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I want to share with you my experience at the Ibagué folklore festival, which I

attend and am lucky enough to enjoy every year and takes place in the city of
The weather is sunny and quite hot, normally it is not like that, from the beginning
there is an atmosphere full of emotion and cordiality.
I have also tried some unique gastronomic delights, I have tried delicious dishes
from the region, I haven't attended the Espinal festival yet, but I plan to attend one
next year. I've been planning some things to do for the upcoming June holidays. I
already visited the viewpoint of the San Bernardo neighborhood during one of the
folklore festivals. I just learned a new style of dance that I saw during the Neiva
festivities, and it was a great experience, where I was able to witness the
coronation of the queen of Bambuco.
For this year, I have made it my goal to learn the rich cultural traditions and
customs associated with these holidays.
This year I am not going to miss the live concerts in the Bullring; For me they have
always been the highlight of the holidays. I am going to organize a party with family
and friends to enjoy a night of folklore at my house and They are going to dance all
and I'm going to make my food special.
I'm going to travel to another place that celebrates folklore to experience a different
variant of these festivities.
Last year I couldn't attend any of the celebrations because I was sick. I felt very
sad for not being able to join the celebration.

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