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ENG 117 The Teaching and Assessment of Macro Skills

Due date: Sept 13, 2023

Name: Bernard B. Onasin Jr.
Course/ Year: BSED ENGLISH 2-B.

Task 2: Choosing Listening Texts

1. Choose a listening material you can use for Grade 7. This material run for 3-7 minutes.
Paste the url here.

2. Answer the questions found on p 23 of ENG 117 Module.

What type of talk is it?

Instruction and discussion.

Where do you expect to hear it?

I expect to hear it in some random recommendation in my youtube or facebook app, also
in my other social media accounts since stoicism is a popular topic nowadays.

Who is talking and to whom is he talking?

Every TED-Ed Original represents a creative collaboration between experts in their field.
Such experts may include TED speakers, so the one talking is their speaker, probably and
educator. The speaker is talking to anyone who’s interested in learning about the concept

What is the objective of the speaker?

The objective of the speaker is to dissiminate general knowledge about the topic which is

What type of listening is called for in the situation?

Since it suggests that the speaker wants us to understand and remember his message,
content listening.

3. Why do you think this listening material is appropriate to teach listening?

This listening material is suitable for teaching listening because the speaker is attempting
to develop a strong connection with the listener by effectively conveying the subject. As children
become better listeners, they learn to apply the same tactics to develop their command of the
other language arts, which will help students' language arts skills. Now that "stoicism" is a topic,
you've definitely heard of it because it's so trendy right now. In order to overcome negative
emotions, stoicism emphasizes the cultivation of self-control, fortitude, and listening. The
philosophy claims that through developing a clear, objective mind, one can comprehend the
universal reason. Perhaps for this reason, the Stoics advocated listening on purpose. Since it
benefits the other person. Many folks want someone who will actually listen to what they have to
say. Develop the habit of listening intently to what others have to say and trying to understand
their thoughts as much as you can. Simply put, hearing is crucial to stoicism. Considering this,
this material is helpful in teaching listening not just due to the methods used, but also due to the
topics covered, as listening is emphasized.

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