a charm for winning him back. It’s just


important that you put on your best and bravest face, and learn to
embrace your newfound singledom… or at least appear to.

…he returns your belongings?

This is a pretty clear sign that things are done between you, at least
for the moment. That said, depending on how long after the
breakup he does this, there’s no reason to panic or lose hope.

If, for instance, he boxes up your belongings and has them on your
porch days after the breakup, then this may be his way of coping
with the situation: an “out of sight out, of mind” approach. However,
simply removing items from a space isn’t going to make him forget
about what you shared together. If you play your cards right, you
can still wiggle your way back into his heart.

If it’s been months since the breakup and he’s returning your things,
then chances are it signals something more serious. At this point he
is probably feeling confident enough to face the music….


…he dates other women?

One of the most confusing signs a man sends is when he starts

dating other women. While it may seem as though he’s over your
relationship, that’s not always the case.

Just because your ex is seeing others it doesn’t necessarily mean

that he’s moving on. Often times, the complete opposite is true —
he’s using these dates to help him cope with the breakup. You see,
rather than sitting alone, thinking about you, he’s keeping himself
busy and distracted.

Again, in this situation it’s important that you don’t get upset or
angry with him. He has a right to go on dates, so no argument you
make is going to stand against his. Instead, be the calm, cool and
collected woman that he fell for in the first place. When he starts
comparing his new dates to you he’ll realize what he’s miss


…he tells you that he still loves you?

This is a big one. The post-breakup “I love you.”

While there are many different takes on how to interpret these three
small words, the most important thing to take into consideration is
how much time has passed since the breakup.

Allow me to explain.

If your ex tells you that he loves you just days after the breakup, it’s
probably because he’s feeling emotionally conflicted. After all, you
did just end the relationship, and for some people it’s not easy
letting go.

If, however, your ex tells you that he loves you weeks or even
months after the breakup, it’s likely that he means it. Since enough
time has passed for him to logically think things through, it’s likely
that he’s being sincere. In this case the more time that passes, the
more certain you can be that he means it.

Before I move on to my next point, I’d also like to note that it’s
completely possible for your ex to still be in love you with you but at


the same time believe that breaking up is best, most logical decision
(for whatever reason). This is good news, but don’t get overly
excited, because you need to overcome his “rationale” reasons for
the breakup before he’ll come crawling back to you.

Also keep in mind that your ex may be saying “I love you” if he’s
looking for affection in return. If you’re still trying to win him back
then you may want to be wary about returning the “I love you”
sentiment. Since men want what they can’t have, making him work
to win you over will not only keep him interested, but it’ll also give
you a better idea of what he’s really after.

…he texts you, but then ignores your response?

When your ex texts you, it can come as a shock or pleasant surprise.

That said, it can also create confusion or stir up a blur of emotions.
What’s even more frustrating then, is when your ex texts you, then
doesn’t reply to YOUR response.


As you probably know, there are a handful of reasons why your ex
would text you. Be it he misses you, loves you, loathes you, resents
you… the list goes on and on.

Whatever the reason, if your ex is texting you but ignoring your

responses it’s usually because he regrets sending the message in the
first place — after all, if he wanted to communicate with you he
would continue to do so once you wrote back. The same can be said
if he asks you to hangout then cancels your plans.

He may also be struggling internally with the breakup, one minute

believing he made the right call by breaking up with you, the next
minute worrying he’s made a mistake.

To avoid disappointment, the easiest solution is to not respond to

his message in the first place. Now, I know this can be tough,
especially if you’re looking to win him back, but by not responding
it’ll make him miss you more. When this happens, he may even up
the ante and try harder to get your attention. By letting him play this
game alone it puts the power back in your hands and eventually will
have him chasing after you.


…he talks badly about you to others?

There’s no denying how much it can hurt when an ex boyfriend talks

badly about you behind your back — you used to trust him, after all!

However, before you freak out, take a deep breath and realize that
this is his way of dealing with the breakup. Yes, it sucks that he’s
badmouthing you, but try not to take it to heart and understand that
he’s just upset or feeling resentful.

