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Write an assembly program for simulating the AND, OR and NOT logical operation on two user
entered number.

NI Multisim 14.0

Binary logic deals with binary variables and with operations that assume a logical is used
to describe, in algebraic or tabular form. the manipulation of processing of binary information. The
manipulation of binary information is done by logic circuits called gates. Gates are block of hardware
that produce a signal of binary1 or 0 when input logic requirements are satisfied. A variety of logic
gates are commonly used in digital computer systems. Each gate has a distinct graphic symbol and its
operation can be described by means of an algebraic expression. The input relationship of the binary
variable for each gate can be represented in tabular from by a truth table.
The And operation is symbolically represented by the dot sign. An AND gate has two or more inputs
but only one output. The output assumes the logic 1 state only when each of its inputs is at 1 state.
The output assumes logic 0 state even if one of its inputs is at logic 0 state is also called an “all or
nothing” gate. The AND gate IC numbers are -7408(quat two input positive AND gate),7409(two
input positive AND gate with open collector output),7411(triple three input positive AND
gate),7415(triple three input positive AND gate with open collector output),7421(dual four inputs
positive AND gate)
The logical symbol & truth table of two input AND gate are shown in fig.1.1 and 1.2 respectively.

0 0 0
0 1 0
1 0 0
1 1 1

Fig 6.1 AND logic gate

Fig 6.2 AND truth table
Like an AND gate, an OR gate may have two or more inputs but only one output. The output
assumes the logic 1 state, even if one of its inputs is logic 1 state. Its output assumes logic 0 state,
only when each one of its inputs is in logic 0 state. OR called an ‘any or all’ gate. It inclusive OR gate
because it includes the condition ‘both the input can be present. The IC number of OR gate is
7432(consist of 4 OR gate)
The logic symbol & truth table of two input OR gate are shown in the fig.1.3 and 1.4 respectively.
The symbol for OR operation is ‘+’. With input variable A & B the Boolean expression for output can
be written as
A B Y=A+B Fig 1.3
0 0 0 OR logic gate
0 1 1
1 0 1
1 1 1 Fig 1.4 truth table

A NOT gate is also known as an inverter, has only one input and only one output. It is a
device whose output is always the complement of its input. That is the output of NOT gate
assumes the logic 1 state when its input is in logic 0 state and assume the logic 0 state when
its input is in logic 1 state. IC number of NOT gate is -7404(consist of 6 invertes)
The logic symbol & truth table of NOT gate are shown in the fig.1.5 and 1.6 respectively.
The symbol for NOT operation is ‘-‘(bar). With input variable A the Boolean expression for
output can be written as: Y=A’

A Y=A’ Fig 1.5 NOT logic gate

0 1 fig 1.6 truth table

1 0

1. First open the NI Multisim 14.0 open the new page then go through the place source and
collect the required tools as per our need.
2. First we bought a AND gate of IC no. 7408(74ls08D), two key space, three Vcc of 5.0v, one
LED bulb and four ground as shown in the diagram.
3. Firstly we connected the Vcc 1st to the first end of key space (s1) and the off-end with the
ground. Now connect the last end of the key space to the AND gate in the position of 1A.
4. Same as 1st one the second Vcc and the second key space and the ground connected with each
other then the end of the key space will connect with the AND gate in the position of 1B.
5. Then connect the LED one end with the ground and another end with the gate in the position
of 1Y.
6. The last ground connected with the AND gate at the position of GND.
7. The last Vcc of 5.0v will be connected with the AND gate with Vcc position. Now run the
8. Same as the above procedure we will make the OR logic gate with the help of NI Multisim
14.0, only change with the OR logic gate of IC no. 7432(74ls32D).
9. Also we make the NOT gate with NOT gate of IC no. 7404(74ls04D), two Vcc of 5.0v, one
key space, one LED and three ground as shown in the diagram.
10. Now connect all the tools with each other as we do in the and gate and run the circuit.

 Here we observed the operation AND yields true (binary value 1) if and only if both of its
operands are true, that when both inputs are low and one of the inputs become low the output
should be low. If both of the inputs are high then the output or result become high.
 The OR gate operation is symbolically represented by +sign. The operation OR yields true if
either or both of its operand are true. Means when the both inputs are low it gives the low
output. But if there between two inputs, one of them is high or both of the input becomes high
it gives the high result or output.
 Here we observed that the unary operation NOT inverts the value of its operand. When the
input is low it provides a high output in the NOT logic gate, when the input is high it give a
low output or result.

AND gate
When we give the input 0(off) and 0(off) the LED was in the off position.

When we give the input 0(off) and 1(on) the LED was in the off position.

When we give the input 1(on) and 0(off) the LED was in the on position.
When we give the input 1(on) and 1(on) the LED will be in the on state.

OR gate:
When we give the input 0(off) and 0(off) the LED will be in the off position.

When we give the input 0(off) and1(on) the LED will be in the on position.
When we give the input 1(on) and 0(off) the LED will be in the on position.

When we give the input 1(on) and 1(on) the LED will be in the on position.

NOT gate
when we give the input 0(off) the LED will be in the on position.
When we give the input 1(on) the LED will be in the off position.

Here we conclude that the AND gate is a basic logic gate that implements logical conjunction (^)
from mathematical logic – AND gate behaves according to the truth table above. A high output (1)
results only if all the inputs to AND gate are high (1). If not all inputs to the AND gate are high, low
output results.
Here we conclude that the OR gate is a basic logic gate that implements logical conjunction (+) from
mathematical logic – OR gate behaves according to the truth table above. A high output (1) results
only if one of the inputs and both of output is (1) of the OR gate are high (1). If both input is low the
result becomes low (0).
The NOT gate has a logic of inverter and an inverted logic output appears at the output. A logic NOT
gate results in a logic ‘LOW’ when the input logic is ‘HIGH’ and in a logic ‘HIGH’ when input logic
is ‘LOW’. The NOT gate is also called inverter buffer or simply inverter.

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