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General instructions: All the content that you furnish in the project synopsis should be in

‘Times New Roman’ font and maintain a standard font size throughout the synopsis (preferred
size is 12). Make sure that you format all the contents in the synopsis, you can text align them to
left with ‘Justify’ option in the MS Word. Also check the spacing between the lines and

An ideal project synopsis should be around 10-15 pages, going beyond this will make it so
lengthy and will be difficult for the reader to go through all of them.

1. Arranging the contents: The pages should be arranged in a sequel manner to suit the
hierarchical standards. The following format is recommended to arrange the contents of the
project synopsis,
1. Introduction
2. Objective
3. Project Category
4. Tools And Platform
5. Hardware And Software Requirment
6. Data Flow Diagram
7. Future Scope
8. References

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