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Medical English Exam of MAY 2023: 60-min exam

All of the paediatrics and urology (UVT pla�orm: SCMS2_URO) résumé uro
There’s text (comes long .. try to be fast) + MCQs / SCQs
Image descrip�on / medical jargon in sentences
Some grammar
There’s No express differently
Commen�ng on the management of a pa�ent [p 100]/ derive differen�al diagnosis
(intro + body + concusion) [p 53]

Common appellation / Technical appelation

Common appella�on Technical appella�on
(use with pa�ents) (use in publica�ons)
"Neonatal milk" / "Witch's milk" galactorrhea of the newborn
Groin Inguen (pl. inguinal)
Neonatal conjunc�vi�s (pink eye) Ophthalmia Neonatorum
Palsy Paralysis
Blood in the stool hematochezia
Severe allergic reac�on Anaphylaxis
Whooping cough Pertussis (→ coqueluche)

Chickenpox Varicella (→ varicelle)

Shingles Herpes-zoster (→ zona)
soft spot Fontanel

BWS Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome (p 16, 20)
PMI Point of maximal impluse (p 8)
ICS intercostal space (p 8)
PICU paediatric intensive care unit (p 14)
NICU neonatal intensive care unit (p 14)
CTEV congenital talipes equinovarus (clubfoot) (p 18,22)
PBVE pied bot varus équin (p 19)
CAH congenital adrenal hyperplasie (p 26)
17-OHP 17-hydroxyprogesterone (p 26)
CNS central nervous system (p 29)
NAS neonatal abs�nence syndrome (p 33)
SAN syndrome d’abs�nence neonatale
MMR measles, mumps and rubella (p 39)
ROR rougeole, oreillon et rubéole
LP lumbar punc�on (p 39)
PL ponc�on lombaire
CSF cerebrospinal fluid (p 39)
LCR liquide céphalorachidien (p 39)
AOAE automated otoacous�c emission (p 41)
AABR automated auditory brainstem response (p 41)
fetal endoluminal tracheal occlusion (p 41)
or fetal endoscopic tracheal occlusion
PICC periferally inserted central catheter (p 47)
AP view antero-posterior view (p 50)

SOME FR-EN translation

Il faut … should be … (passive voice)
peut-être can
pourrait might
dans la mesure où Insofar as
p. ex. e. g. (exempli gratia = for example)
c-à-d i. e. (id est = that is /in other words) : explanation
Mode d’alimentation feeding history
Séquelle(s) sequela(e)
réflexes ostéotendineux deep tendon reflexes
maladie des cellules de la
anterior horn cell disease
corne antérieure
aggression intra-utérine in utero insult
d’origine alimentaire foodborne (carried through food)

Organs and adjectives

Gland glandular
Coccyx (pl. coccyges) Coccygeal
Fundus (fond d’œil) Fundic
Uvula Uvular
Periosteum Periosteal
Pupil Pupillary
Head Cephalic
Ear Aural
Eye Ocular
Mouth Oral / buccal
Hip Coxal (coxa → pl. coxae)
Thigh Crural (crus -> pl. crura)
Inguen (pl. inguina) Inguinal
Radius Radial
Neck nuchal
Throat Jugular
lower back lumbar
Kidney renal
Type 0: if + simple present >>> simple present
If people eat too much, they get fat.

Type 1: if + simple present >> future simple

→ PRESENT CONDITION: likely events

Type 2: If + simple past >> present condi�onal (would + bare inf.)

→ HYPOTHESIS: less likely present or future condi�on (or we don’t know)
I wouldn't worry about the child if I were you.
(The child’s condition is not prognostic = predictable)
= Si + imparfait >> condi�onnel présent

Type 3: If + past perfect >> past condi�onal (would have + bare inf.)
= Si + plus-que-parfait >> condi�onnel passé

How not to use of (→ de)

 Compound adjectives:
Patient de 3 mois ⇒ a 3-month patient

Kyste de 5 cm de diamètre ⇒ a 5-centimeter-diameter cyst

 Possessive case :
Manœuvre de Barlow ⇒ Barlow’s maneuver

 Compound noun:
Trouble de deglutition ⇒ swallowing disorder

 Verbal constructions:
Diminution du périmètre crânien ⇒ decreased head circumference

Retard de cicatrisation ⇒ Delayed wound healing

Aggravation de ⇒ Exacerbated

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