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College of Nursing
Governor Pack Road, Baguio City, Philippines 2600
(+6374) 442-3316, 442-2564, 442-8219, 442-8256


A Case Presented to the

College of Nursing

In Partial Fulfillment of the requirements in the Course

NCM 112 Care of The Clients With Problems In Oxygenation, F&E, Infectious, I&I Response, Cellular
Abberation, Acute & Chronic

Submitted By:

Benito, Danny
Gesmundo, Lorraine
Limmang, Clarissa Marie
Maigi, Nicalin
Pagadian, Ia Rylyn
Paguirigan, Kryzza Leizel
Pangda, Jaceziel Kaye
Saavedra, Joy
Tucyapao, Irish P.
Villanueva, Jayson


Noted and Approved for Presentation:

Name of Case Presentation Adviser or Panel/s

Ma’am Hannah Lee Antonio Sir Laudemar Luis

Signature of Adviser / Date Signature of Adviser / Date


(250 – 300 words only not including title and author information)

TITLE: Approximately 10 -12 words identifying key components of your case report. When applicable,
include components such as primary reason for seeking care, clinical assessment, and/or main treatment. The
title should make it clear the presentation is a case report.

AUTHOR INFORMATION: Flashes Left under the Title. Names should be arranged alphabetically based on
FAMILY name, but FIRST name should be written first followed by FAMILY name (ex. April Anne B.
Bocato, Michael P. Nonog and Eugene Flor L. Ulpindo)

BACKGROUND: Briefly describe the background for the case. Introduce the issue that the case addresses.
Explain why the case is noteworthy and what it adds to current knowledge. This section helps answer the
question “Why should we care?” You may want to end the introduction with a sentence that states explicitly
why the case is being reported.

CASE DESCRIPTION: This section should be longest and most detailed part of the abstract. Relevant
information may include demographics, client’s main symptoms, or other reasons for seeking care, clinical
findings, clinical assessment, treatment plan, and health outcomes. Given the space limitations, include only
the information to the reason for presenting the case.

CONCLUSION: This section should state the main “take-home” lesson(s) from the case. If reporting
outcomes, remember that case reports do not typically demonstrate cause and effect. Be careful not to overstate
conclusion but instead describe the strengths and limitations of the case. You may want to add a sentence or
two about the implications of the case for practice for future research.


I. Introduction..........................................................................................................................................3
II. Statement of Objectives.......................................................................................................................3
A. General Objectives...............................................................................................................................3
B. Specific Objectives...............................................................................................................................3
III. Patient’s Profile....................................................................................................................................3
IV. Chief Complaint...................................................................................................................................3
V. Present History of Illness.....................................................................................................................3
VI. Past History of Illness..........................................................................................................................4
VII. Family Health History.........................................................................................................................4
VIII. Developmental History........................................................................................................................4
IX. Social and Environmental History......................................................................................................4
X. Lifestyle and Health Practices.............................................................................................................5
XI. Health Assessment................................................................................................................................5
A. General Survey.....................................................................................................................................5
B. Head to Toe Assessment......................................................................................................................6
C. 13 Areas of Assessment........................................................................................................................7
XII. Diagnostics..............................................................................................................................................9
XIII. Comprehensive Pathophysiology........................................................................................................12
XIV. Treatment/Management......................................................................................................................13
A. Drugs.................................................................................................................................................13
B. IV Fluids...........................................................................................................................................13
C. Surgery..............................................................................................................................................13
XV. Nursing Care Plans..............................................................................................................................15
A. Prioritization of Problems..................................................................................................................15
a.1. List of Problems...........................................................................................................................15
a.2. Basis for Prioritization..................................................................................................................15
B. Nursing Care Plans............................................................................................................................16
NCP 1.........................................................................................................................................................16
NCP 2.........................................................................................................................................................16
NCP 3.........................................................................................................................................................16
NCP 4.........................................................................................................................................................16
NCP 5.........................................................................................................................................................16
C. Discharged Plan....................................................................................................................................17
XVI. Learning Insights.................................................................................................................................17
XVII. List of References.................................................................................................................................18
XVIII. Appendices...........................................................................................................................................19
Appendix A: Approval/ Request Letter......................................................................................................20
Appendix B: Interview Guides....................................................................................................................21
Appendix C: Others.....................................................................................................................................22

(Spacing from here would be 1.15)

I. Introduction

Definition and discussion of SPECIFIED CASE and description and enumeration of common signs
and symptoms. (preferably from textbook)
INCLUDE also relevant STATISTICS (international, national and local statistics) about the CASE.
(could be internet source)

A complete obstruction to blood flow in a cornonary artery may result in a Myocardial Infarction
(MI), commonly called a heart attack. Infraction means the death of an area of tissue because of interrupted
blood supply. Because the heart tissue distal to the obstruction dies and is replaced by noncontractile scar
tissue, the heart muscle loses of its strength location of the infracted (dead) area, an infraction may disrupt the
conduction system of the heart and cause sudden death by triggering ventricular fibrillation. Treatment for
myocardial infarction may involve injection of thrombolytic (clot-dissolving) agent such as streptokinase or t-
PA, plus heparin (an anticoagulant), or performing coronary angioplasty or coronary artery bypass grafting.
Fortunately, heart muscle can remain alive in resting person if it receives as little as 10-15% of its normal
blood supply.(Tortora & Derrickson)

II. Statement of Objectives

A. General Objectives

This case analysis aims to increase the understanding and knowledge of student
nurses on how to care for patients with Acute Mycardial Infarction; Urgency Hypertensive
effectively and efficiently.
B. Specific Objectives

Specifically, this case analysis aims to :

1. Define Acute Mycardial Infarction; Urgency Hypertensive and its
effects to the body as a whole;
2. Illustrate the pathophysiology of Acute Mycardial Infarction; Urgency Hypertensive
and in relation to the signs and symptoms specifically observed in the patient;
3. Describe and identify the common signs and symptoms of Acute Mycardial
Infarction; Urgency Hypertensive
4. Discuss the medical and surgical interventions for the management of Acute
Mycardial Infarction; Urgency Hypertensive
5. Formulate appropriate nursing care plans suited for the patient based on the
assessment findings;
6. Identify care measures to be given to the patient and family to promote continuity of
care and independence after discharge.

