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Introduction 2
Chapter 1: Conceptual Background 3
1. 1. ST (Source Text) Analysis 3
1.2. Text-Typology 4
1.3. Parallel Corpora 5
Chapter 2 Translation Methods and Strategies 8
2.1. Types of Translation 8
2.2. Translation Methods and Procedures 9
2.2.1. Translation Methods 9
2.2.2. Translation Procedures 10
Chapter 3: Applications 13
3.1. Unit 1 13
3.2. Unit 2 15
3.3. Unit 3 17
3.4. Unit 4 19
3.5. Unit 5 21
References 23

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Translation studies, a relatively young domain of research, has been

acknowledged as an academic discipline which concerns itself with analyzing
translation on different coordinates: “ ‘Translation studies’ is now understood to refer
to the academic discipline concerned with the study of translation at large, including
literary and non-literary translation, various forms of oral interpreting, as well as
DUBBNG and SUBTITLING[…]. ‘Translation studies’ is also understood to cover
the whole spectrum of research and pedagogical activities, from developing
theoretical frameworks to conducting individual case studies to engaging in practical
matters such as training translators and developing criteria for translation
assessment”. (Pym and Turk, 2005: 277).
Translation studies has also had its contribution to sharing wide-world
knowledge: “Evidence from literature shows a spectacular perspective on the concept
of translation, both synchronically and diachronically, translation theorization and
practicalities providing a generous frame of intercultural communication worldwide,
triggering dialogues between big and small countries as well.” (Dima, 2012: 117).
„ A perfect interdiscipline, interfacing with a host of other fields” (Hatim,
Munday, 2004: 169), translation studies has particularly contributed to the
development of intercultural communication through the most complex of all
linguistic acts, using its own methods, procedures, strategies and techniques, as Bell
states, “we live in a changing world in which knowledge is expanding and
information transfer is vital; therefore translation has become of utmost
importance”(1991: XVI), adapting frameworks and methodologies from other
disciplines. ‘The phenomenon of translation’, as Manfredi (2008) calls it, has
become crucial in a world rushing towards globalization. We should, therefore, say
that whether for expressive, informative, persuasive, and pedagogical purposes,
communication nowadays relies heavily on translation.
An incursion into the translation studies’ lab will reveal both the interactive
desk where an array of concepts will help target-readers understand the way in which
translation as a product has been processed, and the translator as the agent of this

Chapter 1: Conceptual Background

The present chapter aims at presenting a selection of the most representative

key concepts used in translation studies. These will be illustrated in the chapter of
applications of the present course.

1. 1. ST (Source Text) Analysis

The Source Text (ST) is the input of any translation and bears the
characteristics of the Source Language (SL) system, being for the translator “a
pattern to write as he supposes the author would have done, had he lived in our age
and in our country” (Munday 2001:23).
ST analysis can be achieved along the following dichotomies:

a. Form /vs/ Content

The form of any ST is shaped along its sentential arrangement according to
the syntactic laws of the respective SL system. In English, word order is fixed, of the
type SVO, the subject occupying the first position within the hierarchy of the terms
gravitating around the Predicate: S>DO>IO, followed by adjuncts as non-terms.
Nevertheless, this word order is subject to modifications dictated by pragmatic and
rhetorical effects created by the speaker/writer of the message.
The content of any ST to be translated is centered around the types of the
contexts displaying the meaning and intentions of the message producer: local,
sentential, topical or global:” Translation, on the other hand, is a dynamic process
which involves the manipulation of textual substance in one language to create
textual substance in another language. Part of the production process in translation
consists of matching units of meaning which arise in one culture with those of
another culture before finding their textually and situationally appropriate linguistic
expression”. (Nkwenti-Azeh 2005: 251).
An important role is played by the lexical density of the text which can help
the translator find out the type and number of both content and function words, the
prominence of collocations etc. This can be done using, for example, the computer
tool,, keeping in mind the fact that the translator should be careful in
being as faithful as possible both to the form and the meaning of the original text.
(Croitoru 2007, Dima 2009).

b. Denotation /vs / Connotation

This dichotomy is central to the translation process, it decides on the ST type
and the methods and strategies of translating it.
The meaning of words is first and foremost defined through their denotation.
The concept of denotation is viewed in a larger sense as referring also to the
grammar of words, their forms and sentential order, subordination, and grammatical
synonymy (Leviţchi, 1994: 47). Denotation comes first in a dictionary entry, and it
helps the translator find both the literal meaning of the word and its frequency of
usage. Connotation comes second to denotation, and it stands for the
emotional associations that words or expressions may carry, in addition to their
explicit or literal meaning. Understanding both denotation and connotation, the
translator can raise himself, so to say, beyond words and sentences, searching for the
true meaning in the originator’s message.
Denotation and connotation can be analyzed within lexical/semantic fields
which are precious instruments in finding instances of either appropriateness or

inadvertencies between the SL and TL, or, to hint at non-equivalencies, in Ricoeur’s
opinion: “ Not only are the semantic fields not superimposed on one another but the
syntaxes are not equivalent, the turns of phrase do not serve as a vehicle for the same
cultural legacies; and what is to be said about the half-silent connotations, which
alter the best- defined denotations of the original vocabulary, and which drift, as it
were, between the signs, the sentences, the sequences, whether short or long”.
(Ricoeur, 2006: 6)

c. Core /vs/ Non-Core Words

The concept of coreness can contribute to the translator’s registerial choice
when recreating meaning in the TT. If the words in the ST have a high degree of
coreness, it would be easier for the translator to get equivalence. In contrast, a lower
degree of coreness would make the translator’s search for equivalent words more
difficult, the necessary step to take is to resort to the dictionary.

