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Name : Dian Eka Sari

NIM : 877603803

Tugas Tutorial 1
Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris untuk Guru SD (PDGK4304)

1. Soal Nomor 1 dan Jawaban

a. Hello good morning everyone. I would like to introduce myself, my name is Dian Eka Sari
and I’m from Baturaja Lama, Empat Lawang Regency. I’m a new teacher here and I want
to share a little bit about me. This is my WhatsApp contact 082352348198 if you guys need
to contact me at one time. I was born at Baturaja Lama on 27 August 1983 and now 40
years old. I’m from Malay ethnic and native Indonesian. I’m graduated from
Muhammadiyah Lahat. In this time, I teach 4th grade with English as a subject. I have been
married since 2011 and have a daughter. Since last month I try to improve my education by
join a university to take a new education. I took English Education. I’m glad to be here and
I hope we work together.

b. Helen : Hi Jhon
Jhonatan : Hi.. what’s up?
Helen : I’m good, how about you? Long time no see right.
Jhonatan : Yes ..I’m good
Helen : who did you come with?
Jhonatan : I come by myself, what about you?
Helen : same with me, I come alone. You’re married, right?
Jhonatan : yes, I have married 2 months ago.
Helen : ohh I see, sorry I’m forget what’s your wife name is?
Jhonatan : my wife name is Linda.
Helen : Yes Linda..sorry for that. Is she graduated from the university with us?
Jhonatan : Yes, of course and now she works at the same company with me.
Helen : where is she from?
Jhonatan : she is from Jakarta.
Helen : ohh I see; oke then have fun and see you next time
Jhonatan : ok nice to meet you and see you.

2. Soal Nomor 2 dan Jawaban

a. My husband has a job as a passenger transport service provider or motorbike taxi.
b. He works around the area where he lives, because his job is a passenger transportation
c. He helps with housework and prepares vehicles for work.
d. In this time apart from working as a transportation service, he also works as a package
deliveryman and rental driver for remote areas.
e. Yesterday he is doing the same job which is a passenger transportation service and
package deliveryman.
f. My husband will do the same job for tomorrow, he does job as a deliveryman and
passenger transportation service.
3. Soal Nomor 3 dan Jawaban
a. 5 kalimat untuk keluarga inti
- My husband name is Tiuma
- He is a smart and nice person
- We have been married since 2010 and have three children
- My husband cannot eat foods that contain a lot of fat.
- The five of us like holidays and hunting for food.

b. 5 kalimat untuk keluarga besar

- We are two sisters and already have our own families
- We are live side by side.
- Our parent name is Damai Harahap and Asmara
- I have a brother-in-law named Bahrul
- and I have two nephews named Maruli and Rinto

c. Deskripsi barang yang di sukai

This is actually not an item that I like but rather an item

that I have the ability to use and is one of my sources of
livelihood. I have been involved in sewing for a long time.
and I have made a lot of clothes, starting from school
uniforms, wedding uniforms, regular clothes and many
more. The sewing machine I use is still an old-fashioned
brown machine, but now I only use a small dynamo to
sew. A sewing machine made from wooden planks with a
machine placed inside so that it can function in sewing
clothes. There is no special name that I give to this sewing
machine, but this is one item that is very valuable to me
because there are many benefits provided by this sewing

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