III. Patient’s Profile

Name : Patient X
Ethnic Background : Ibaloi
Civil Status : Married
Religion : Roman Catholic
Occupation : laborer

Admitting Diagnosis : Myocardial Infraction: Hypertension Urgency

Final/Principal Diagnosis : Myocardial Infraction: Hypertension Urgency
Date and Time Admitted : November 11, 2022, 4:05 pm

IV. Chief Complaint

This presents the main complaint/s of the patient; the primary reason consultation was sought and
hence, admitted.
Patient X complains of chest pains and difficulty in breathing.

V. Present History of Illness

Narrative form. This is a brief account of when the patient’s condition started, how it developed, up
to the time of admission. Initial signs and symptoms are described in line with duration,
domain/localization, progression, character and how it has affected the physiological function of the patient.
Any interventions made by the patient to address the illness are to be described (e.g. home remedies,
medications, consultations) and whether these were effective or not. Elaboration of the chief complaint.
The patient’s condition started 3 days PTA, when the patient, while simply doing his homework, felt
a sudden sharp chest pain. Pain rate was with the severity of 8/10. It was not radiating to other parts of the
body but was accompanied by difficulty of breathing, weakness, shortness of breath, and sudden hacking
A few minutes after the said incident, the patient verbalized that all of the symptoms mentioned
slightly improved and was tolerable and only rest was promoted. No medications were taken nor were
consultations done during the incident. 2 days PTA, he was not feeling anything and verbalized that he was
alright until
One day PTA, the patient has the same manifestation but now the difficulty of breathing was so severe
that the patient decided to seek consult and subsequently admitted in this institution.

VI. Past History of Illness

The patient had no history of accidents and or trauma, only minor illnesses, such as cough, colds and
fever and was remedied with over the counter medications such as Bioflu and water therapy with rest. The
patient however, was admitted last November 11, 2022 @ 4:05 PM at Benguet General Hospital and was
diagnosed to acute mycardial infarction: Hypertensive Urgency. He received medical interventions such as
medications for hypertension and for pain. The patient has unrecalled immunization status and with no history
of prolonged case of use of medications such as aspirin or NSAIDs. He also verbalized that he did not have
known allergies for foods or medications.

VII. Family Health History

The patient claims to have familial history of Hypertension on his father’s family. Health problems
such as Asthma, kidney diseases, diabetes, or mental illness were verbalized to be absent. No present illness is
currently experienced by any member of the family.

VIII. Developmental History

Narrative form. This portion describes significant patterns of the patient’s behavior in line with his
current stage of development. (Can use other developmental theories like Erikson, Piaget, Sullivan and

The patient is the last son out of the other 5 siblings, which are composed of 4 males and a female. He
is a 19 year old teenager with the task of developing his Identity according to Erik Erikson’s Developmental
theory. He has verbalized no problems with self-image and concept and reveals the desire to achieve his goals
in his studies especially in maintaining his place in the dean’s list and hopefully graduating with honors
or having a place in the Local Nursing Licensure examination. He also noted no difficulty in interacting with
people despite his silent nature. He tends to observe most of the time but also recognized a great number of
friends with whom he shared his childhood with. He also loves music. His passion is seen in his ability
to play the guitar with ease and is now learning how to play the piano.

IX. Social and Environmental History

Narrative form. As expressed in the sample below. Social history include relationship of the patient
with family members, to the society, any membership (like senior citizen, women’s club and others) and work
place or school, ethnic affiliation, educational history, occupational history and economic status.
Environmental history includes their house and the environment (water source, ventilation, garbage disposal,
transportation, any health threats like fertilizers and chemical exposure), any threats from school or work.
The patient is a smoker and an alcoholic beverage drinker.However, he is constantly exposed to
noxious fumes from outside air pollution and from second hand smokers. He lives in a rented apartment
together with his three other cousins near the main highway where jeepneys frequently pass. He commutes
daily using the public utility jeepneys for his transport to school.
The patient belongs to a family with two licensed nurses, hence, the value of maintaining a healthy
lifestyle is promoted. The patient with his family visits the local hospital from health problems unresolved by
home remedies and rest. The patient after experiencing the same sudden pain immediately went to the hospital
to confirm the initial findings he had when he was admitted in Sublime City. As a family that belongs to the
middle class, access to health care facilities and interventions is not much of a problem.
The house where they stay is made up of semi-permanent and permanent materials such as wood and
cement. Privacy is maintained with the 4 separate rooms present. Water used daily is being supplied by the
city water district while the source of drinking water is the water refilling stations nearby.
Patient also verbalized that he did not have any direct contact to harmful chemicals nor has prepared
any chemotherapeutic drugs. As a student nurse however, he is able to care for various patients with having
different respiratory health problems such as tuberculosis, pneumonia and cough. The community exposure
they had as a part of the Clinical RLE allows them to travel to different areas where he experiences changes in
the weather and differences in altitude.

X. Lifestyle and Health Practices

Narrative form. As expressed in the sample below. Include also usual patterns or routine of daily life
(including personal habits, diet, sleep/rest patterns, activities of daily living and recreations/hobbies). Any
health practices whether traditional or medical.

As a student nurse, he is aware of the potential health threats associated with lifestyle related vices
like cancer for smoking and liver cirrhosis for alcoholic beverage drinking. He ensures that he receives
adequate nutrients by allowing himself to eat three complete meals in a day with snacks included
specially during his duty times. Food is prepared at home together with his cousins or is bought in fast-food
chains. He prefers pasta dishes and pizza. Fluid and electrolyte intake is a total of 2 – 3 liters a day coming
from fruit juices, carbonated beverages, water and milk. For maintenance he takes Vitamin C for supplement.

XI. Health Assessment
A. General Survey
This portion presents assessments performed as seen in the example below. The time that you FIRST handled
your patient. Include ht., wt., BMI, body built, posture and gait, hygiene and grooming, body and breath odor,
signs of distress, obvious signs, attitude, affect and mood, speech and thought process.

The patient was received awake, lying on bed with a moderate high back rest elevation. Patient with
ongoing IVF’s of D5LRS I L x 30 gtts per minute and a Tramadol drip (tramal) 300 mg in D5W 250 cc x 24
hours infusing well on the left arm and with oxygen inhalation at 2-3 LPM/ via the nasal cannula. He is
connected to three way bottle system chest drainage with the first bottle having 300cc bloody discharge.
Suction control is applied and there is bubbling noted in the third bottle.
Patient appears weak, needs assistance when assuming activities of daily living like toileting and
feeding or in changing positions. He wears a neat gown, hygiene is fair. Patient is conversant speech is well
formulated, oriented to the self and others around him, able to determine the time and date and is
aware that he stays in a private room for 3 days now.
Patient is an ectomorph. He verbalized that he is 5’6” tall and weighs 51 kilograms.

