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1. Listen to people talk about applying to an
Oil and Gas Company

Listen and practice!

(Audio Chapter 1 Part 1)

1. Application
2. Branch 9. Executive
3. Career 10. Job
4. Communicate 11. Leader
5. Company 12. Occupation
6. Corporation 13. Office
7. Employee 14. Profession
8. Environment 15. Team

2. Circle the word that matches the definition:

A large business company

Branch Company Corporation

A person who is paid to work for somebody

Boss Leader Employee

A person who has an important job as a manager of a company

or an organization
Executive Boss Profession

A form used in making a request

Application Team Communicate

A place where a particular kind of business is transacted or a

service is supplied
Environment Office Job

3. Please make a group, then listen and discuss what is inside the

B. Grammar

Answer the question by circling the correct answer! See the Grammar
Summary Page!

1. She _____ a uniform.

A) wear B) to wear C) wearing D) wears.
2. He _____ his car every weekend.
A) wash B) washes C) washing D) washed.
3. Rosemary _____ three languages.
A) speaks B) talks C) tells D) know
4. My dad _____ at 7 o’clock every day.
A) stands up B) looks up C) gets up D) jumps up.
5. Isabel is a flight attendant. She _____ passengers.
A) serve B) to serve C) serves D) serving.
6. Their son _____ in this hospital.
A) works B) begins C) starts D) likes
7. Jim’s a postman. He _____ letters to people.
A) answers B) works C) delivers D) serves
8. Jane’s a doctor. She _____ ill people.
A) looks at B) speaks to C) helps D) serves drinks
9. Bern _____ in a flat in Birmingham.
A) lives B) stands C) has D) wants
10. Nancy’s uncle is a pilot. He _____ all over the world.
A) goes B) sees C) travels D) delivers

1. Talk about the conversation in Oil and Gas Company

Introduce yourself that consist of:

- Personal data
- The reason why you chose PEM Akamigas Cepu
- Your dream workplace in the oil and gas sector

2. Pronunciation

Listen and repeat

(Audio Chapter 1 Part 2)

1. Application /ˌæplɪˈkeɪʃn/
Sound 1 – ‘a’ as in apple–short vowel sound – æ
2. Branch /brɑːntʃ/
Sound 2 – ‘a’ as in snake – long vowel sound – eɪ
3. Career /kəˈrɪə(r)/ Sound 3 – ‘a’ as in father – broad sound – ɑː
4. Communicate /kəˈmjuːnɪkeɪt/ Sound 4 – ‘a’ as in ball – o sound – ɔː
5. Company /ˈkʌmpəni/ Sound 5 – ‘a’ as in many – e sound – ɛ
6. Corporation /ˌkɔːpəˈreɪʃn/
7. Employee /ɪmˈplɔɪiː/
8. Environment /ɪnˈvaɪrənmənt/
9. Executive /ɪɡˈzekjətɪv/
10. Job /dʒɒb/
11. Leader /ˈliːdə(r)/
12. Occupation /ˌɒkjuˈpeɪʃn/
13. Office /ˈɒfɪs/
14. Profession /prəˈfeʃn/
15. Team /tiːm/

Match the phonic A sound with the word

letter A with the underline

1 Application A ə

2 Branch B eɪ

3 Communicate C eɪ

4 Company D eɪ

5 Corporation E æ

6 Occupation F ɑː

3. Listen to the dialogue and fill the blank spaces!

Assistant: Good morning! How ___ (1) I assist you today?

User: Hello, I need help with my ___ (2) for a job in a company.

Assistant: Of course, I can assist you with that. Is there a specific company or ___ (3) you
are interested in?

User: I'm interested in applying to the local branch of ABC ___ (4) . Can you provide me
with some information about their company?

Assistant: Certainly! ABC Corporation is a well-established company known for its

innovative solutions. They have a strong focus on creating a positive work environment for
their employees and promoting career growth.

User: That ___ (5) great. Can you also give me some advice on how to effectively
communicate my skills and qualifications in my application?

Assistant: Absolutely. It's important to tailor your application to ___(6) the skills that are
most relevant to the job you are applying for. Highlight your experiences and achievements
that showcase your ability to work effectively in a team and as a leader.

User: Would you have any tips on how to stand out as an applicant?

Assistant: Yes, it's important to showcase your ___(7) for the industry and the specific job
you are applying for. You can mention any relevant projects or initiatives you have
undertaken, as well as any certifications or additional trainings you have completed.

User: That makes sense. What other factors should I ___ (8) while applying for a job?

Assistant: It's always important to research the company culture and values to ensure they
align with your own. Additionally, be sure to review the job description carefully to
understand the specific ____(9) and responsibilities.

User: Thank you for your guidance. Is there anything else I should know about the

Assistant: Yes, ABC Corporation places a strong emphasis on professional development

and opportunities for growth within the organization. They prioritize creating a positive and
supportive work environment for their ____(10).

User: That's good to know. I'm excited about the possibility of working there. Thank you for
your assistance!

Assistant: You're welcome! Best of luck with your application. If you have any more
questions, feel free to ask.

D. Reading
1. Read about Job in Oil and Gas Company

An oil and gas company is a corporation that operates within the fossil fuel
industry. With the increasing demand for energy worldwide, these companies play a
vital role in the exploration, production, refinement, and distribution of oil and natural
gas resources. The industry is highly competitive and constantly evolving, which
requires companies to stay ahead by embracing technological advancements and
implementing innovative solutions. Oil and gas companies have branches and
offices located globally, allowing them to efficiently manage their operations and
reach a wider market. These branches often employ a diverse team of professionals,
including executives, engineers, scientists, technicians, and support staff.

Each employee plays a crucial role in ensuring the success of the company's
endeavors. Effective communication is essential within an oil and gas company, both
internally among staff members and externally with stakeholders. This enables the
sharing of information, coordination of activities, and alignment of strategic
objectives. Clear and open communication channels foster collaboration among
teams, leading to enhanced productivity and better decision-making. Working in the
oil and gas industry offers a wide range of career opportunities. From entry-level
positions to executive leadership roles, individuals can find fulfilling and challenging
occupations that match their skills and interests.

This industry demands specialized knowledge and expertise in various areas

such as engineering, geology, finance, logistics, and environmental stewardship.
Furthermore, as the world is increasingly concerned about sustainability and the
environment, oil and gas companies are also focusing on minimizing their impact on
the environment and promoting responsible practices.

Read the text carefully and answer the questions!

1. What is the role of oil and gas companies in the fossil fuel industry?
2. Why is it important for oil and gas companies to embrace technological
3. What is the purpose of branches and offices located globally for oil and gas

4. Why is effective communication essential within an oil and gas company?
5. What career opportunities are available in the oil and gas industry?
6. Why do oil and gas companies focus on minimizing their environmental
7. How does collaboration among teams in an oil and gas company enhance

E. Writing
1. Write the description of your future dream company.

Please work in small groups. Imagine that you are working in your future dream
company. Find out about some oil and gas employers in your company. You may
ask people and look on the Internet.

Write a few sentences about them. Use these clues.

a. Company name
b. Information about the company
- Useful words
- Big/small
- Foreign/Local
- Operating company/ Service Company
c. Other information

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