1.2. Text-Typology
According to Webster’s Third New International Dictionary the word
translation first entered the English vocabulary via Middle English translacioun,
coming from Middle French or Latin translation. In point of meaning, the dictionary
makes three derived distinctions from the more general meaning ‘an act, process or
instance of translating’:
“a. a rendering from one language or representational system into another “~ is an
art that involves the re-creation of a work in another language for readers with a
different background” (Malcolm Cowley); also: the product of such a rendering.
b. the removal, transfer, or conveyance from one place or condition to another.
c. a change or alteration to a different substance, form or appearance: transformation,
transmutation, conversion” (1996: 2429).
Out of all these meanings we have selected the first one on purpose and
underline the connection with the text-type as being representational for a linguistic
system to be translated into a representational text-type belonging to another
linguistic system: “According to Reiss (1977/1989) each text-type is identified by its
semantic, lexical, grammatical and stylistic features (see Nord 1996:84), which
influence the way a text is translated and also serve as a basis for translation
criticism. In the case of each text-type, these features reflect the primary function
which the text serves, and which, she argues, should be preserved in the translation”
(as quoted in Dictionary 2014:56).
There have been given various classifications of text-types, but we have
chosen the one which has a strict connection with text-translation, as found in the
Dictionary of Translation Studies 2014. Thus, text-types could be expressive,
informative, operative, and multi-medial.
Expressive texts comprise an aesthetic component, as the speaker/writer
“exploits the expressive and associative possibilities of the language in order to
communicate his thoughts in an artistic, creative way” (Reiss, 1977/1989:109, as
quoted in Dictionary 2014: 56). In Nord’s opinion, the translator should try to
produce an analogous aesthetic effect, as well as reproducing the semantic content of
the original (1996:83, as quoted in Dictionary 2014:56). Examples of expressive text-
types belong primarily to literary genres: poetry, novel, biography etc.
Operative texts are distinguished by their functionality reflected in the written
language. They include messages which have as a main purpose to persuade the
receiver ‘to undertake a certain course of action’, for instance, read a book, learn to
cook, buy a house, apply for a job etc. In operative texts “both content and form are
subordinated to the extralinguistic effect which the text is designed to achieve” (Nord
1996: 83, as quoted in Dictionary 2014: 117). In the same line of thought, Reiss
considers that a translator’s main aim should be the production of a TT with an
equivalent persuasive force to that of the original and the same basic semantic
content, political manifestos, advertisements, and sermons, being some examples of
operative texts (1977/1989:111, as quoted in Dictionary 2014: 117).
Informative texts have as a main aim to convey information, so a translator
should concentrate on establishing semantic equivalence (Reiss & Vermeer
1984:157, as quoted in Dictionary 2014:79). Among this kind of texts, there are
included reference works, business letters, official documents, and academic articles.
Multi-media texts are characterized by the fact that the verbal content
overlaps with elements from other media, for instance, “songs, comic strips, plays,
and writing for radio or television are all examples of this type […] and the translator
of such texts will need to ensure that the translation is equally suited as
the original for use in the relevant medium” (Reiss 1977/1989:111, as quoted in
Dictionary 2014: 109).
The features of these texts are presented in the table below, synthesized in
Munday 2001:74).

Text types Informative Expressive Operative

Make an
Language Represent objects Express sender’s
appeal to the
function and facts attitude
text receiver
Logical Aesthetic Dialogic
Text focus Content-focused Form-focused
transmit referential transmit aesthetic elicit desired
TT should
content form response
‘Plain prose’, ‘Identifying’ method, ‘Adaptive’
explicitation as adopt perspective of equivalent
required the ST author effect

Table 1: Features of text-types identified by Reiss

1.3. Parallel Corpora

Parallel corpora represent a sound basis for the theory and practice of translation and
an effective means to emphasize the points of contrast between the syntactic and
semantic behavior of text-types in translation.
We have chosen as an illustration the linguistic material analyzed in Dima 2011,
a fragment from the short story Breakfast at Tiffany’s by Truman Capote, text which
is of an expressive, including the description of the physical qualities of the major
character, Holly Golightly.
The parallel corpus delineated is described below:
“a. The ST is an online variant of Breakfast at Tiffany’s as mentioned in the Corpus
b. The first Romanian version (TT1), entitled Sandvişuri cu diamante belongs to
Catinca Ralea and was published in 1967 in the volume Harfa de iarbă şi alte
povestiri, Universal Literature Publishing House, Bucharest.

c. The second Romanian version (TT2) has been translated as Mic dejun la Tifanny
by Constantin Popescu and is included in the volume Mic dejun la Tifanny şi alte
povestiri, published in 2006, Universe Publishing House, Bucharest.
d. The two Romanian versions belong to different periods of time, fact which has
influenced the selection of vocabulary in both translations.
e. One Romanian variant has been translated by a female, the other by a male. We
aim at identifying the equivalents which make the difference.
f. We have presented the corpus by aligning the sentences in both Romanian versions
and the English text above.

ST Corpus: Truman Capote’s Breakfast at Tiffany’s

Sample Analysis 1

ST1:“I went out into the hall and leaned over the banister, just enough to see without
being seen. She was still on the stairs, now she reached the landing, and the ragbag
colors of her boy's hair, tawny streaks, strands of albino-blond and yellow caught the
hall light.