B. Head to Toe Assessment

This portion presents assessments performed as seen in the example below. You can do FOCUS assessment
especially on the affected area (eg. CHF  focus on Cardiac Assessment) and focus on abnormal findings.
1. Head Normocephalic, hair well distributed, oiliness and flaking noted no
areas of pain or tenderness during palpation.
2. Eyes Able to distinguish colors, with astigmatism, verbalized difficulty to
identify objects 6 feet away, wears corrective lenses, sclera is
anicteric, pupils are equally round, reactive to light and
accommodation, EOM is intact, able to follow penlight with gaze, no
detectable oscillations, mucous membranes are moist and light pink.
3. Ears Able to understand and hear spoken language correctly, with minimal
cerumen build – up in the ear canal, pearly sliver and intact tympanic
4. Nose and sinuses Nose is patent, septum is located midline, no flaring noted, able to
distinguish the scent of alcohol and perfume, and no episodes of
epistaxis during the shift, and sinuses are not tender on palpation.
5. Mouth Complete set of adult teeth, pearly white in color, and no mal aligned
tooth, had braces for 1 year and a half year. No dental caries noted.
Oral mucosa is moist and pinkish, no lesions noted, tonsils are not
inflamed, Grade 1 bilaterally present, uvula is located midline.
6. Neck ROM intact, able to change direction of head slowly but with without
complaints of pain, carotid pulse are bilaterally symmetrical, full and
strong pulses, 2+, jugular vein is not distended, superficial cervical
lymph nodes are palpable but non tender. Thyroid is located midline,
no enlargement noted, trachea is located midline.
7. Chest Shape of the chest is elliptical, asymmetrical chest wall expansion
noted, with respiratory excursion best appreciated on the left side of

the thorax, decreased tactile fremitus in the right lung area, decreased
breath sounds in the right, no crackles, no wheeze, no stridor,
production of hollow drum like sounds in percussion of the right side
and resonant sound appreciated on the left. Patient with an Axillary
thoracotomy, dressing intact and dry, chest tube draining to a bloody
discharge 300 cc in amount. With limited movement on the right
shoulder. Patient verbalized, “mahina daw ung lungs ko, spontaneous
rupture of the bleb, kaya may pneumothorax ako” “Masakit tlaga ung
sugat, parang 8/10 din, pati ata sa loob masakit talaga, ditto lang
naman sya sa may incision, parang may tumutusok kaya binigyan nila
ako ng analgesic, ngayon, ayos ng konte pero may pain pa din at 6 na
cguro ung scale nya out of 10”. Patient is observed to guard area and
grimaces when a painful stimulus is felt. Diaphoresis noted, hands are
cool to touch. Maintains the supine position with head of bed elevated
to a moderate high back rest.
8. Cardiac Adynamic pericardium; normal rate, regular rhythm, PMI at 50 ICS
LMCL, no murmur noted, no visible pulsations in the precordium,
palpable apical pulse.
9. Breast/Chest Skin color is similar with the rest of the body, nipple is dark colored,
no discharges.
10. Abdomen Flat, with normoactive bowels sounds heard in all the quadrants, soft,
no direct tenderness or rebound tenderness upon palpation, tympanic,
no organomegaly.
11. Genitals Patient verbalized that he had been inserted with a catheter when he
was in the OR. No complaints of dysuria or urinary retention or
incontinence post operatively.
12. Musculoskeletal Muscle strength at the right side is 4/5 while the rest of extremities
are 5/5.
No visible tremors noted no complaints of pain.
13. Integumentary Skin…

C. 13 Areas of Assessment

This portion presents assessments performed as seen in the example below. Follow format on how to do your
1. Psychosocial and Psychological Status

2. Mental and Emotional Status

3. Environmental Status

4. Sensor Status
a. Visual Status

b. Auditory

c. Olfactory Status

d. Gustatory Status

e. Tactile Status

5. Motor Status

6. Thermoregulatory Status

Date Time Temperature

10 pm 36.3 °C
November 14, 2022 2 am 36.4 °C
6 am 36.6 °C
10 pm 36.0 °C
November 15, 2022 2 am 38.8 °C
6 am 36.0 °C
10 pm 36.0 °C
November 16, 2022 2 am 36.5 °C
6 am 36.2 °C

7. Respiratory Status

Date Time RR SPO2

10 pm 21 cpm 93 %
November 14, 2022 2 am 23 cpm 95 %
6 am 24 cpm 98 %
10 pm 22 cpm 92 %
November 15, 2022 2 am 20 cpm 93 %
6 am 19 cpm 95 %
10 pm 20 cpm 96 %
November 16, 2022 2 am 18 cpm 95 %
6 am 17 cpm 96 %

8. Circulatory Status

Date Time CR Capillary

10 pm 98 bpm
November 14, 2022 2 am 94 bpm 1-2 seconds
6 am 95 bpm
10 pm 89 bpm
November 15, 2022 2 am 88 bpm 1-2 seconds
6 am 90 bpm
10 pm 87 bpm 1-2 seconds
November 16, 2022 2 am 84 bpm

6 am 95 bpm

9. Nutritional Status

10. Elimination Status

11. Sleep, Rest and Comfort Status

12. Fluids and Electrolytes Status

13. Integumentary Status

During episodes of airway obstruction, the patient’s capillary refill is 2-3 seconds.
However, when managed, he appears to be pinkish in color and with good skin turgor.

XII. Diagnostics
This shows all diagnostic procedures performed with the client. LANDSCAPE and Tabular form. Content of the table must follow the format below.

