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-A type of cell modification that is found on the apical surface of the cell. Occurs at the top part of the
cell. Examples of these are the microvilli, cilia, stereocilia and flagella.


-These are temporary, irregular lobes formed by amoebas and some other eukaryotic cells. Bulge
outward to move the cell in order to engulf the prey.


-Cilia are usually short, hair – like structures that move in waves.

-Flagella are long whiplike structures formed from microtubules


-These are finger-likeprojections that arise from the epithelial layer in some organs. They help to
increase surface area for faster and more efficient adsorption.

Extra-Cellular Matrix (ECM)

-It is a compound (glycoprotein) secreted by the cell on its apical surface. Cell wall is the extra-cellular
structure in plant cells that distinguishes them from animal cells.


-A type of cell modification that is found on the basal surface of the cell. Lateral modification happens
at the sides of the cell. The tight junction, adhering junction, gap junctions, desmosomes are the good
example of it.


-It is also known as communicating junctions. Closable channels that connect the cytoplasm of adjoining
animal cells.


-It acts as barriers that regulate the movement of water and solutes between epithelial layers. It
prevents leakage of the ECF.


-It anchors junction on the lateral surface of the cell. It is similar to the anchoring junction of the basal
surface of the cell.

-A type of modification that is found on the basal surface of the cell. Occurs at the bottom part of the
cell. The basal folding and hemidesmosomes are the best examples of this type of modification.


-The anchoring junction on the Basal surface of the cell. Rivet-like links between cytoskeleton and
Extracellular matrix components such as the basal lamina that underlie epithelia. Primarily composed of
keratin, integrins and cadherins.
-This type of tissue is commonly seen outside the body as coverings or as linings of organs and cavities.
Epithelial tissues are characterized by closely-joined cells with tight junctions (i.e., a type of cell
modification). Being tightly packed, tight junctions serve as barriers for pathogens, mechanical injuries,
and fluid loss.

-Connective tissues are a diverse group of tissues that serve various binding and supportive functions.
They are so widespread in the body that removal of other tissues would still leave the complete form of
the body clearly apparent. Connective tissue is composed of relatively few cells, a great many
extracellular fibers, and a ground substance (also called matrix), in which the fibers are embedded.

-Consists of cells scattered within an extracellular matrix of their own secretions. It develops from the
mesoderm and are described by the types of cells that they include and its extracellular matrix
composition. Connective tissue is found in between other tissues everywhere in the body. Loose and
dense tissues are a kind of soft connective tissues while cartilage, bone tissue, adipose tissue, and blood
are specialized connective tissues.

-These tissues are composed of long cells called muscle fibers that allow the body to move voluntary or
involuntary. Movement of muscles is a response to signals coming from nerve cells. Muscle is the most
abundant tissue in the body of most animals. It originates (with few exceptions) from mesoderm, and its
unit is the cell or muscle fiber, specialized for contraction. When viewed with a light microscope, striated
muscle appears transversely striped (striated), with alternating dark and light bands.

-These tissues are composed of nerve cells called neurons and glial cells that function as support cells.
These neurons sense stimuli and transmit electrical signals throughout the animal body. Neurons
connect to other neurons to send signals. The dendrite is the part of the neuron that receives impulses
from other neurons while the axon is the part where the impulse is transmitted to other neurons.

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