TT1: Sandvişuri cu TT2: Mic dejun la

diamante by Catinca Tifanny by Constantin
Ralea ( page 379-380) Popescu (page 17)
Am ieşit pe palier si m- Am ieşit pe palier şi
am aplecat peste rampă, m-am aplecat peste
atât cât să pot vedea fără balustradă ca să-i pot
să fiu văzut. zări fară să fiu văzut.
Era incă pe scară; dar Holly era pe scară şi
curând ajunse pe palier. ajunsese la palierul ei,
Lumina de pe palier se iar părul ei în toate
reflecta în culorile variate culorile, tăiat băieţeşte,
ale părului ei de băiat cu cu şuviţe arămii, de un
şuviţe decolorate de blond aproape alb, sau
soare, unele de un blond galbene, lucea în
albicios, altele galbene. lumina din hol.

The viewer who is the author himself, starts watching without being seen,
fact which makes the description focalized on Holly and her physical qualities: ST: I
went out into the hall and leaned over the banister, just enough to see without being
seen/ TT1: Am ieşit pe palier si m-am aplecat peste rampă, atât cât să pot vedea
fără să fiu văzut.
/ TT2: Am ieşit pe palier şi m-am aplecat peste balustradă ca să-i pot zări fară să
fiu văzut.
In Ralea’s translation of this first clause there is a shift in the word order
introducing Holly’s appearance, because Romanian is much more flexible than
English. Fronting of Lumina de pe hol as an equivalent to hall light placed at the end
of the ST operates as a syntactic device marking the circumstances of the writer’s
watching. It is the pivotal word anticipating Holly’s description into Romanian,
acting both as an instrument and location.
In Popescu’s translation of the clause the ragbag colors of her boy's hair,
tawny streaks, strands of albino-blond and yellow, caught the hall light, the complex
NP centered around the noun păr and its metonymical counterpart şuviţe follow the
ST determination ordering, but unlike in the ST, the translator has chosen to unload
the sentence by selecting a single translational equivalent for streaks and strands.
And has been translated by sau supposing that the translator might have imagined
that the evening dark made the colors not so clear. Instead of tăiat băieţeşte as an
equivalent for her boy’s hair, we think that tuns băieţeşte could have also been a
good variant obtained by domestication from the Romanian expression a se tunde
băieţeşte. Popescu’s translation stands for a male’s direct way in expressing thoughts
and making evaluations. His variant is a case of semantic translation, keeping to all
the facets of meaning implied by the writer.
In Ralea’s translation the genitival construction her boy’s hair has been
rendered by părului ei de băiat followed by the use of the participial construction
decolorate de soare as an equivalent for tawny. We could say that Ralea’s translation
bears the female mark of gentleness and love of explicitness through thematization
which “consists in arranging words in a particular way so that readers will pay
attention to specific key concepts in the sentence. This aim could be achieved by
marking specific words instead of others in a sentence and this procedure could be
regarded as being a way for the author to express his or her ideology” (Leonardi:
2007: 102).

Sample Analysis 2

ST2: For all her chic thinness, she had an almost breakfast-cereal air of health, a soap
and lemon cleanness, a rough pink darkening in the cheeks.

Cu toată silueta ei Cu toată silueta ei

subţire şi elegantă, elegantă, fata avea un
avea un aer sănătos de aer de om sănătos, care
om care mănâncă bine mănâncă zdravăn
dimineaţa, un aer dimineaţa, un aspect
îngrijit, care amintea de îngrijit, care te ducea cu
săpun şi de lămâie şi o gândul la săpun şi
roşeaţă violentă care-i lămâie, iar în obraji îi
întuneca obrajii. stăruia o notă trandafirie.

The sentential context ST2 has been translated almost similarly in both
variants, being an occasion for the author to express her/ his esthetic evaluation of
what she/he is looking at or a commentary on the effect the sight has on her/him. The
ST metaphorical adjunctions have been rendered into Romanian with a slight change
in the translators’ lexical choice for rendering the expression had an almost
breakfast-cereal air of health. Popescu translates by a grammatical shift, using the
adverbalized adjective zdravăn modifying the verb mănâncă, while Ralea prefers
domestication using the Romanian expression a mânca bine with a temporal
specification dimineaţa. Both translators use addition and shift to render the meaning
of health, but while Popescu uses the noun om modified by the adjective sănătos,
Ralea uses it to modify aer, which she reiterates in aer îngrijit, for the sake of
symmetry. We can still notice some difference in the Romanian equivalents to a
rough pink darkening in the cheeks. Popescu’s translation is more poetical and
milder in tone, a subjective evaluation coming from admiring young females with
rosy cheeks e.g. iar în obraji îi stăruia o notă trandafirie. Ralea’s translation o
roşeaţă violentă care-i întuneca obrajii tries to be nearer the ‘cold’ meaning of the
ST modifier epithet rough and the participle darkening as a means of intensifying the
character’s powerful reaction at external stimuli.” (Dima 2011: 305-308)

Chapter 2. Translation Methods and Strategies

2.1. Types of Translation

The translation process includes certain stages which the translator follows
taking into account the text-type and target users. Thus, a diachronic view on the
matter will reveal the fact that specialists in translation studies have focused on the
function of translation and its typology. Terms, such as general /vs/ specialized
translation, pragmatic translation, literary translation, academic translation,
professional translation, semantic translation, communicative translation etc. occur in
the majority of the studies according to the aim of the research and the domain of
specialization: “A complete theory of translation […] has three components:
specification of function and goal; description and analysis of operations; and critical
comment on relationships between goal and operation”. (Kelly, 1979: 1)
The synthesis in Table 2 shows the variety of labels attributed to translation
by some of the scholars interested in translation issues.

