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Canada SCORES Fieldwork Evidence Portfolio

SPSC 2101-002: Fieldwork 1

Instructor Karine Hamm

Jourdan Evans

April 3, 2023

Task Summary

Task 1 Brief Description: Warming up students via game – Crossing Turtle Island
Date: February 14, 2023
Type of Assessment: Immediate verbal feedback from site supervisor transcribed onto
an assessment form
Supporting Documentation Included: Site Supervisor Assessment Form, Crossing Turtle
Island Outline

Task 2 Brief Description: Warming up students via game – Animal Freeze Tag
Date: March 14, 2023
Type of Assessment: Immediate verbal feedback from site supervisor transcribed onto
an assessment form
Supporting Documentation Included: Site Supervisor Assessment Form, Animal freeze
tag Outline

Task 3 Brief Description: Warming up students via game – Ga-ga-ball

Date: March 16, 2023
Type of Assessment: Immediate verbal feedback from site supervisor transcribed onto
an assessment form
Supporting Documentation Included: Site Supervisor Assessment Form, Ga-ga-ball

Task 1 - Warming up students via game – Crossing Turtle Island

Age: 9-12

Objective: Cross the gym when allowed to do so without getting tagged by the person who is


Equipment: Open Space and designated starting and ending points (sides of the gym)

Safety: Keep eyes up when running, do not run straight into walls, be aware where you are


How to Play: To begin pick 1 person to be “it”, their job is to try and tag players as they cross the

play area (gym). Everyone who is not “it” lines up at one end of the play area behind a specific

line or touching the wall of the gym. The person who is “it” may call out a descriptor followed

by “can cross turtle island”, for example “whoever is wearing white can cross turtle island”,

anyone matching that descriptor must try and make it to the other side of the play area without

being tagged. Those who do not match the description must count to 5 before trying to cross

the play area. If a person attempting to cross the play area is tagged, they join in being “it” with

the original tagger. This proceeds until there is a single person left untagged, they are

designated as “winner”.

Task 1 - Assessment Form

Name of Student: Jourdan Evans

Name of Assessor: Charlotte

Date: February 14, 2023

Skill/lesson to be assessed: Warm up game – crossing turtle island

❑ Plan prepared ahead of time, with time to review and discuss with Site Supervisor;
❑ Arrived early and stayed late, so were available to participants;
❑ If necessary, materials/equipment prepared ahead of time, appropriate and participant-
❑ Presence in front of participants – confident and professional;
❑ Voice and non-verbal communication clear, enthusiastic and informative;
❑ Management of participants was well thought out, logical and organized;
❑ Content was appropriate and accurate;
❑ Delivery of content: logical start and finish, good pace and allowed for questions;
❑ Methods: good use of cue words, demonstrated, participant centered and fun.

Recommendations and comments (from Site. Sup.)

(Note: This is an informal evaluation and is for student leadership development only)

Jourdan was a little bit flustered about running the warm-up game to begin with but settled in
once the students settled down. She could improve in using body language to convey messages
to the students as well as making sure students stay on task by reminding them of cues or
adding further instructions.


Site Supervisor Signature: C


Task 1 – Reflection

During this task I felt a little bit unprepared at the beginning. I feel that my anxiety got

the best of me at the start, especially when the students did not want to settle down at first. I

did not notice until my supervisor pointed it out, but I had been fidgeting with my sleeves a little

bit and if I had avoided this the students may have been a little bit quicker at taking instruction.

The hardest point of this task was dealing with how many of the students wanted to be “it” for

the game. My supervisor later told me that she simply goes via an attendance list to help decide

who is it, marking how many times someone has been “it”. I found this to be a good tip for

future use. Towards the end of the game students fell off topic, at this point I could have upped

the difficulty a bit to keep them engaged in the game. Overall, I believe it helped me learn quite

a bit to use in future tasks.


Task 2 - Warming up students via game – Animal freeze tag

Age: 8-12

Objective: Be the last person to be tagged

Equipment: Open Space with designated boundaries

Safety: Keep eyes up when running, do not run straight into walls, be aware where you are


How to Play: To begin 1-2 people are chosen to be “it”, it is their job to attempt to tag other

players. When a player is tagged by someone who is “it”, the player must freeze where they are

and strike a pose that resembles and animal, for example holding their arm up to their face to

look like and elephant’s trunk. Other players may unfreeze those who have been tagged by

striking the same animal pose next to the frozen player. The game may end when all, but 1

player is frozen, or a time limit can be set.

Increase Difficulty: Reduce area of play or increase the number of people who are “it”

Task 2 - Assessment Form

Name of Student: Jourdan Evans

Name of Assessor: Joshua Zubeck

Date: March 14, 2023

Skill/lesson to be assessed: Warm up games – animal freeze tag

❑ Plan prepared ahead of time, with time to review and discuss with Site Supervisor;
❑ Arrived early and stayed late, so were available to participants;
❑ If necessary, materials/equipment prepared ahead of time, appropriate and participant-
❑ Presence in front of participants – confident and professional;
❑ Voice and non-verbal communication clear, enthusiastic and informative;
❑ Management of participants was well thought out, logical and organized;
❑ Content was appropriate and accurate;
❑ Delivery of content: logical start and finish, good pace and allowed for questions;
❑ Methods: good use of cue words, demonstrated, participant centered and fun.