For Chest X-ray, Ultrasound and Pathology

Diagnostic Date of
Description of the Procedure Significance/Purpose of the Procedure Findings & Implications
Procedure Procedure
Chest X-ray Chest radiography is the first It is used to determine the severity of the April 20, 2009 Follow-up study of the chest taken on the same day, SIP CIT
investigation performed to assess patient’s pneumothorax and to determine insertion reveals a relative partial reduction in the size of the
pneumothorax because it is simple, the progress of his medical and surgical previously noted right-sided pneumothorax. There is however
inexpensive, rapid, and noninvasive; management. no significant change in the extent and appearance of the
however, it is much less sensitive than massive atelectasis of the right lung field. A right sided CTT is
chest CT in detecting a small now seen.
pneumothorax, blebs, and bullae. April 22, 2009 Follow-up study of the chest since 6/20/2009 S/p Axillary
thoracotomy shows complete resolution of the pneumothorax on
the right with complete re-expansion of the right lung. A right
sided CTT is still seen in SITU. No other internal change of
April 26, 2009 Follow-up study of the chest since 6/22/09 reveals the presence
of confluent hazy densities at the right paracardiac areas,
presenting a pneumonic process with consolidation. There is
now a homogenous opacity with meniscus level seen at the right
lower hemithorax obscuring the right hemi diaphragm and
costrophenic angle representing fluid.
April 26, 2009 Follow-up chest study since 6-26-2009 reveals minimal clearing
of the confluent hazy densities at the right paracardiac area.

There is however, decrease in the volume of the previously
noted fluid in the right HEMITHORAX. A right sided CTT is
still seen in SITU.

No other internal change of note.

Ultrasound Abcdeflkjdlj alkdjf Adfjlskdjf jldkjflasd April 29, 2009 aljkdhfklashdfa

Pathology Kdljfoijuelasldfjm Dgsdgasdufods April 24, 2009 Csalksdjfoi dlfjs;dfsa;fjds

For Blood Chemistry, Serum electrolytes, Urinalysis, Fecalysis and other lab test with quantitative results. SAMPLE not related with previous CASE.

Diagnostic procedure and Description of procedure Significance/ Purpose of the procedure Significant findings Nursing Implications
date done

Complete Blood Count A CBC may be ordered when a person has To determine general health status, Leucocyte (WBC) A low white blood cell count indicates that
Jan 3, 2015 any number of signs and symptoms that screen, diagnose, or monitor any one of a Normal Range: the patient has an infection.
may be related to disorders that affect variety of diseases and conditions that 5-10 x10^ 9/L
blood cells. When an individual has an affect blood cells, such as anemia, Result:
infection, inflammation, bruising, or infection, inflammation, bleeding 0.58- Low
bleeding, a doctor may order a CBC to disorder or cancer.
help diagnose the cause and/or determine
its severity.
Neutrophils Within the normal range.
Normal Range:

Lymphocytes Indicates an acute bacterial infection.
Normal Range:
0.58- High
No result
Monocytes Within the normal range.
Normal Range:
0.03- Normal
Platelet count Indicates Thrombocytopenia.
Normal Range:
Result: 310,000 –low
Urinalysis A urinalysis…
Jan 3, 2015

Facalysis A fecalysis…
Jan 3, 2015

XIII. Comprehensive Pathophysiology
This is a diagrammatic presentation of the course of the disease with emphasis of information relevant to nursing
care. Predisposing factors (Modifiable), Precipitating factors (Non-modifiable), course of illness or condition, relevant
diagnostic findings, signs & symptoms, management and appropriate nursing diagnoses presented must be in line
with actual events that occurred with the patient.

Exposure to 2nd hand Smoking & Pollution Height (tall person), Male, 19 years old

Chemicals (Tar) Gradient of Pleural pressure increases from

lung base to apex
Blocks airway passages and degrade
elastic fibers of the lungs

Influx of neutrophils and macrophages Alveoli of lung apex receives the

is induced greater distension pressure

Imbalanced enzymes (protease & anti-protease)

and antioxidant system

________________Bullae/Blebs Formation______________________

Inflammation-induced obstructions of the airway Shearing forces

Increased alveolar pressure

Leakage to the lung interstitium, hilum and pneumomediastinum Rupture of blebs

Increased mediastinal pressure

Rupture of the mediastinal parietal pleura


Disequilibrium in the intrapulmonary and intrapleural pressure

Activation of the receptors that monitor Tidal volume affected Changes in the thoracic pressure
lung volume
Distortion of movement of air
Sympathetic stimulation in and out of the lungs

Tachypnea Air flows out of the alveoli

into the Pleural space

Lung collapse during recoil

Dyspnea Sudden, sharp, stabbing pain

Admission to the Hospital


Partial collapse of the affected lung

Impairment of gas conduction Air trapping in the collapsed lung Ruptured bleb and lung collapse
in the lower respiratory airways activate inflammatory response

Decreased tactile fremitus Hyper resonance on percussion Lung asymmetry

---------------------IMPAIRED GAS EXCHANGE-------------------

Transudation of fluid and blood from surrounding Axillary Thoracotomy

blood vessels of the injured lung and Bleb


Pleural Effusion

Transudate accumulation in the pleural space

Further restriction of lung expansion Collapse of alveoli Disequilibrium in pulmonary and pleural pressures

Increased respiratory difficulty Bleeding Surgical Incision and Insertion of CTT

Stasis of pulmonary sections Decreased Hct and Hgb Tissue trauma and injury

Growth of microorganisms Decreased oxygen carrying Pain on the incision site

capacity of the lungs


XIV. Treatment/Management
This shows all treatments, including medical procedures, performed with the client. LANDSCAPE and tabular form. Content of the table must follow the format below. But for more COMPREHENSIVE
Nursing Implication, categorize your NURSING IMPLICATION as to Before, During and After giving the medication and each has Dx, Tx and EDx for DRUG STUDY.

