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Simple Present Tense

Singular Singular Plural Plural

subject verb subject verb
I play We run
You run They play
He plays Lisa and Ann read
She reads The pupils eat
It eats
The monkey climbs
Lisa goes

Circle the correct answers

1. Miss Lin ( play, plays) the violin every morning.

2. Rabbits (eat, eats) carrots.

3. Adam and Ah Meng ( play, plays) football on the field.

4. Our parents sometimes (take, takes) us to the beach.

5. Roger and his brother always (jog, jogs) in the morning.

6. Susan usually (wash, washes) her hands before she eats.

7. Haznah, May and Meena (practise, practises) English

every day.

8. The cat (climb, climbs) up the tree.

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