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‭23-24 SY’ School Improvement Plan Summary:‬ ‭Early Learning‬

‭Strategic Priorities:‬
‭‬ A
● ‭ cademic Achievement:‬‭THEME A‬
‭●‬ ‭Student Engagement and Wellness:‬ ‭THEME B‬
‭●‬ ‭Collaboration and Partnership:‬ ‭THEME C‬
‭●‬ Strategic Plan RAS 2023-2024 SIP Rubric

‭Evidence Based Practice Strategy #1‬ ‭X Academic Achievement X Student Engagement/Wellness _Collaboration/Partnership‬

‭The‬‭EBP Strategy‬‭to be implemented:‬

‭Using observation and reflection effectively across early learning programs‬

‭Addressing this‬‭Root Cause:‬

‭Staff expectations are focused on compliance and are not always age appropriate. Lack of reflection and processing‬

‭This will assist us with meeting this student outcome‬‭SMART Goal:‬

‭●‬ P ‭ reschool students will increase proficiency on the TS GOLD Literacy domain from 52% to 67% as measured by the 2024 Spring TS GOLD‬
‭checkpoint data.‬
‭●‬ ‭Preschool students will increase proficiency on the TS GOLD Math domain from 39% to 49 % as measured by the 2024 Spring TS GOLD‬
‭checkpoint data.‬
‭●‬ ‭Preschool students will increase proficiency on the TS GOLD Social Emotional domain from 54% to 64% as measured by the 2024 Spring TS‬
‭GOLD checkpoint data.‬
‭●‬ ‭Preschool students will increase proficiency on the TS GOLD Cognitive domain from 47% to 62% as measured by the 2024 Spring TS GOLD‬
‭checkpoint data.‬

‭Strategy Implementation‬ ‭Team Responsible‬ ‭Measurement‬ ‭ imeLine/ FidelityResults‬
‭/Learning Walks/Data Review‬

‭ arge group professional learning around‬

L ‭B-3, PE, Amanda‬ ‭ ecrease from 20% to‬
D ‭Nov 6th ( EAs are not ) - Group‬
‭reflection‬ ‭less than 15% of‬
‭“unknown” responses‬ ‭ onitor the “unknown” responses on the BIR‬
‭Small group conference session around reflection‬ ‭on BIRs by the end of‬ ‭data throughout the year‬
‭the school year‬

‭Prompts/tips in newsletter‬ ‭Emilie‬ ‭Start with first newsletter in September‬

‭-‬ ‭Weekly reflection question‬
‭-‬ ‭Observation tips‬

‭Model reflection during staff meetings‬ ‭Meeting Facilitators‬ 7 ‭ 5% of staff meeting‬ ‭Start reflection prompt bank by September‬
‭(Brenda can help with‬ ‭agendas have‬
‭Create a reflection question bank‬ ‭reflection/discussion‬ ‭documented time for‬ ‭ dd reflection to meeting agenda template by‬
‭reflection‬ ‭September‬
(‭maybe start with‬
‭personal/mental reflections‬
‭and then build)‬

‭ arge group professional learning around objective‬ N

L ‭ ancy, Brenda,‬ ‭ ecrease from 20% to‬
D ‭Nov 6th‬‭(follow up with EAs during monthly PD)‬
‭observation‬‭(Behavior, Development, Academic)‬ ‭Stacey?, Laurie‬ ‭less than 15% of‬
‭-‬ ‭What is an objective observation?‬ ‭“unknown” responses‬ ‭ onitor the “unknown” responses on the BIR‬
‭-‬ ‭How to make sure I am paying attention to‬ ‭on BIRs by the end of‬ ‭data throughout the year‬
‭everyone?‬ ‭the school year‬

‭ mall group conference session around objective‬

S ‭ BD‬‭(group above‬
T ‭ ntrance/Exit ticket‬
‭observation‬ ‭will help facilitate‬ ‭shows increase in‬
‭-‬ ‭Tools & tips for observation throughout the‬ ‭small group‬ ‭understanding of or‬
‭day? (Classroom, home visits,‬ ‭leaders)‬ ‭confidence around‬
‭infant/toddler)‬ ‭objective observation‬
‭Observation and reflection follow up‬ ‭ ntrance/Exit ticket‬
E ‭March 5 (EA’s here)‬
‭-‬ ‭Student motivation (vignettes)‬ ‭shows increase in‬
‭-‬ ‭How to reflect as a classroom team‬ ‭understanding of or‬
‭-‬ ‭Time to reflect with teams?‬ ‭confidence around‬
‭identifying student‬

‭Add more rows if needed-for Artifacts‬ ‭Reflective Questions to Answer: Progress Toward Goal #1:‬

‭●‬ H ‭ ow is this strategy aligned to the Strategic Plan?‬

‭●‬ ‭To what extent has the Strategy been implemented? What about the process went well, or not? What is the adult fidelity evidence of this?‬
‭●‬ ‭To what extent has the Strategy been implemented? What about the process went well, or not? What is the adult fidelity evidence of this?‬
‭●‬ ‭How has student achievement been impacted? What is the evidence?‬
‭●‬ ‭How will implementation be adjusted and/or supported moving into the next year?‬