A. Drugs
(Follow new Format for Drug Study)


Generic Name: Binds to dihydropyridine and Contraindications: CNS: Anxiety, dizziness, fatigue, BEFORE:
AMLODIPINE non-dihydropyridine cell Hypersensitivity to headache, lethargy, light- Dx:
BESYLATE membrane receptor sites on amlodipine or its components headedness, paresthesia, a. Verify doctor’s order.
myocardial and vascular smooth somnolence, syncope, tremor b. Assess allergy to amlodipine or its components.
Brand Name: Norvasc muscle cells and inhibits influx of Indications: CV: Arrhythmias, chest pain,
extracellular calcium ions across Indicated for the treatment of hypotension, palpitations, Tx:
Chemical Class: slow calcium channels. This hypertension peripheral edema c. Prepare the medication at the right time and right dosage.
Dihydropyridine decreases intracellular calcium EENT: Dry mouth, gingival
level, inhibiting smooth-muscle Drug to drug Interaction: hyperplasia, pharyngitis ENDO: EDx:
Therapeutic Class: cell contractions and relaxing Hot flashes d. Educated the patient and SO about the purpose and importance of the
Antianginal, coronary and vascular smooth GI: Abdominal cramps, drug.
Antihypertensive muscles, decreasing peripheral abdominal pain, anorexia, e. Educated SO on drug therapy to promote compliance.
vascular resistance, and reducing constipation, diarrhea, dysphagia,
Dosage: 5 mg systolic and diastolic blood elevated hepatic enzymes, DURING:
pressure. Decreased peripheral esophagitis, flatulence, Dx:
Route: Oral vascular resistance also decreases indigestion, jaundice, nausea, f. Verify client’s identity.
myocardial workload, oxygen pancreatitis, vomiting g. Assess patient frequently for chest pain when starting or increasing the
demand, and possibly angina. GU: Decreased libido, impotence, dose of amlodipine, because worsening of angina or an acute MI can
Also, by inhibiting coronary urinary frequency occur.
artery muscle cell contractions MS: Myalgia
and restoring blood flow, drug RESP: Dyspnea Tx:
may relieve Prinz metal’s angina. SKIN: Dermatitis, flushing, rash h. Administer medication following the 10 rights of medication.
Other: Weight loss i. Suggest taking amlodipine with food to reduce GI upset.
j. Assist patient when taking the medication.

k. Instruct SO to report persistent adverse effects such as dizziness,
difficulty breathing, arm or leg swelling, and rash.

l. Monitor patient’s BP for postural changes.
m. Monitor drug effectiveness.

n. Promote safety and comfort.

o. Encourage the patient to verbalize feelings and concerns.



Generic Name: ASPIRIN Blocks the activity of Contraindications: CNS: Confusion, CNS depression BEFORE:
cyclooxygenase, the enzyme Allergy to tartrazine dye, EENT: Hearing loss, tinnitus Dx:
Brand Name: Aspergum needed for prostaglandin asthma, bleeding problems GI: Diarrhea, GI bleeding, a. Verify doctor’s order.
synthesis. Prostaglandins, (such as hemophilia), heartburn, hepatotoxicity, nausea, b. Assess allergy to aspirin or its components.
Chemical Class: Salicylate important mediators in the hypersensitivity to aspirin or stomach pain, vomiting
inflammatory response, cause its components, peptic ulcer HEME: Decreased blood iron Tx:
Therapeutic Class: Anti- local vasodilation with swelling disease level, leukopenia, prolonged c. Prepare the medication at the right time and right dosage.
inflammatory, and pain. With blocking of bleeding time, shortened life span
Antiplatelet, Antipyretic, cyclooxygenase and inhibition of Indications: of RBCs, thrombocytopenia EDx:
Nonopioid analgesic prostaglandins, inflammatory Indicated for the treatment SKIN: Ecchymosis, rash, d. Educate the patient and SO about the purpose and importance of the
symptoms subside. Pain is also urticaria drug.
Dosage: 80 mg relieved because prostaglandins Drug to drug Interaction: Other: Angioedema, Reye’s e. Educate patient and SO on drug therapy to promote compliance
play a role in pain transmission syndrome, salicylism (dizziness,
Route: Oral from the periphery to the spinal tinnitus, difficulty hearing, DURING:

cord. Aspirin inhibits platelet vomiting, diarrhea, confusion, Dx:
aggregation by interfering with CNS depression, diaphoresis, f. Verify patient’s identity.
production of thromboxane A2, a headache, hyperventilation, and g. Assess patient’s condition.
substance that stimulates platelet lassitude) with regular use of
aggregation. Aspirin acts on the large doses Tx:
heat-regulating center in the h. Administer medication following the rights of giving medication.
hypothalamus and causes i. Suggest taking aspirin with food or after meals because it may cause GI
peripheral vasodilation, upset.
diaphoresis, and heat loss. j. Assist patient when taking the medication.

k. Instruct patient not to cut, crush or chew the medication.

l. Monitor patient for signs and symptoms.
m. Monitor drug effectiveness.

n. Promote safety and comfort.

o. Instruct patient and SO to notify the nurse if any symptoms of stomach
or intestinal bleeding occur such as black, tarry or bloody stools.



Generic Name: Reduces plasma cholesterol and Contraindications: CNS: amnesia, depression, BEFORE:
ATORVASTATIN lipoprotein levels by inhibiting Active hepatic disease, dizziness, emotional lability, Dx:
CALCIUM HMG-CoA reductase and breastfeeding, facial paralysis, fatigue, fever, a. Verify doctor’s order.
cholesterol synthesis in the liver hypersensitivity to headache, hyperkinesia, malaise, b. Assess allergy to atorvastatin or its components.
Brand Name: Lipitor and by increasing the number of atorvastatin or its paresthesia, peripheral
LDL receptors on liver cells to components, pregnancy, neuropathy, weakness Tx:
Chemical Class: enhance LDL uptake and unexplained persistent rise in CV: Arrhythmias, elevated serum c. Prepare the medication at the right time and right dosage.
Synthetically derived breakdown. serum transaminase level CK level, orthostatic hypotension,
fermentation product palpitations, phlebitis, EDx:
Indications: vasodilation d. Educated the patient and SO about the purpose and importance of the
Therapeutic Class: Indicated for the treatment EENT: altered refraction, dry drug.
Antihyperlipidemic eyes, dry mouth, epistaxis, eye e. Educated SO on drug therapy to promote compliance
Drug to drug Interaction: hemorrhage, glaucoma, glossitis,
Dosage: 40 mg ● Azole Antifungals, hearing loss, lip swelling, loss of DURING:
Colchicine, Erythromycin, taste, pharyngitis, sinusitis, Dx:
Route: Oral Gemfibrozil, LipidModifying stomatitis, taste perversion, f. Verify patient’s identity.
Doses of Niacin, Other tinnitus g. Assess patient’s condition.
Fibrates: Increased risk of ENDO: Hyperglycemia or
myopathy and hypoglycemia Tx:
rhabdomyolysis GI: Abdominal or biliary pain, h. Provide comfort measures and arrange for analgesics if headache
cyclosporine, constipation, diarrhea, duodenal occurs.
● Digoxin: Increased digoxin or stomach ulcers, dysphagia, i. Assist patient when taking the medication.
level and increased risk of elevated liver enzymes,
toxicity efavirenz, rifampin, flatulence, gastroenteritis, hepatic EDx:
other failure, hepatitis, increased Instruct the patient to report unexplained muscle pain, tenderness or
appetite, indigestion, jaundice, weakness, especially with fever or malaise.
melena, pancreatitis, rectal Encourage patient to take medication to the prescribed frequency
hemorrhage, vomiting AFTER:
GU: Abnormal ejaculation; Dx:
cystitis; decreased libido; dysuria; Monitor for therapeutic effectiveness which is indicated by reduction in the
epididymitis; hematuria; level of LDL-C.
impotence; nephritis; nocturia;
renal calculi; urinary frequency, Tx:
incontinence, or urgency; urine
retention; vaginal hemorrhage EDx:
HEME: Anemia, Encourage patient to report any side and adverse effect.
MS: back or muscle pain, gout,
immune-mediated, leg cramps,
myalgia, myasthenia gravis,
myopathy, neck rigidity
RESP: Dyspnea, pneumonia
SKIN: Acne, alopecia, contact
dermatitis, diaphoresis, dry skin,
eczema, petechiae,
photosensitivity, pruritus, rash,
seborrhea, ulceration, urticaria
Other: Anaphylaxis,
angioneurotic edema, flulike
symptoms, infection,
lymphadenopathy, weight gain