Recommendations and comments (from Site. Sup.)

(Note: This is an informal evaluation and is for student leadership development only)

Jourdan showed a good understanding of how to gain attention of the students as well as keep
all students involved in the games.


Site Supervisor Signature: JZ


Task 2 – Reflection

During this task I happened to be with a new supervisor due to spring break scheduling, I

felt it was a little bit difficult to obtain any great feedback from this supervisor and I believe it to

be based on the fact that we had not been working together for more than a day. I felt more

prepared for this task than the previous task since I had received some good feedback and was

working on implementing it in this task. I chose a game that would engage the students’

creativity as they tried to find different animal poses. The students seemed to like the aspect

that allowed for some silliness, while I was still able to control the setting of the game. As the

game progressed, I made sure to increase the difficulty by changing the play area which I

learned from previous feedback. I think since I was slightly new to the students’ they attempted

to behave a little better for the first game I ran with them, as they became more familiar with

me through the week there were spots when I had to remind students of what was appropriate

during our time there.


Task 3 - Warming up students via game – Ga-ga-ball

Age: 8-12

Objective: Be the last person to be in the pit/eliminate other players

Equipment: Gym corner space, 3 benches, and a volleyball

Safety: Be aware of where you are and who is around you, hit ball with moderate force, keep

ball low, don’t step on benches

How to Play: Create a pit laying 3 benches on their sides flat surfaces facing in towards the pit

and aligning them to enclose a space in the corner of the gym. Players all start by touching

either the gym wall or the benches. A supervisor/coach/teacher will toss the volleyball into the

middle of the pit, the ball must bounce 3 times before any player may touch it, while the ball

makes its 3 bounces players say ga-ga-ball in time with each bounce. After the 3 bounces

players are permitted to hit the ball with a closed fist to hit other players below the knees. If a

player is hit below the knees that player is, then “out” and must leave the pit. Players are not

permitted to hit the ball 2 times in a row unless the ball bounces off another surface (another

player, a wall, or the benches) in between hits. If a player does hit the ball 2 times in a row

without it bouncing off another surface that player is “out” and must leave the pit. The ball

must always stay inside of the pit, if the ball if ever hit outside of the pit the player who hit it is

“out.” To create a fair playing environment students should be reminded that they must stay on

their feet at all times, if a player continues to disobey this, they may be given a warning before

being removed from the game.

Increase Difficulty: Add a second ball.


Task 3 - Assessment Form

Name of Student: Jourdan Evans

Name of Assessor: Joshua Zubeck

Date: March 16

Skill/lesson to be assessed: Warm up game – ga-ga-ball

❑ Plan prepared ahead of time, with time to review and discuss with Site Supervisor;
❑ Arrived early and stayed late, so were available to participants;
❑ If necessary, materials/equipment prepared ahead of time, appropriate and participant-
❑ Presence in front of participants – confident and professional;
❑ Voice and non-verbal communication clear, enthusiastic and informative;
❑ Management of participants was well thought out, logical and organized;
❑ Content was appropriate and accurate;
❑ Delivery of content: logical start and finish, good pace and allowed for questions;
❑ Methods: good use of cue words, demonstrated, participant centered and fun.

Recommendations and comments (from Site. Sup.)

(Note: This is an informal evaluation and is for student leadership development only)
Overall, well executed, students were well engaged throughout the warm-up and asked to play
the game again over the course of the camp.


Site Supervisor Signature: JZ


Task 3 – Reflection

This is the last task that I recorded feedback for although I continued to do similar tasks

during my fieldwork experience. As I completed more tasks within this group of students, some

had asked to play less running based games while we had our designated gym time, I thought

ga-ga-ball would be suitable since there is still movement but on a much smaller scale. The

students were also very competitive during some games so if a game had a clear winner, they

showed more vocal appraisal of that game. I found that during this task explaining all

information to the students once through before emphasizing some of the points that related to

safety made them less likely to ask questions about the general rules, or more likely to ask

specific questions that the instructions may not have explicitly covered. I felt a sense of

happiness when the students had asked to play this later in the spring break camp as they

enjoyed the game so much it was one of the things they wanted to keep doing.

Final Reflection

At the beginning of my placement, I was hesitant since the site had a focus in soccer,

which is one of the sports I dislike the most. I found throughout my placement that the use of

soccer was merely just a vessel to help teach these students some socialization skills. The best

part of my fieldwork experience was the different personalities of the students and getting to

engage with them in a way that I may not have engaged with this age group before. I will never

forget having a student tell me he would miss me after only being with his program for 4

sessions. The main aspect that I found I disliked about my placement was when students had

trouble focussing and I had to find ways around them also distracting other students. This is

probably the case since it is possibly the most difficult thing I had to do, and I struggled to do it

with any positive result. I am not sure if this is an age group that I would like to work with again,

I found it hard to connect with the students and I found myself quick to frustration which is a

flaw when working with younger children. I feel like if I was able to increase the amount of

patience I have I would have greater success in future placements and that will be something I

work on.


Hamm, K. Assessment Form 1.docx. [Class handout]. Blackboard.

Hamm, K. 2101_Assignment 3_Fieldwork Evidence Portfolio.docx. [Class handout]. Blackboard.

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