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Standard Recipe Format

Menu Item: Picture of Dish

Ayam Kwangchow

Outlet: Barelo

Date Formulated: 30/01/2021

No. of Menu Item = 1 portion

Items Unit Qty Cost/Unit Total Cost
ayam gr 200 37 7,400
garlic gr 5 40 200
onion gr 10 22 220
jahe gr 5 38 190
minyak goreng ml 50 16 800
kayu manis gr 0.25 135 34
sengkih gr 0.25 150 38
bunga lawang gr 0.25 150 38
biji pala gr 0.25 70 18
daun bawang gr 5 35 175
minyak wijen ml 5 50 250
hoisin sauce gr 3 168 504
plum sauce gr 3 168 503
gula pasir ml 5 12 60
Sub Cost 10,427.75
Kitchen Production + 5% 2,085.55
Total Cost 12,513.30
Cost per pax
Suggested Selling Price (W/O tax & service charge) 20,661.16
Plus selling prices from other pages
Selling Price with tax & service 25,000.00
chargeSelling Price %

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