Generic Name: Arrives unchanged in the colon, Contraindications: GI: Abdominal cramps and BEFORE:
LACTULOSE where it breaks down into lactic Hypersensitivity to lactulose distention, diarrhea, flatulence Dx:
acid and small amounts of formic or its components, low- ENDO: Hyperglycemia a. Verify doctor’s order.
Brand Name: and acetic acids, acidifying fecal galactose diet Other: Hypernatremia, b. Assess allergy to lactulose or its components.
contents. Acidification leads to hypokalemia, hypovolemia
Chemical Class: Synthetic increased osmotic pressure in the Indications: Tx:
disaccharide sugar colon, which, in turn, increases Indicated for the treatment c. Prepare the medication at the right time and right dosage.
stool water content and softens constipation d. Don’t give concurrently with other laxatives.
Therapeutic Class: stool. Also, lactulose makes
Ammonia reducer, intestinal contents more acidic Drug to drug Interaction: EDx:
Laxative than blood. This prevents e. Educated the patient and SO about the purpose and importance of the
ammonia diffusion from intestine drug.
Dosage: 30 cc into blood, as occurs in hepatic f. Educated SO on drug therapy to promote compliance
encephalopathy. The trapped
Route: IV ammonia is converted into DURING:
ammonia ions and, by lactulose’s Dx:
cathartic effect, is expelled in g. Verify patient’s identity.
feces with other nitrogenous h. Assess patient’s condition.
i. Check the solution appears pale yellow to yellow, viscous liquid.
Cloudiness, darkened solution does not indicate potency loss.

j. Emphasize the importance of drinking adequate fluids and to report
signs and symptoms of dehydration.

k. Monitor the patient's activity and vital signs.

l. Monitor for possible adverse effects of medication.

m. Assess the patient and determine unusual changes.
n. Evaluate therapeutic response: decreased constipation, decreased blood
ammonia level, clearing of mental stat

o. Immediately report to the physician, if unusual changes are noticed.
p. Not to use as a laxative long term, to use as prescribed.



Generic Name: Binds to adenosine diphosphate Contraindications: CNS: Confusion, depression, BEFORE:
CLOPIDOGREL (ADP) receptors on the surface of Active pathological bleeding, dizziness, fatal intracranial Dx:
BISULFATE activated platelets. This action including peptic ulcer and bleeding, fatigue, fever, a. Verify doctor’s order.
blocks ADP, which deactivates intracranial hemorrhage; hallucinations, headache b. Assess allergy to clopidogrel or its components.
Brand Name: Plavix nearby glycoprotein IIb/IIIa hypersensitivity to CV: Chest pain, edema,
receptors and prevents fibrinogen clopidogrel or its components hypercholesterolemia, Tx:
Chemical Class: from attaching to receptors. hypertension, hypotension, c. Prepare the medication at the right time and right dosage.
Thienopyridine derivative Without fibrinogen, platelets Indications: vasculitis *With repeated doses.
can’t aggregate and form thrombi. Indicated for the treatment 278 clorazepate dipotassium EDx:
Therapeutic Class: Platelet EENT: Altered taste; d. Educated the patient and SO about the purpose and importance of the
aggregation inhibitor Drug to drug Interaction: conjunctival, ocular, or retinal drug.
bleeding; epistaxis; rhinitis; e. Educated SO on drug therapy to promote compliance.
Dosage: 75 mg stomatitis; taste disorders

GI: Abdominal pain; acute liver DURING:
Route: failure; colitis; diarrhea; Dx:
duodenal, gastric, or peptic ulcer; f. Verify patient’s identity.
elevated liver function test g. Assess patient’s condition.
results; gastritis; gastrointestinal
and retroperitoneal hemorrhage,
indigestion; nausea; noninfectious Tx:
hepatitis; pancreatitis h. Administer medication as prescribed.
GU: Elevated serum creatinine
level, glomerulopathy, UTI
HEME: Agranulocytosis, aplastic EDx:
anemia, neutropenia, i. Instruct patient to notify prescriber promptly if she experiences side
pancytopenia, prolonged bleeding effects such as fever, weakness, extreme skin paleness, purple skin
time, thrombocytopenic purpura, patches, yellowing of the skin or eyes, or neurologic changes.
thrombotic thrombocytopenic
purpura, unusual bleeding or AFTER:
bruising Dx:
MS: Arthralgia, back pain, j. Be alert for signs of GI bleeding signs (abdominal pain, vomiting blood,
musculoskeletal bleeding, blood in stools, black/tarry stools) or other signs of bleeds (bleeding
myalgia gums, nosebleeds, unusual bruising, hematuria; fall in hematocrit or
RESP: Bronchitis, blood pressure). Notify physician or nursing staff immediately if these
bronchospasm, cough, dyspnea, signs occur.
eosinophilic pneumonia, k. Monitor the effectiveness of the drug.
interstitial pneumonitis,
respiratory tract bleeding, upper Tx:
respiratory tract infection l. Promote safety and comfort measures.
SKIN: drug rash with
eosinophilia and systemic EDx:
symptoms (DRESS), eczema, m. Caution patient that bleeding may continue longer than usual. Instruct
erythema multiforme, lichen
him to report unusual bleeding or bruising.
planus, pruritus, purpura, rash,
skin bleeding, toxic epidermal
n. Instruct patient not to discontinue clopidogrel abruptly or without first
necrolysis, urticaria
Other: Anaphylaxis, consulting prescriber.
angioedema, flulike symptoms,
serum sickness



