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Gender studies in china

martes, 21 de marzo de 2023 06:22

Bai mao nü

2016: anti-democratic vioence law of the peoples republic of china


My war-chinese woman
Tiny times-chinese woman

Bloody weading dress

Jing jiao

Chinese in movies
Thelma and louise: american
The golden era (ann hui): chinese

From rhe 30 to the 80, women where isolated from the social movements and framed in family. In the socialist
china, women were part not of the family but of the nation

Women representation in 1920-1930

They were represented Inside houses, consumers of beuty products and family mothers. The modern girl then
became more independent, without family and doing their things on their own. Self identity, more active. Then
became in no more pure and beutiful girls, they were nore independent, like in western society. But they were
still orientalized (a weak and sexualized women).

They used women bodies to sell goods.

Women in chinese leftist films (31-36)

The song of the fishermen
The core of women

Little toys
Plunder of peach

The big road

“You can find a meaning in your life by contruibiting to your nation”

The goddess: in chinese myth

If you want to liberate a woman you need to liberate the isolation of women (political, economical and social
systems that ruin their life)

Even though is a leftist movie, they still used pretty women to atract the masses.
Representing the fait of women as the fait of nation.

April 20 th exam

Women in socialist films

28 de marzo
*the opium war

1949: the communist party win the war. The people’s republic of china

80% of population was iliterate. With movies is easier to understand. You need posters, movies, art, to educate
people. Servs to the propose of the socialist revolution.
Realistic representation of what is going on in society, and also we need to give cerrtain consciussness to the
people: revolutionary realism.

Before, women was dependent of the family ( patriarchy). The communist party needed that women as
socialist, liberating women from their traditionals roles. Proletarizating woman: all women must work, their
part of the working class.

Nearly 80% of population where iliterate. People didn’t went to school.

Marriage law: new ethicsl order, because if the new laws. Encourage women to get educated even if they didn’t
attended school, the idea is to get them literate and libearte from older ideologies.
In ancient china there were 4 careers: intelectual, farmer, ksjdfksdj,mcksejfksd.
Women can be representative in a comunist country. They are part of the state, the community and the
production (they were workers, peasents, cientifics, soldiers, doctors, teachers). Women in work is the synonim
of prosperous china.

Women in socialism represented a part of a new order, they were part of the work , not of family but of society.

Third sister liu: Solidarity between working class. Also love relationship through revolution. Also, the body of the
young man symbolize the power of the country.

In the 60 the women where invited to be in the cp, because at the time they were very weak and in that way
they could be more stronger.
During the cultural revolution, in movies, they show how the people was leaded by the party to make irt.
Before, they showed the people acting spontaneously.

Women movies were directed by females directors through the cultural revolution. This was before the central
governement, because after the cultural revolution the decition making become more centralized.
1966-1970: there were no movie produced.
1966-1976: jus5 about propaganda. (Cold war)
*the party don’t talk about the cultural revolution.

Cultural revolution: confucionism, western movies, traditional culture where banned.

Confucionism, that today is comming back in the way of run the state, can be very patriarchal.

Working in mountains reflects that you conqueer the mounta8n, conqueer difficulties.

Different representations of different ethnic groups in China.

After 1970-1976, there is no movie produced. Revolutionary movie theatre.

The red detachement of women (women)

After the cultural revolution, a man represented the revolution. Before, the revolution was annspontaneous

The narrative is basically the same during the novies of the cultural revolution.

Women in films in the reform time

China started their reforms to a capitalist way but in a socialist way. In 1976 the cultural revolution ended. In
1978, China started reforms and openes in economical and ideological/political reform.

- National representation
- Artist representation (reflection and enlightenment)
- Entertainment representation (imitating western movies)
Women as constructors of nation., they are happy because they’re working. The national representation of
wonen as a national constructor.

The role of woman in movies reflects the role of woman in society. For example, the change in the role of
women during the 80s reflects a change the role of women in society through that time.

The yellow earth: yellow symbolized the soil in china, a country hisrically agricultural.
Intellectuals in this movies wanted to reflect Chinese traditions. Women suffers.
The herdsman: to stay in china is to suffer.
Romance on lushan mountain: women sinbolyze something ideal.

The hit of the sun:

In movies women equal to the motherland. As image of China change, the rol of women in movies reflects that
In movies, the faith of women is united to te faith o nation.

1930-1933: womn suffered from imperialism. Exploited by imperialist.

1950-1970: ortox socialism. Women is another revolutionary
1980-1990: Women represent something differente to the Chinese ideology, because it is against the cultural
revolution. The population is repressed and wanted to explode their sexual drives, their will, their power. The
sexual desiire drives to indiviuality. In the movie the hit of the sun the hormoned teenagers represents chinese
society as a repressed boys that wants to release their sexual impulses. The idelogy, the party, represents the
repression image. The “other”: they represent something different from ideology.

Woman demon woan (1987): actress in an opera team. Actrees, in China, in a certain way means prostitute. The
acting business was in the bottom in society, so the way that an actor could survive, making money, was
through acting for rich families and prostitution.

Women and nation were separated in cinema.

Raise the red lantern: Orientialism=the way west sees Asia as erotic and exotic.
Farewell to my concubine: a critic to the cultural revolution, from the point of view of artists.

“The one”= masculine way of thinking. This idea laeds at th other idea that the other ones, are not important.
Since 2000, China prsent to itself different from the west, trying to show its culture:


In Chinese tradition, ying is more important thanyang. Femeninity is more important than power.

Peace in Chinese cinema

A new masculine China

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