Linguists Criteria of classification Translation Typology

Jean Delisle (1980) - function of the source - pragmatic translation
text - literary translation
- degree of specialization - general translation
in the source text - specialized translation
- general purpose of - academic translation
translating - professional translation
- transcoding
- translation approach - translation

Peter Newmark (1981, - function of the source - translation of an

1988 and 1991) text expressive text
- translation of an
informative text
- translation of narration
- style of the source text - translation of description
- translation of discussion
- translation of dialogue
- content or subject matter - scientific-technological
of the source text translation
- institutional-cultural
- literary translation
- general purpose of - translation for language
translating teaching
- translation for
professional purposes

- translation approach - semantic translation

Barbara Snell and Patricia - content, degree of style, - literary translation
Crampton (1983) and function of the source - translation of
text promotional and
instructional material
- translation of
informatory material
- general purpose of - non-commercial
translating translation
- professional translation
- function of the - translation for
translation publication
- translation for
- degree of style involved - literary translation
in the translation - translation of
informatory material
- translation of
promotional and
instructional material
- direction of the - translation into the
translation mother tongue
- translation out of the
mother tongue
- medium of translation - written translation
- oral (or spoken word)

Table 2. A Synthesis of Translation Types

2.2. Translation Methods and Procedures

Research on translation methods and procedures will be a demanding pursuit

since the opinions are different among specialists. Still, there are some authors whose
studies have influenced much the development of the discipline of translation
studies: Tyler, Nida, Catford, Venuti, Newmark, Baker, to quote just a few.

2.2.1. Translation Methods

Newmark asserts that there is an essential difference between translation

methods and translation procedures: “while translation methods relate to whole
texts, translation procedures are used for sentences and the smaller units of
language”. (1998/2001: 78). It is still Newmark to quote when listing methods of
translation which have been used frequently in translation studies. (1998/2001: 80):
word-for-word translation, literal translation, faithful translation, semantic
translation, adaptation, free translation, idiomatic translation, communicative

Word-for-word translation: the SL word order is preserved, and the words are
translated by their most common meanings, out of context.
e.g. And she seized her bag and coat and ran upstairs to the nursery.
Şi-şi lua/înşfăcă haina şi geanta şi fugi pe scări spre camera copilului.

Literal translation: the SL grammatical constructions are converted to their
nearest TL equivalents, but the lexical words are again translated out of context. It is
the easiest and simplest form of translation. It occurs whenever word-for-word
translation is possible without breaking (grammatical) rules in the target language. A
SL text mechanically reproduced in a TL text can:
- distort the grammatical and stylistic patterns of the receptor language.
- distort the message (misunderstanding).
e.g. I like things that appeared;then one is sure.
Imi plac lucrurile care se văd; atunci eşti sigur.

Faithful translation attempts to produce the precise contextual meaning of the

original within the constraints of the TL grammatical structures.
e.g. I liked them--I felt, quite as their friends must have done--they were so simple;
and I had no objection to them if they would suit.
Imi plăceau, îmi dădeam seama, cum, desigur, plăceau prietenilor lor. Erau atât
de simpli. Şi nu aveam nici o obiecţie împotriva lor, dacă s-ar fi potrivit.

Semantic translation which differs from 'faithful translation' only in as far as

it must take more account of the aesthetic value of the SL text.
e.g. The reason that solar power is not used widely today is that solar energy is more
expensive to use than other forms of energy.
Energia solară nu este folosită pe scara larga în zilele noastre, deoarece este
mai costisitoare decât alte forme de energie.

Adaptation is the freest form of translation and is used mainly for plays
(comedies) and poetry; the themes, characters, plots are usually preserved, the SL
culture is converted to the TL culture and the text is rewritten.
e.g. Sir Toby: Will you encounter the house? my niece is desirous(that) you should enter, if
your trade be to her.
Doreşti să intri? Nepoata mea doreşte. Aşa că , dacă ai treabă cu dînsa,

Free translation produces the TL text without the style, form, or content of
the original.

Idiomatic translation reproduces the 'message' of the original but tends to

distort nuances of meaning by preferring colloquialisms and idioms where these do
not exist in the original.
e.g. I had seized their type- I had already setttled what I would do with them.
Le-am descifrat tipul- ştiam deja ce-aş putea “scoate” din ei.

Communicative translation attempts to render the exact contextual meaning

of the original in such a way that both content and language are readily acceptable
and comprehensible to the readership.

2.2.2. Translation Procedures

Among translation procedures, Newmark (1988) includes: transference,

naturalization, cultural equivalent, functional equivalent, lexical synonymy, through-
translation, modulation, paraphrase.

Transference or transcription is the process of transferring a SL word to a TL

e.g. They knew that I was do the first of the books, “Rutland Ramsay”…
Ştiau că eu făceam primul volum, “ Rutland Ramsay”…

Naturalization adapts the SL word first to the normal pronunciation, then to

the normal morphology of the TL.
e.g. Then, everybody came to the meeting.
Apoi, toată lumea a venit la meeting.

Cultural equivalence means replacing a cultural word in the SL with a TL

e.g. He took his A-level in 2000.
A luat bacalaureatul in anul 2000.

Functional equivalent requires the use of a culture-neutral word. (1988: 83)

e.g. Sarmalele sunt bucate tradiţionale româneşti.
Stuffed cabbage rolls is a traditional Romanian dish.

Lexical synonymy is a "near TL equivalent." (1988: 84), where a precise

equivalent may not exist.
e.g. The control tower presented an ultimatum to the pilot.
Turnul de control i-a dat un ultimatum pilotului.

