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Nama Mahasiswa : ST. HALIJAH

Nomor Induk Mahasiswa / NIM : 859423149

Kode / Nama Mata Kuliah : PDGK4304/Bahasa Inggris Untuk

Guru SD

Kode / Nama UPBJJ : 80 / Makassar

Masa Ujian : 2023 Ganjil


1. a. Anda dan kolega Anda diminta oleh kepala sekolah Anda yang baru untuk berkenalan
dengan menggunakan Bahasa Inggris. Perkenalkan diri Anda kepada kepala sekoah Anda
yang baru dengan menggunakan Bahasa Inggris. Perkenalan Anda meliputi : nama,
alamat, nomor telepon, suku atau kebangsaan, pendidikan, status perkawinan, tempat
lahir, dan tanggal lahir atau usia, Kepala sekolah baru Anda menanyakan : Anda
mengajar di kelas berapa. Awali perkenalan Anda dengan memberi salam dalam Bahasa
Inggris, dan katakana kepada koleha dan kepala sekolah baru Anda bahwa Anda merasa
senang berteman dengan koleha Anda dan memiliki kepala sekolah baru.

Tulislah perkenalan Anda dalam bentuk paragraph yang terdiri dari dua belas (12)
Hello good Morning. Let me introduce myself, my name is ST. HALIJAH I live in
Pangisoreng Hamlet, my telephone number is 082393026822, I am Bugis, my last
education is Vocational School and while I am continuing my higher education at UPBJJ
MAKASSAR POKJAR MAROS Open University, I am not yet married, my place of
birth is Pangisoreng with date of birth 04 March 2001 now I am 22 years old, I teach in
grade 3. I really enjoy making friends with all my co-workers and I am also very happy
because today we met and got to know the new principal in person.

b. Helen : Hi, Difal. How are you?

Difal : Fine. Thanks.
Helen : Why did you come alone, where is your wife?
Difal : My wife at home is not feeling well.
Helen : Sorry, I forgot your wife’s name?
Difal : It’s okay, my wife’s name is Dijah.
Helen : I hope your wife gets better soon. By the way, where does your wife
Difal : Yes, thank you. My wife works at UPTD SDN 90 Pangisoreng as a class
Helen : What level of education does your wife have?
Difal : He graduated from vocational school and is continuing at Terbuka
Helen : Where does your wife come from?
Difal : My wife comes from Maros district
Helen : Convey my greetings to your wife. I will go home because my husband is
waiting out front. See you .
2. 1. What kind of job does your *husband/wife/father/mother/son/daughter have?(*= Anda pilih
salah satu saja)
Jawab : My father’s job is a farmer.
2. Where does he/she work?
Jawab : in the family garden
3. What does he/she always do in the morning?
Jawab : Every morning he always drinks tea.
4. What is he/she doing now?(Tuliskan 2 kegiatan)
Jawab : He was watering the plants and applying fertilizer.
5. What did he/she did yesterday?(Tuliskan 2 kegiatan)
Jawab : Yesterday he rested at home and helped grandfather make a cupboard.
6. What is he/she going to do tomorrow? (Tuliskan dengan 2 cara penulisan bentuk future)
Jawab : He will fertilize tomorrow and spray pest poison

3. Damai Harahap + Asmara

Tiurma + Syahrul Bahrul + Mila

Rio Tigor Mona Maruli Rinto

a. Berdasakan diagram keluarga yang diberikan, buatlah lima (5) kalimat dengan menggunakan
kosa kata yang berhubungan dengan keluarga inti (immediate family).
Jawab :
 Tigor is the son of Tiurma and syahrul
 Maruli is Rio’s sister
 Bahrul and Mila are husband and wife
 Rio is Mona’s brother
 Tiurma and Syahrul are husband and wife
b. Berdasarkan diagram keluarga yang diberikan, buatlah lima (5) kalimat dengan menggunakan
kosa kata yang berhubungan dengan keluarga besar (extended family).
Jawab :
 Damai Harahap is and maruli’s grandfather
 Asmara is Rio’s grandmother
 Rio is cousin to Maruli
 Syahrul is uncle Maruli
 Bahrul is uncle Mona
c. Ambillah sebuah benda yang paling anda sukai, lalu anda deskripsikan benda tersebut dengan
menyebutkan nama, warna, bahan yang digunakan, bentuk, dan manfaat dari benda itu.
(Sertakan foto dari benda tersebut)
Jawab :
I have a doll called palpal, palpal is pink and cream made of soft furry cloth and looks like a bear,
palpal always accompanies me to sleep, even though he is an inanimate object, I really like him.

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