Generic Name: Isosorbide may interact with Contraindications: CNS: Agitation, confusion, BEFORE:
ISOSORBIDE nitrate receptors in vascular Angle-closure glaucoma; dizziness, headache, insomnia, Dx:
MONONITRATE smooth-muscle cell membranes. cerebral hemorrhage; restlessness, syncope, vertigo, a. Verify doctor’s order.
By interacting with receptors’ concurrent use of sildenafil; weakness b. Assess allergy to its components.
Brand Name: sulfhydryl groups, drug is reduced head trauma; hypersensitivity CV: Arrhythmias, orthostatic
to nitric oxide. Nitric oxide to isosorbide, other nitrates, hypo tension, palpitations, Tx:
Chemical Class: Organic activates the enzyme guanylate or their components; peripheral edema, tachycardia c. Prepare the medication at the right time.
Nitrate cyclase, increasing intracellular orthostatic hypotension; EENT: Blurred vision, diplopia d. Keep isosorbide protected from heat and light.
formation of cyclic guanosine severe anemia (all forms); sublingual burning
Therapeutic Class: monophosphate (cGMP). An (S.L. form) EDx:
Antianginal, Vasodilator increased cGMP level may relax Indications: GI: Abdominal pain, diarrhea, e. Educated the patient and SO about the purpose and importance of the
vascular smooth muscle by Indicated for the treatment or indigestion, nausea, vomiting drug.
Dosage: 30 mg forcing calcium out of muscle prevention of angina pectoris GU: Dysuria, impotence, urinary f. Educated SO on drug therapy to promote compliance
cells, causing vasodilation. This frequency
Route: Oral improves cardiac output by Drug to drug Interaction: HEME: Hemolytic anemia DURING:
reducing mainly preload but also MS: Arthralgia, muscle twitching Dx:
afterload. RESP: Bronchitis, pneumonia, g. Verify patient’s identity.
upper respiratory tract infection h. Assess patient’s condition.
SKIN: Diaphoresis, flushing, rash
i. Give drug 1 hour before or 2 hours after meals. Give with meals if
patient experiences severe headaches or adverse GI reactions.

j. Administer medication as ordered.

k. Assist patient when taking the medication.

l. Caution patient not to crush or chew isosorbide E.R. capsules or tablets
or S.L. tablets unless specifically ordered to do so by prescriber.

m. Instruct patient to take drug before any situation or activity that might

precipitate angina.

n. Monitor blood pressure often during isosorbide therapy, especially in
elderly patients; drug may cause severe hypotension.


p. Know that patient may experience daily headaches from isosorbide’s
vasodilating effects. Give acetaminophen, as prescribed, to relieve pain.

q. Promote safety and comfort measures.

r. Encouraged patient to verbalize feelings and concerns.
s. Instruct patient to notify prescriber about blurred vision, fainting,
increased angina attacks, rash, and severe or persistent headaches.

B. IV Fluids

Name Classification Component/s Use & Effects Nursing Responsibilities

1. Nicardipine Chemical Class: INDICATION: BEFORE:
Hydrochloride Dihydropyridine Dx:
To manage angina pectoris and
Brand Name: Cardene Prinzmetal’s angina, to manage a. Check doctor’s order.
Therapeutic class:
Dosage/Frequency/Route: Antianginal, anti hypertension b. Check blood pressure and pulse rate before
hypertensive nicardipine therapy begins, during dosage changes,
10 mg + 90 cc PNSS and periodically throughout therapy.
Adverse Reactions

CNS: Anxiety, asthenia, ataxia, confusion, Tx:

c. Prepare the medication at the right time and right
dizziness, drowsiness, headache, dosage.

nervousness, paresthesia, psychiatric EDx:

d. Educated SO on drug therapy to promote compliance.
disturbance, syncope, tremor, weakness
CV: Arrhythmias (bradycardia, Dx:
e. Monitor blood pressure and heart rate continually
tachycardia), chest pain, exacerbation of during infusion and avoid too rapid or excessive
blood pressure drop during treatment. If there is
angina (chronic therapy), heart failure, concern of impending hypotension or tachycardia, the
infusion should be discontinued.
hypotension, orthostatic hypotension,
palpitations, peripheral edema f. Administer nicardipine as ordered.
g. Check and regulate the drop rate.
EENT: Altered taste, blurred vision, dry
mouth, epistaxis, gingival hyperplasia,

pharyngitis, rhinitis, tinnitus AFTER:

ENDO: Gynecomastia, hyperglycemia h. Monitor fluid intake and output and daily weight for
signs of fluid retention, which may precipitate heart
GI: Anorexia, constipation, diarrhea, failure.

elevated liver function test results, i. Assess for signs of heart failure, such as crackles,
dyspnea, jugular vein distention, peripheral edema,
indigestion, nausea, thirst, vomiting and weight gain.

GU: Dysuria, nocturia, polyuria, sexual

dysfunction, urinary frequency Tx:

j. Be alert of fluid overload.
HEME: Anemia, leukopenia, k. Promote safety and comfort measures.

thrombocytopenia EDx:
l. Advise patient to notify prescriber immediately about
MS: Joint stiffness, muscle spasms chest pain that’s not relieved by rest or nitroglycerin,
constipation, irregular heartbeats, nausea, pronounced
RESP: Bronchitis, cough, upper
dizziness, severe or persistent headache, and swelling
of hands or feet.
tract infection

SKIN: Dermatitis, diaphoresis, erythema

multiforme, flushing, photosensitivity,

pruritus, rash, Stevens-Johnson syndrome,


Other: Hypokalemia, injection-site

irritation, weight gain

Name Classification Component/s Use & Effects Nursing Responsibilities

2. PNSS (Plain Normal Isotonic Intravenous The solution contains 9 INDICATION: BEFORE:
Saline Solution) Solution Used because it has little to no effect on
grams of sodium
the tissues and makes the person hydrated, Dx:

Form: IV Fluid chloride (NaCI) preventing a. Obtain history of the patient’s fluid and electrolyte
dissolved in 1 liter of status before therapy and reassess regularly.
Dosage/Frequency/Route: 1000 hypovolemic shock or hypotension.
ml x 12 hours, IV @ 27-28 water. At 22 degrees b. Identify the patient before administering IVF.
Celsius, 1 milliliter of Adverse Reactions
normal saline weighs
 Fast heartbeat Tx:
1.0046 grams. Because
 Fever c. Assess vital signs.
sodium chloride has a
molecular weight of  Rash d. Check and regulate the drop rate.