The best method to handle this situation, at least if you’re still eager
to get back together with him, is to avoid confronting him about it.
The last thing you want is to get dragged into a dramatic “he said,
she said” war of words with your ex. Stay positive and brush it off
like it doesn’t affect you at all.

At the same time, this doesn’t mean that you have to stand around
and take him trash-talking you. Instead you can send him a short but
sweet message simply saying that you wish to keep things respectful
between the two of you. Who knows, it may even spark


…he avoids eye contact with you?

Now obviously this one requires being in the same room as one
another, but if you and your ex do find yourselves in the same
vicinity then this is one to look out for.

If you notice your ex avoiding eye contact, it’s probably because he’s
trying to sidestep being bitter or hostile towards you. Instead of
approaching him or forcing his attention, leave him be. When the
time is right he’ll be willing to at least look at you.

If you do interact with him, avoiding making things awkward by

making some casual small talk and remaining happy and upbeat.

…he shares personal stories with you?

When breakups happen, one of the hardest things to get used to is

the lack of communication between you and your ex. This is
especially true if you were the type of couple that shared everything:
from what you had for breakfast to the colour of your underwear.


If your ex starts opening up to you again it can be a pretty exciting
time; especially if you’re hoping to win him back. What’s even better
is that if your ex is sharing personal stories with you, it’s because he
still needs you in his life in some manner and can’t stomach the idea
of a “cold turkey” separation from you.

If you find yourself in this situation, it’s good news, but you should
still employ the No Contact phase for 30 days first before you start
to respond regularly to his messages or calls. You want to shift the
balance of power in your favor, while also forcing your ex to
experience the shock of suddenly having you disappear completely
from his life. Avoid becoming his “emotional tampon” or falling into
the “Friend Zone”.


…he tells you that the relationship “may work
out in the future”?

Don’t hold your breath. If he wanted to be with you, he’d be with


Now, obvious this depends heavily on the kind of guy your ex is, but
for the most part, this is an easy out. Instead of being dragged along
while he moves on, realize that this probably isn’t as promising as it
may seem.

One of the most common reasons why guys tell their exes “it could
work in the future” is because they want the best of both worlds:
they want to keep her around as a potential hookup, and they also
want to be free to date other women.

If you’re looking to win him back, then it’s important that you don’t
become his friend with benefits. Or better yet, don’t become his
“friend” at all. Stick to your guns – he can either have you in a
romantic sense, or he can’t have you in his life at all. That’s a
powerful message that will make him think hard about the decision
to break up.


…he changes his appearance?

Have you ever dated someone who seemed to magically change

post-breakup? Maybe these changes were for the best, or perhaps
for the worst...

If your exchanges his appearance after your breakup, it’s likely

because he’s looking for a fresh start. Just like how some women will
change their hair or go on shopping sprees to beat the blues, men
too find contentment in changing themselves.

No matter how much your mind may try and get the best of you,
remember that your ex is changing for himself. Just because he got a
spiffy new haircut it doesn’t mean that he’s found a new lady. The
best way to handle this situation is to simply one-up him by getting
an even more impressive makeover yourself.


Final Thoughts
I hope this special bonus book has given you some useful insights
into the male psychology and how to interpret your ex boyfriend’s
words and actions.

Learning how to read a man is a useful skill in any relationship, but

it will be especially helpful as you work towards building a new
relationship with your ex boyfriend. With the tips and advice in this
book, plus all of the information in The Ex Factor Guide program,
you’ve got everything you need to win back your man and create a
happy, lasting future together.

I wish you all the best… stay strong, keep at it, and you’ll soon find
love and happiness again. I’ll be rooting for you!

Warm regards,

Amy North


About The Author
Amy North is a relationship coach
specializing in women’s dating. Her
critically acclaimed program, The
Devotion System, is the #1 guide for
women looking to find ‘The One’ and live
happily ever after in a loving, lasting
relationship. To learn more about Amy
and The Devotion System program, visit
her website.


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