Through-translation is the literal translation of common collocations, names

of organizations and components of compounds. It can also be called: calque or loan
translation. (1988: 84)
e.g., Security Council of United Nations
Consiliul de Securitate al Naţiunilor Unite

Modulation – a semantic procedure that changes the category of thought, the

focus, the point of view and the whole conceptualization.
e.g., I had taken Mrs. Prest into my confidence; without her in truth I should have
made but little advance, for the fruitful idea in the whole business dropped from her
friendly lips.
O alesesem pe doamna Prest drept confidentă; fără ea, sincer să fiu, n-aş fi
rezolvat mare lucru, pentru că ea a binevoit să-mi sugereze soluţia inspirată de toată
povestea aceasta.

Paraphrase - sometimes called periphrasis, is a translation procedure

whereby the translator replaces a word in the source text by a group of words or an
expression in the target text.
e.g. He paid some attention to the management of his collieries in the Midland
counties, excusing himself for this taint of industry on the ground that the one
advantage of having coal was that it enabled a gentleman to afford the decency of
burning wood on his own hearth.
Se ocupa într-o oarecare măsură de administrarea minelor sale de cărbuni din
regiunile centrale ale ţării, găsind drept scuză pentru această urmă de slăbiciune
pentru industrie faptul că singurul avantaj de a fi proprietarul unei mine era acela
că îi îngăduia unui gentleman să-şi permită decenţa de a arde lemne în propriul său

Some authors use other terms and classifications, overlapping with or
distinguishing from those of Newmark’s, but what is important to emphasize is the
fact that all have had their contribution to the development of translation studies.

Chapter 3: Applications


Romanian ST

În mileniul internautic, globalizant şi repezit în care te afli, călătoria şi-a

pierdut frisonul iniţiatic. Aşternerea la drum nu mai are aplomb picaresc sau sâmbure
de mister. Totul s-a redus la o deplasare eficientă, cu economie de timp şi abundenţă
de mijloace. Nimeni nu mai pleacă în direcţii incerte, nimeni nu mai caută sensuri
pitite în mecanica paşilor. Călătorul de azi e o vietate decisă, care trebuie să ajungă
repede din punctul A în punctul B. El are un aer posac, preocupat sau febril, în
funcţie de agenda zilei. Stilistica voiajului, fie el de plăcere sau de afaceri, a sărăcit
metodic, pe măsură ce s-a îmbogăţit recuzita tehnică. Autobuzele, trenurile,
avioanele şi metrourile transportă cohorte de pasageri plecaţi, vorba lui George
Bernard Shaw, „la întâlniri cu ei înşişi, la care se tem să nu întârzie". Ei bine, de ce
să îngădui, tu, nesimţitule, posomoreala ulcerantă a acestor veşnici hoinari? Chiar nu
poţi face nimic? Ba vezi bine că poţi, dacă ştii să-ţi alegi instrumentele şi momentul
optim al intervenţiei.

Radu Paraschivescu, Nesimţitul călător în Ghidul nesimţitului, p 10

A. Source Text Analysis

1. Read and specify the text type.
2. Analyse the words according to their frequency of usage.
3. Delineate lexical fields within the text.
4. Find synonymic series and distinguish among the components.
5. Explain the meaning of posomoreala ulceranta.

B. Source Text Translation

1. Choose the most appropriate variant for the ST sentences.
“În mileniul internautic, globalizant şi repezit în care te afli, călătoria şi-a pierdut
frisonul iniţiatic.”
a. In the rushy, globalizing, web – surfing millennium where we live, the journey has
lost its initiatic tremor.
b. Our hasty, globalizing and web-dominated millennium has caused journeys lose
their initiatory enthusiasm.
c. In the impetuous, globalizing and internet-governed millennium where we live,
journeys have lost their initiatory enthusiasm.

2. Translate the text into English.

C. Translation Awareness
a. Discuss and illustrate the type of translation equivalence achieved.
b. Rank the text according to the degree of translation difficulty.
c. Comment on the dictionaries used.


English ST

As for the acquaintance which is to be sought in travel, that which is most of

all profitable, is acquaintance with the secretaries and employed men of
ambassadors; for so in travelling in one country he shall suck the experience of
many: let him also see and visit eminent persons in all kinds, which are of great name
abroad, that he may be able to tell how the life agreeth with the fame; for quarrels,
they are with care and discretion to be avoided: they are commonly for mistresses,
healths, place, and words; and let a man beware how he keepeth company with
choleric and quarrelsome persons; for they will engage him into their own quarrels.
When a traveller returneth home, let him not leave the countries where he hath
travelled altogether behind him; but maintain a correspondence by letters with those
of his acquaintance which are of most worth; and let his travel appear rather in his
discourse than in his apparel or gesture; and in his discourse, let him be rather
advised in his answers, than forward to tell stories: and let it appear that he doth not
change his country manners for those of foreign parts; but only prick in some flowers
of that he hath learned abroad into the customs of his own country.

Francis Bacon, Of Travel

A. Source Text Analysis

1. Read and specify the text type.
2. Provide the modern spelling of the text.
3. Discuss the differences between the synonymic pairs: acquaintance and relative;
travel and journey.
4. Explain the meaning of but only prick in some flowers.

B. Source Text Translation

1. Choose the most appropriate variant for the ST sentence.
“When a traveller returneth home, let him not leave the countries where he hath
travelled altogether behind him;”
a. Când un calator se întoarce acasă, nu-l încurajaţi să dea uitării locurile pe care le-a
b. La întoarcerea acasă, încurajaţi-l pe cel care a călătorit să vorbească despre
locurile vizitate.
c. Odata întors acasă, aminteşte-i călătorului de locurile pe care le-a văzut şi nu-l lăsa
să le uite.

2. Translate the text into Romanian.

C. Translation Awareness
a. Discuss and illustrate the type of translation equivalence achieved.
b. Rank the text according to the degree of translation difficulty.
c. Comment on the dictionaries used.