‭Evidence Based Practice Strategy #2‬ ‭X Academic Achievement _Student Engagement/Wellness _Collaboration/Partnership‬

‭The‬‭EBP Strategy‬‭to be implemented:‬

‭Connecting assessment to instruction and understanding how student data drives instructional practice‬

‭Addressing this‬‭Root Cause:‬

‭Limited connection between assessment and instruction‬

‭This will assist us with meeting this student outcome‬‭SMART Goal:‬

‭●‬ P ‭ reschool students will increase proficiency on the TS GOLD Literacy domain from 52% to 67% as measured by the 2024 Spring TS GOLD‬
‭checkpoint data.‬
‭●‬ ‭Preschool students will increase proficiency on the TS GOLD Math domain from 39% to 49% as measured by the 2024 Spring TS GOLD‬
‭checkpoint data.‬
‭●‬ ‭Preschool students will increase proficiency on the TS GOLD Social Emotional domain from 54% to 64% as measured by the2024 Spring TS‬
‭GOLD checkpoint data.‬
‭●‬ ‭Preschool students will increase proficiency on the TS GOLD Cognitive domain from 47% to 62% as measured by the 2024 Spring TS GOLD‬
‭checkpoint data.‬

‭Strategy Implementation‬ ‭Team Responsible‬ ‭Measurement‬ ‭ imeLine/ FidelityResults‬
‭/Learning Walks/Data Review‬

‭Understanding the teaching cycle‬ ‭ milie, Sara, Nancy,‬ A

E ‭ t least 50% of staff‬ ‭Workshop Week‬
‭-‬ ‭Differentiate for b-3 (home visit cycle), ECFE‬ ‭Jenny‬ ‭submitting at least 15‬
‭pieces of GOLD‬ ‭Check-in dates:‬
‭documentation at‬ ‭‬ 9
● ‭ /29, 10/20, 11/10 (checkpoint 11/22)‬
‭every 3 week check-in‬ ‭●‬ ‭12/15, 1/26 (checkpoint 2/23)‬
‭●‬ ‭3/15, 4/12, 5/3 (checkpoint 5/24)‬

‭Understanding roles/job duties‬ ‭ milie, Sara, Nancy,‬ A

E ‭ t least 50% of staff‬ ‭Workshop Week (licensed only)‬
‭-‬ ‭Includes time with students & prep time‬ ‭Jenny‬ ‭submitting at least 15‬
‭-‬ ‭Start with general overview as a large‬ ‭pieces of GOLD‬ ‭Exit ticket‬
‭group‬ ‭documentation at‬ ‭1.‬ ‭What is one action step you could take?‬
‭-‬ ‭Then define and prioritize as a small group‬ ‭every 3 week check-in‬ ‭2.‬ ‭What follow up questions do you have?‬

‭Conference sessions using data to drive instruction‬ I‭LT team will help‬ ‭ t least 50% of staff‬
A ‭ ovember 7‬
‭-‬ ‭Preschool: GOLD‬ ‭establish who could‬ ‭submitting at least 15‬ ‭March 5‬
‭-‬ ‭3-5 SpEd: IEP Data‬ ‭lead small group‬ ‭pieces of GOLD‬
‭-‬ ‭B-3: FIP-EI‬ ‭sessions‬ ‭documentation at‬ ‭Exit ticket‬
‭-‬ ‭Infant/Toddler ECFE: Review and reflection‬ ‭every 3 week check-in‬ ‭1.‬ ‭What is one action step you could take?‬
‭2.‬ ‭What follow up questions do you have?‬

‭Monthly newsletter updates to support ongoing‬ ‭Emilie (newsletter)‬ ‭At least 50% of staff‬ ‭Monthly, starting in September‬
‭assessment for instructional planning‬ ‭ aurie/Amy (pacing‬
L s‭ ubmitting at least 15‬
‭-‬ ‭Pacer guide, data collection tips, optional‬ ‭guide)‬ ‭pieces of GOLD‬
‭support‬ ‭Nancy (optional‬ ‭documentation at‬
‭-‬ ‭Could include tips from b-3/PE if applicable‬ ‭support)‬ ‭every 3 week check-in‬
‭Add more rows if needed-for Artifacts‬ ‭Reflective Questions to Answer: Progress Toward Goal #2:‬

‭●‬ H ‭ ow is this strategy aligned to the Strategic Plan?‬

‭●‬ ‭To what extent has the Strategy been implemented? What about the process went well, or not? What is the adult fidelity evidence of this?‬
‭●‬ ‭To what extent has the Strategy been implemented? What about the process went well, or not? What is the adult fidelity evidence of this?‬
‭●‬ ‭How has student achievement been impacted? What is the evidence?‬
‭●‬ ‭How will implementation be adjusted and/or supported moving into the next year?‬

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