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Grade 7

Trimester 1 – Quiz 2
English department (2023 – 2024)

Name: ______________________ Class: __________ Date: _________________

Section One: Reading Comprehension( /3M)

Grade 7
Trimester 1 – Quiz 2
English department (2023 – 2024)

A. Who wrote the newspaper report? ( /1M)


B. When did they win £275,000? Tick one. ( /1M)

1. February 2010
2. February 2002
3. February 2012
4. February 2000
C. Find and copy a word which means lucky. ( /1M)

Section Two: Literature ( /3M)

 From (Dark They Were, and Golden–Eyed):
.Identify the choice that best answers the question

Five years later a rocket fell out of the sky. It lay steaming in the valley. Men leaped out of it,
shouting. "We won the war on Earth! We're here to rescue you! Hey!" But the American- built
town of cottage, peach trees. They found a flimsy rocket frame rusting in an empty shop.

1. At the end of “Dark They Were, and Golden-Eyed,” what is the attitude of the lieutenant who has
recently arrived? ( /0.5M)
.a .He finds the environment on Mars unattractive
.b .He likes the Martians and believes they are peaceful
.c He suspects the Martians’ involvement in the disappearance of the

2. Which sentence best describes the Bittering family members at the conclusion of “Dark They Were, and
( /0.5M)
.a They are completely changed into Martians and have no memory of their past selves.
.b They are different physically but still think and act like Earth people.
.c They are eager to return to Earth now that the atomic war is over.

 From (Future of Space Exploration Could See Humans on Mars, Alien Planets):

3. As explained in Future of Space Exploration Could See Humans on Mars, Alien

Planets, who is Mae Jemison? ( /0.5M)
.a the head of the 100-Year Starship project.
Grade 7
Trimester 1 – Quiz 2
English department (2023 – 2024)
.b an astronaut training to travel in the first expedition to Mars.
.c a fundraiser trying to obtain money to fund NASA’s programs
Read each line. Then, answer the question that follows.
1. He was as nervous as a long-tailed cat in a room full of rocking chairs.
What is the author comparing with this figure of speech?
2. My bed is my magic carpet to dreamland.
What is the author trying to communicate with this figure of speech?
3. He ran the mile like a gazelle on the plains.
What is the author trying to communicate with this figure of speech?

Section Three: Grammar ( /3M)

1- On the line provided, identify each word group by writing P for phrase or NP for not a
phrase. ( /1 M)
_____________ c) has smashed
_____________ b) because you don’t ever miss track practice

2- In each of the following sentences, circle the participle that modifies the underlined noun
or pronoun. ( /1 M)
- The shouting fans encouraged the runners.
- The lines on the track, newly painted, guided the runners.

3- Underline the infinitives in the following sentences. If a sentence does not contain an
infinitive, write none after the sentence. ( /1 M)
- Robin Hood stole from the rich and gave to the poor.
- If you start the project, you must be sure to finish.

Section Four: Vocabulary And Spelling: ( /3M)

 Select the boldface word that better completes each sentence.

Grade 7
Trimester 1 – Quiz 2
English department (2023 – 2024)
1. The mad Roman emperor Caligula believed that he was a god and expected people to
(venerate, durable) him.
2. As a(n) (avowed, gingerly) supporter of woman's rights, she believes that men and
women should receive the same pay if they do the same jobs.
3. Our friendship has proved to be (enterprising, durable) because it is based on mutual
respect and honesty.
4. Although I love sports, I sometimes feel that television is becoming (frugal, glutted) with
athletic events of all kinds.
5. We are grateful for the (frugal, bountiful) legacy that our great artist and composers have
given us.
6. Self-confidence is a good quality; but if it is carried too far, it can be a (detriment, glut) to
success in life.

Section Five: Writing: ( /3M)

Everyone needs friends. What qualities make someone a good friend? How can you be a
friend for someone who needs one? Write a paragraph that explains ways to be a good

Section Six: Bonus Questions: ( /2.5M)

1. According to Future of Space Exploration Could See Humans on Mars, Alien planets the
100-Year Starship project includes artists and science fiction writers, as well as scientists
and engineers. What is the main reason for including people from the arts?
( /0.5M)
a-Artists and science fiction writers are great supporters of space travel, and they are
willing to lend their time and effort to the project.
b-The skills of artists and science fiction writers can help in the program’s aim of
increasing public enthusiasm for space exploration.
c-The program is so experimental that artists and science fiction writers understand it
better than scientists and engineers do.

2. Building a new skyscraper there will bring thousands of additional people into an area that is
already (gingerly, congested). ( /0.5M)
Grade 7
Trimester 1 – Quiz 2
English department (2023 – 2024)

3. On the line provided, write a sentence using the following infinitive phrase.
( /0.5M)
- to arrive at La Guardia Airport in New York
4. The text of explanatory writing is written in 1st person point of view.
( /0.5M)
a. True
b. False
5. Mention two features of a news article. ( /0.5M)

!Best of luck

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