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the Old Wolf


am a mountain wolf and far more cunning than the many
stupid villagers
who tremble at the mere sight of me. I have lived proud
ly at the head of my
Pack, leading a thousand raids and eating succulent,
tender morsels of human
flesh. But I am not so old I cannot face those who hate
me the most, though I
may be hunted and reviled. Now that I’m part of the Order
, I use my strength to

the Old Wolf

defend the weak hunters who are my companions, knowi
ng that with a single
bite I could end their insignificant lives.

Descriptors and Gifts I am fiercer and more powerful than any human and my fangs
can pierce even metal. No one is as ferocious as I am.

My senses are unfailing. Nothing can escape my sense of

smell and that is why the Order uses me as a guardian. I
hate the stench of rot and corruption. Scenting them is like • Dark Ego – The Big Bad Wolf: You are hardened by a
being stabbed with hot pokers. lifetime in the great mountains and your skill is matched only by your
courage. When you unleash your rage, create a Descriptor for it that
includes at least one of these words: Strong, Fierce, Unstoppable.
• Find Them Forever After: Once you catch someone’s You can employ the strength of three men, gnaw through stone as
scent, you never forget it. During a Scene, you can spend 1 Soma easily as flesh, or break down any barrier. When you act using this
to memorize the scent of a person you are interacting with. You special Descriptor, you gain 1 Additional Success. Once per Scene you
will always recognize it and it will be easy for you to follow its can unleash your rage and obtain 3 Additional Successes instead of 1.
traces even after some time. If you concentrate you can hear a
noise even at great distances. When someone approaches you,
the Storyteller will alert you long before anyone else in the Scene. Activator: You assume the form of a wolf or reveal yourself for what
Depending on the circumstances, the Storyteller may require you you really are, scaring off weak humans.
to make a Defence Check to sense specific problems.

A true predator knows how to appear as the most helpless
of lambs. I know how to disguise myself. My confidence is
boundless and I often tend to underestimate danger, ready
to risk anything for a tasty bite. A necklace of stones and wood that you
enir of the only hum an
wear around
you don’t con- soma
one paw, a souv
othe r junk that
sider food / Knick-knacks, keys, and
• Wolf Among the Lambs: Once per Scene, you may you sometimes vomit up from your large stom ach.
spend 1 Soma to assume the shape of a common human. Create
a Descriptor that represents you and includes at least one of these
words: Old, Helpless, Weak. In your human shape, you can PX
speak and act without problems, but as soon as you use The Big
Bad Wolf you will immediately lose the effect of Wolf Among
the Lambs. You receive 1 Additional Success when you use the
Descriptor you created to deceive someone and catch them off

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