approximately 58 grams  Joint pain, or e. Change the IVF solution if needed.

per mole, 58 grams of
 Shortness of breath.
sodium chloride equals
1 mole. The
f. Instruct the patient not to move her hands frequently
concentration is 9 grams
where the IVF was attached.
per liter divided by 58
g. Educate the patient about the IVF solution.
grams per mole, or 0.154
moles per liter, because h. Instruct to report if dislodged occurs.

normal saline contains 9

grams of NaCI. Because DURING:
NaCI dissociates into
two ions, sodium and
i. Do not connect flexible plastic containers of IV
chloride, 1 molar NaCI is
solutions in series connections.
equivalent to 2 osmolar
j. Vent IV administration sets with the venting the open
NaCI. As a result, NS position should not be used with flexible plastic
contains 154 mEq/L of containers.
Na+ and CI.
k. Monitor for signs of infiltration/ sluggish flow.


l. Be alert of fluid overload.

m. Promote safety and comfort measures.


n. Instructed the patient and watcher not to self regulate

the IVF to avoid over infusion.



o. Monitor for side effects.

p. Monitor fluid intake and output per shift.


q. Palpate and inspect site for puffiness, redness,

blanching, skin temperature (very warm or very
cool), wetness,


r. Instruct SO to report untoward signs and symptoms.

C. Surgery
(if any)

Procedure Description & Indication Nursing Care/Responsibilities

XV. Nursing Care Plans

A. Prioritization of Problems

a.1. List of Problems

This portion lists the health problems according to priority (No. 1 having the highest priority).

Health Problems are stated as Nursing Diagnoses using the Basic 3-Part Statement : PES Format
- Problem Statement + Etiology + Signs and Symptoms
- Ex: Self-Esteem Disturbance related to rejection by husband as manifested by hypersensitivity to
criticism, stating "I don't know if I can manage by myself", and rejecting positive feedback
- Variations to the PES format in order to make the problem statement more descriptive
(e.g. adding "Secondary to") is acceptable as long as the part following “secondary to” is a
disease process
(Ex: High-Risk for Impaired Skin Integrity related to decreased peripheral circulation secondary to

Problems should comprise AT LEAST 3 Actual Problems and 2 Potential Problem ranked in order of

a.2. Basis for Prioritization

This portion presents the basis of how the health problems were prioritized. Prioritization should also be
1. PES Format as stated in your Why is it number 1 out of your 5 problem, you can use nursing
list of problem theories or concepts.
2. PES Format as stated in your Why is it number 2 out of your 5 problem, you can use nursing
list of problem theories or concepts. Relate it with number 1 or 3.
3. PES Format as stated in your Why is it number 3 out of your 5 problem, you can use nursing
list of problem theories or concepts. Relate it with number 2 or 4.
4. PES Format as stated in your Why is it number 4 out of your 5 problem, you can use nursing
list of problem theories or concepts. Relate it with number 3 or 4.
5. PES Format as stated in your Why is it number 5 out of your 5 problem, you can use nursing
list of problem theories or concepts. Relate it with previous problems.

B. Nursing Care Plans
The Care Plans for the Nursing Diagnoses shall be presented here.
The format discussed during the Orientation shall be followed. (Follow new Format for NCP)

NCP 1: PES Format as stated in your list of problem

Assessment Explanation of the Problem Objective Nursing Intervention Rationale Evaluation

Haan nak unay maka


Nursing Diagnosis
Activity intolerance
related to

NCP 2: PES Format as stated in your list of problem

Assessment Explanation of the Problem Objective Nursing Intervention Rationale Evaluation

NCP 3: PES Format as stated in your list of problem

Assessment Explanation of the Problem Objective Nursing Intervention Rationale Evaluation

NCP 4: PES Format as stated in your list of problem

NCP 5: PES Format as stated in your list of problem

C. Discharged Plan
Health Teaching
Diet/Nutrition 1. Aaaa
2. Bbbb
3. cccc

Activity 1. aaaa
2. bbb
3. cccc
4. DDD

Medication 1. Aaaa
2. Bbbb

Other 1. Aaaa
2. Bbbb

(Diet, Therapeutic regimens, Take home meds and Nursing education for the client)

XVI. Learning Insights

(Individual and arranged alphabetical order. Includes what you have learned from the case of your
patient, from assessment, diagnosis, planning, implementation or nursing care and evaluation.
PARAGRAPH FORM, express your writing skills.)
A. BENITO, Danny C.
In our three days duty, handling patient X is…
B. GESMUNDO, Lorraine
The case of patient X is…
C. LIMMANG, Clarissa Marie P.
I may not be part of the directly monitoring the patient but I was able to learn a lot
from our case like I’ve learnt more about the patient’s diagnosis and it’s management in more
detailed manner. But the most notable thing I’ve learnt from this group is being able to learn
from my groupmates’ insights and be productive as a group member, which has helped me
delegate tasks more easily and resulted in early completion deadlines. It has influenced my
own thinking and broadened my knowledge, and from our case presentation, I acquired new
ideas that will benefit me in the future as a nurse. I am thankful for the opportunity to work
with and learn from such kind and good people, as well as accommodating fellow learners!

D. MAIGI, Nicalin
Honestly, I am not part of the directly monitoring the patient but I was able to learn a
lot from our case by sharing my insights regarding…
I was able to see the patient in our second day of duty and helped in the assessment,
so I learned to…

F. PAGUIRIGAN, Kryzza Leizel
I was able to see the patient in our second day of duty and helped in the assessment,
so I learned to…
G. PANGDA, Jaceziel
I was able to see the patient in our second day of duty and helped in the assessment,
so I learned to…
I was able to see the patient in our second day of duty and helped in the assessment,
so I learned to…
I was able to see the patient in our second day of duty and helped in the assessment,
so I learned to…
I was able to see the patient in our second day of duty and helped in the assessment,
so I learned to…

XVII. List of References
This portion cites all books, journals and other references that were used as shown in the example
below. Use APA Format and as much as possible use updated book source.

XVIII. Appendices

Appendix A
Approval/Request Letter

Appendix B
Interview Guides

Appendix C
Others (just specify)


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