Romanian ST

Dar pentru că te-am văzut iubitor de curse de cai, ca şi mine, dă-mi voie să fac
o comparaţie care are să-ţi dovedească definitiv, dacă mai era nevoie, că nu aş putea
deveni niciodată scriitoare [...]. Ştii că sunt, în general luate, două categorii de cai.
Cei pretendenţi la marile premii clasice şi cei care se mulţumesc să-şi încerce norocul
numai în handicapuri modeste. Se întâmplă însă în unii ani că se găseşte pe hipodrom
câte un cal cu sânge foarte aristocratic şi cu toţi muşchii necontenit gata de întrecere,
care câştigă toate premiile mari, nelăsând celor care sunt abia cu puţin inferiori lui
nici unul. Fiecare dintre aceşti cai nenorocoşi ar putea câştiga orice handicap, rareori
însă, sau din pricina regulamentelor, sau a mândriei proprietarilor, aleargă în aceste
curse. Aşa că ei nu se aleg în unii ani cu nici un premiu. Ei bine, într-un orăşel de
provincie, toate fetele frumoase sunt faţă de cea mai frumoasă - chiar când
deosebirea e tot aşa de mică - în situaţia acestor nenorocoşi candidaţi. Cea mai
frumoasă recoltează toate visurile, toate ambiţiile adolescenţilor din oraş [...]. Eram
deci, în strâmtul şi proaspătul nostru orăşel de munte, cea mai frumoasă fată, iubită
de elevii liceului, curtată de tinerii magistraţi şi obiectul cavalerismului ofiţerilor din

Camil Petrescu, Patul lui Procust, p 8/19

A. Source Text Analysis

1. Read and specify the text type.
2. Explain the meaning of handicap in the text.
3. Find instances of words changing from denotative to connotative meaning.
3. Build up synonym essays for frumoasa and beautiful. Use dictionaries.

B. Source Text Translation

1. Choose the most appropriate variant for the ST sentence:
„Se întâmplă însă în unii ani că se găseşte pe hipodrom câte un cal cu sânge foarte
aristocratic şi cu toţi muşchii necontenit gata de întrecere”
a. It so happens that in certain years, on the horse racing track, there may appear a
horse of a most noble breed and a great conformation ready for confrontation.
b. In certain years, it happens to find on the show ring a horse of an outstanding
bloodline and a great bone ready for competition.
c. In some years, there can be found on the hippodrome a horse of a most noble breed
and with steel in his muscle always ready for competition.

2. Translate the text into English.

C. Translation Awareness
a. Discuss and illustrate the type of translation equivalence achieved.
b. Rank the text according to the degree of translation difficulty.
c. Comment on the dictionaries used.


English ST

A young member of the band turned her head at the exclamation. She was a
fine and handsome girl--not handsomer than some others, possibly--but her mobile
peony mouth and large innocent eyes added eloquence to colour and shape. She wore
a red ribbon in her hair and was the only one of the white company who could boast
of such a pronounced adornment. As she looked round, Durbeyfield was seen
moving along the road in a chaise belonging to The Pure Drop, driven by a frizzle-
headed brawny damsel with her gown-sleeves rolled above her elbows. This was the
cheerful servant of that establishment, who, in her part of factotum, turned groom
and ostler at times. Durbeyfield, leaning back, and with his eyes closed luxuriously,
was waving his hand above his head, and singing in a slow recitative-- […]
Tess Durbeyfield at this time of her life was a mere vessel of emotion
untinctured by experience.

Thomas Hardy, Tess of the d'Urbervilles, p.9-10

A. Source Text Analysis

1. Read and specify the text type.
2. Find archaic words in the text and provide modern equivalents.
3. Explain the meanings of chaise and ostler using English dictionaries.
4. Find antonyms for innocent, cheerful, slow.

B. Source Text Translation

1. Choose the most appropriate variant for the ST sentence:
“Tess Durbeyfield at this time of her life was a mere vessel of emotion untinctured by
a. La acest moment din viaţa ei, Tess Durbeyfield cunostea pentru prima dată
adevăratele sentimente şi emoţii.
b. Pe vremea aceea, Tess Durbeyfield vibra ca un cristal, datorită unei sensibilităţi
nealterate de experienţă.
c. La vârsta ei, Tess Durbeyfield strălucea asemenea unei comori nepreţuite de
sensibilităţi nealterate de experienţa vieţii.

2. Translate the text into Romanian.

C. Translation Awareness
a. Discuss and illustrate the type of translation equivalence achieved.
b. Rank the text according to the degree of translation difficulty.
c. Comment on the dictionaries used.


Romanian ST

Aprinse lampa cu abajur de mătase bleu şi trandafiri mici din catifea. Din patul
de bronz, pictat cu îngeraşi, te aşteptai să răsară o scufiţă cu panglici şi dantele. În
bufetul vienez cu două vitrine, modern prin anii '80-'90, un instantaneu al epocii ar fi
surprins sticle de apă de Vichy, flacoane de colonie Cuir de Russie, pastilele
întăritoare ale doctorului Blow sau elixirul bunicilor Cristal de munte. Berzele de
argint susţineau cîndva o tipsie unde tineri domni de acum o jumătate de veac îşi
lăsau cărţile de vizită, pendula anunţa orele de bal sau de primire, în oglindă,
îngălbenită acum, se reflectau chipuri gingaşe într-o cascadă de bucle, zulufi, pene şi
flori, umeri goi, coborîţi după cum cercau canoanele frumuseţilor contemporane cu
Eugenia de Montijo. În scrinul de cireş lustruit, lenjeria delicată, lucrată în mînăstiri,
emana arome dulci, mitenele fine de antilopă albă adăstau alături de dantela scumpă
Valenciennes ori mai modestă de Bruxelles...
Melania Lupu trase mînerul de bronz şi scoase o jumătate de cozonac, un
borcan de dulceaţă şi cîteva pastile de ciocolată pe care motanul le prinse din zbor.

