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Title : Final revision sheet

Unit title: How in all begin ?

Statement of inquiry: Arts and crafts can be used representing the relationships
between functions and forms by using evidence
Key concept: Related concepts: Function, Evidence,
Relationships Forms

Global context and exploration : Personal and cultural expression

ATL Skills: Critical thinking / Information literacy skills / Media literacy skills

1. State what is “DNA” an abbreviation for?


2. State what is “RNA” an abbreviation for?


3. Recall the DNA holds the instructions to tell cells how to make


4.In RNA which bases always pair together?



5. Recall the location of where is mRNA made in a cell?


6. In DNA which bases always pairs together ?



7. outline how is mRNA made? State the name of the process?








8. …………… can leave the nucleus, but ………. cannot.

9. Recall what happens to mRNA after it’s made?


10. Describe the process of Translation .( meaning , place )

11.State what is a codon?

12.Explain what is an anticodon?


13 . Compare between the two terms haploid and diploid, then State where they are





14 .Find the number of chromosomes that is present in the body cell of mouse , if you know
that the diploid number is 40.

15. Mitosis occurs during the growth of human tissues .Recall the number of chromosomes
present in human cells before and after Mitosis .

16. Meiosis occurs during the productions of human gametes ,Recall the number of
chromosomes present before and after meiosis.

17. In fornt of you the different stages of Mitosis Rearrange these stages in right way .

18 . Figures A , B , C are photomicrographs of stages of nuclear division ,analysis these
figures to answer the following questions.

(B) (C)

A) Type of division …………………………………………………. , Stage :


B) Type of division ………………………………………………… , Stage :


C) Type of division ………………………………………………… , Stage :


19. The diagram shows an animal cell during mitotic division .

a. Recall the structures A , B , C , D


A: ……………………………… B : ………………………………

C : …………………………….. D: …………………………………

b. State the role of structure D


c. Determent the stage of mitosis does the diagram show .


20. Label the diagram below . State which process does the diagram present .


21 . Outline the importance of mitosis .




22 . Outline the importance of meiosis .








23. Compare between mitosis and meiosis ( number of daughter cell , homologues
chromosomes , crossing over , variations , location , number of chromosomes ) .

23. Describe what is meant by crossing over process and its importance in variation .











24. Part of the base sequences on a template strand is CCCCCTGTAATACAAGAC.

a. Recall the complementary sequence on the mRNA molecule .


b. Calculate how many codons is this .




25. Rearrange the steps of DNA replication .

26. State the three components of a nucleotide.


27.State the two components of a nucleotide never change.


28.State what is the component of a nucleotide changes.


29.Recall what are the four DNA bases and how do they pair?

30.Explain how can every living thing share the same four bases in their DNA and still have
so much variety?

31.Expalin what is the result of a single error in DNA bases?


32.State what is the process called whereby a new copy of DNA is made.
33. Outline the reason that DNA makes a copy of itself.
34.Recall the name of the two strand of DNA after the DNA replication .
35.State what are replication forks.

36. Outline the meaning of semi conservative/DNA in the replication process.
37. Recall Thymine in DNA is replaced by in mRNA.
38. Explain how a template works in transcription.
39. Explain the unified process of protein synthesis. Using drawing for more explanation.


40 . Outline the meaning of transcription process.


41 . Outline the meaning of translation process.


42. Explain the unified process of DNA replication . Using drawing for more explanation.



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