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A. Conclution

Based on these experiments we do, it can be conclusion that Broth in tubes

that are open will be found because the air from outside the organism that
carries microorganisms can more freely into the water while the broth is
heated and sealed treatment did not reveal any microorganisms because the
broth is not directly related to the air from the outside. So, this observation
can be proved that living things come from living things before. Thus,
abiogenesis theory supported by Aristotle can be broken.
B. Suggestion
1. For Assistant : Is expected assistant accompany in our experiment
during the heating of materials, so we not make a mistake for next
2. For Apprentice : It is expected that all practican asking to assistant
about the tools and material which prepared by the student university,
always working together with friends of a group for the results that you
want to accomplish can be done as expected.
3. For laboratory : Is laboratory must to complite the equipment and
material to used in experiment.

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