Rodica Ojog-Braşoveanu, Bună seara, Melania, p.4

A. Source Text Analysis

1. Read and specify the text type.
2. Explain the meanings of mitene and adastau.
3. Find synonyms for frumusetilor contemporane.

B. Source Text Translation

1. Choose the most appropriate variant for the ST sentence:
„Din patul de bronz, pictat cu îngeraşi, te aşteptai să răsară o scufiţă cu panglici şi
a. Out of the bronze bed, painted with cherubs, you were expecting a ribboned,
embroidered nightcap to turn up.
b. Out of the bronze bed on which little angels were painted, you might have
expected a ribbonned, laced nightcap to turn up.
c. A nightcap trimmed with ribbons and lace might have appeared from the bronze
bed painted with cherubs.

2. Distinguish among nightcap, bonnet, hood.

3. Translate the text into English.

C. Translation Awareness
a. Discuss and illustrate the type of translation equivalence achieved.
b. Rank the text according to the degree of translation difficulty.
c. Comment on the dictionaries used.


English ST

Laura put back the receiver, flung her arms over her head, took a deep breath,
stretched and let them fall. "Huh," she sighed, and the moment after the sigh she sat
up quickly. She was still, listening. All the doors in the house seemed to be open.
The house was alive with soft, quick steps and running voices. The green baize door
that led to the kitchen regions swung open and shut with a muffled thud. And now
there came a long, chuckling absurd sound. It was the heavy piano being moved on
its stiff castors. But the air! If you stopped to notice, was the air always like this?
Little faint winds were playing chase, in at the tops of the windows, out at the doors.
And there were two tiny spots of sun, one on the inkpot, one on a silver photograph
frame, playing too. Darling little spots. Especially the one on the inkpot lid. It was
quite warm. A warm little silver star. She could have kissed it.

Katherine Mansfield, The Garden Party, p.5

A. ST Analysis
1. Read and specify the text type.
a. Comment on the use of auditory images in the text.
b. Distinguish between tiny and little.
c. Explain the meaning of were playing chase in Little faint winds were playing
chase, in at the tops of the windows, out at the doors.

B. Source Text Translation

1. Choose the most appropriate variant for the ST sentence:
“The house was alive with soft, quick steps and running voices”.
a. Intreaga casă era animată de paşi uşori, repezi şi voci neîntrerupte.
b. Intreaga clădire era un freamăt de paşi uşori, grăbiţi, de crâmpeie de glasuri.
c. Casa răsuna de paşi uşori, grăbiţi şi glasuri fremătătoare.

2. Translate the text into Romanian.

C. Translation Awareness
a. Discuss and illustrate the type of translation equivalence achieved.
b. Rank the text according to the degree of translation difficulty.
c. Comment on the dictionaries used.


Romanian ST

Bunicul e gata îmbrăcat, cu pălăria de pai negru, mănuşile de aţă şi bastonul

de trestie în mână. Poarta din faţă e deschisă. A tras la scară trăsura muscalului. Calul
face ni-ha-ha-ha. Cânii din mahala s-au stârnit la lătrat. Perdelele albe se leagănă
uneori cu atâta avânt ondulat că ajung până departe în odaie.
— Potaie, să nu te mişti de-acasă! Te las paznicul avutului nostru. E mare
cinste pentru un neisprăvit ca tine, vorbeşte bunica, în timp ce-şi încheie mănuşile
lungi cu bumbi de sidef. Miroase stins a liliac pe sfârşite, şi proaspăt (foarte aproape
de nară), a apă de flori, a papier d'Armenie, a paciuli, a vetiver, a afion. Toate acestea
se revarsă din sertarele bunicei. Mai miroase şi a bomboane acre. Nepotul prizează
cu dinadins, până la strănut.
— Ce-i cu nasul tău? Ai gutunar?
— Îmi miroase a bomboane englezeşti...
— Păreri, zice bunica şi închide sertarul. Hai, Alecule!
Trăsura cu bunicii pleacă: la doamna Boù. Un ultim strănut de râs, şi nepotul
rămâne singur, de capul lui, „paznicul avutului bunicilor".

Ionel Teodoreanu, Bunicii. Cele patru anotimpuri, p. 5

A. Source Text Analysis

1. Read and specify the text type.
2. Explain the meanings of gutunar.
3. Identify foreign words in the text and explain their usage by the author.

B. Source Text Translation

1. Choose the most appropriate variant for the ST sentence:
„Nepotul prizează cu dinadins, până la strănut”.
a. The nephew is smelling until he starts sneezing.
b. The nephew inhales until he sneezes.
c. The nephew keeps smelling and ends in sneezing.

2. Translate the text into English.

C. Translation Awareness
a. Discuss and illustrate the type of translation equivalence achieved.
b. Rank the text according to the degree of translation difficulty.
c. Comment on the dictionaries used.


English ST

It never occurred to me in those days to write about Holly Golightly, and

probably it would not now except for a conversation I had with Joe Bell that set the
whole memory of her in motion again. Holly Golightly had been a tenant in the old
brownstone; she'd occupied the apartment below mine. As for Joe Bell, he ran a bar
around the corner on Lexington Avenue; he still does. Both Holly and I used to go
there six, seven times a day, not for a drink, not always, but to make telephone calls:
during the war a private telephone was hard to come by. Moreover, Joe Bell was
good about taking messages, which in Holly's case was no small favor, for she had a
tremendous many. Of course, this was a long time ago, and until last week I hadn't
seen Joe Bell in several years. Off and on we'd kept in touch, and occasionally I'd
stopped by his bar when passing through the neighborhood; but we’d never been
strong friends except in as much as we were both friends of Holly Golightly. Joe Bell
hasn't an easy nature, he admits it himself, he says it's because he's a bachelor and
has a sour stomach. Anyone who knows him will tell you he's a hard man to talk to.
Impossible if you don't share his fixations, of which Holly is one.

Truman Capote, Breakfast at Tiffany’s, p.2-3

A. ST Analysis
1. Read and specify the text type.
a. Specify elements of textual cohesion and coherence.
b. Distinguish between the uses of past perfect.
c. Explain the meaning of „ Joe Bell hasn't an easy nature, he admits it himself, he
says it's because he's a bachelor and has a sour stomach”.

B. Source Text Translation

1. Choose the most appropriate variant for the ST sentence:
“Both Holly and I used to go there six, seven times a day, not for a drink, not always,
but to make telephone calls: during the war a private telephone was hard to come
a. Aveam obiceiul ca, împreună cu Holly, să mergem acolo de şase, şapte ori pe zi,
nu neapărat ca să bem, ci mai ales ca să dea ea telefoane; în timpul războiului era
greu să-ţi instalezi telefon acasă.
b. Impreună cu Holly obişnuiam să mergem acolo de şase sau şapte ori pe zi, nu ca să
bem ceva, ci pentru a da telefoane: deoarece în timpul războiului cu greu aveai
telefon acasă.
c. Atât eu cât şi Holly ne duceam acolo de şase, şapte ori pe zi, nu ca să bem – ci ca
să dăm un telefon: în timpul războiului era greu sa obţii legătura la telefoanele

2. Translate the text into Romanian.

C. Translation Awareness
a. Discuss and illustrate the type of translation equivalence achieved.
b. Rank the text according to the degree of translation difficulty.
c. Comment on the dictionaries used.


Romanian ST

Dar Ester, în vremea cînd mergeam la tanti Aura, era o fată vioaie şi foarte
deşteaptă, care citea tot timpul cărţi groase, prăjindu-se la soare în remorca vechiului
camion. Cu cît se bronza mai mult, cu-atît se umplea mai tare de pistrui. Avea pistrui
pe tot corpul, pe toată pielea ei roşcată, dar mai ales pe umeri, pe spate şi sub ochi, în
jurul nasului. Uneori vorbea puţin behăit şi avea tendinţa să-şi înfunde capul între
umeri, dar cusururile astea erau compensate de frumuseţea părului auriu-purpuriu
care-i venea pînă la brîu, de privirea verde a ochilor ei înţelept-jucăuşi. Ea desena
complicatele şotroane în formă de melc, cu pătrăţele faste şi căsuţe periculoase, pe
care, dînd cu ciobul şi bolborosind repede cuvinte ciudate:„ânkara-nânkara-astarot-
ţefirah-sabaot-sabaot-sabaot", trebuia să le parcurgem sărind într-un picior.

Mircea Cartarescu, Nostalgia, p199

A. Source Text Analysis

1. Read and specify the text type.
2. Explain the meaning of vorbea puţin behăit.
3. Find synonyms for cusururi.

B. Source Text Translation

1. Choose the most appropriate variant for the ST sentence:
„Cu cît se bronza mai mult, cu-atît se umplea mai tare de pistrui”.
a. The more tanned, the more freckled she got.
b. More tanned, more freckled.
c. The more tanned she got, the more freckled.

2. Translate the text into English.

C. Translation Awareness
a. Discuss and illustrate the type of translation equivalence achieved.
b. Rank the text according to the degree of translation difficulty.
c. Comment on the dictionaries used.

English ST

For Robyn and Charles weekends were for work as well as recreation, and the
two activities tended to blend into each other at certain interfaces. Was it work or
recreation, for instance, to browse through the review pages of the Observer and the
Sunday Times, mentally filing away information about the latest books, plays, films,
and even fashion and furniture […]. A brisk walk in Wellington boots to feed the
ducks in the local park was, however, definitely recreation […]. Robin had a stack of
essays to mark, and Charles was reading a book on deconstruction which he had
agreed to review for a scholarly journal. The gas fire hissed and popped in the hearth.
A harpsichord concerto by Haydn tinkled quietly on the stereo. Outside, as the light
faded from the winter sky, melting snow dripped from the eaves and trickled down
the gutters. Robyn, looking from Mario Russell’s overdue assessed essay on Tess of
the D’Urbervilles (which was actually not bad, so perhaps the modeling job was
turning out to be a sensible decision), caught Charles’s abstracted gaze and smiled.

David Lodge, Nice Work, p. 177

A. ST Analysis
1. Read and specify the text type.
a. Comment on the degree of text formality.
b. Identify cases of parenthetical elements in the fragment.

B. Source Text Translation

1. Choose the most appropriate variant for the ST sentence:
“A harpisichord concerto by Haydn tinkled quietly on the stereo”
a. Dinspre combina stereo se auzeau acordurile în surdină ale unuia dintre concertele
pentru clavecin de Haydn.
b. Combina stereo emitea acordurile tăcute ale unui concert de clavecin de Haydn.
c. Acordurile unui concert pentru clavecin de Haydn răsunau încet dinspre combina
2. Translate the text into Romanian.

C. Translation Awareness
a. Discuss and illustrate the type of translation equivalence achieved.
b. Rank the text according to the degree of translation difficulty.
c. Comment on the dictionaries used.


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