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MAY 2023

HMEF 5103


IDENTITY CARD NO. : 830314086402
TELEPHONE NO. : 012-6129370
LEARNING CENTRE : OUM Graduate Centre Kelana Jaya




Table of Contents

1. Introduction
1.1 Background and Rationale
1.2 Research Objectives
1.3 Research Questions
1.4 Significance of the Study
1.5 Scope and Limitations

2. Literature Review
2.1 Overview of the Role of School Principals
2.2 Importance of a Positive Learning Environment
2.3 Previous Studies on School Leadership and Learning Environment
2.4 Research Gaps and Theoretical Framework
2.5 Conceptual Framework

3. Research Methodology
3.1 Research Design and Approach
3.2 Participants and Sampling
3.3 Data Collection Methods
3.3.1 Interviews with Key Stakeholders
3.3.2 Written Responses from Headmaster, Assistant Teacher, and YDP PIBG
3.3.3 Survey Responses from Teachers, Parents, and Students
3.4 Data Analysis Approach
3.4.1 Coding and Theme Identification
3.4.2 Data Integration and Synthesis
3.5 Validity and Reliability Considerations
3.6 Ethical Considerations

4. Findings
4.1 Headmaster's Perspective: Creating a Positive Learning Environment
4.2 Assistant Teacher's Perspective: Collaborative Efforts for a Positive Environment
4.3 YDP PIBG Member's Perspective: Parental Involvement and Student Well-being
4.4 Teacher Responses: Insights into Classroom Dynamics
4.5 Parent Responses: Expectations and Observations
4.6 Student Responses: Perceptions of the Learning Environment

5. Data Analysis and Emerging Themes

5.1 Coding Process and Approach
5.2 Emerging Themes from Interviews and Written Responses
5.3 Cross-Participant Themes and Variations

6. Discussion and Implications

6.1 Alignment with Research Questions and Objectives
6.2 Insights from Stakeholder Perspectives
6.3 Implications for School Leadership and Policy
6.4 Contribution to Existing Literature
6.5 Limitations and Future Research Directions

7. Conclusion
7.1 Summary of Key Findings
7.2 Reflection on Research Process
7.3 Conclusion and Overall Implications

8. References

9. Appendices
9.1 Interview Questions
9.2 Consent Forms
9.3 Transcription and Coding Samples (if relevant)
9.4 Link to Audio/Video Recordings

1. Introduction
In the landscape of education, the role of school principals stands as a pivotal force
that shapes the foundation upon which student growth and development thrive. At the heart
of effective education lies the concept of a positive learning environment – an environment
that transcends the physical confines of the classroom and encompasses the psychological,
emotional, and social dimensions of the educational experience. Such an environment is a
fertile ground where active participation, meaningful engagement, and holistic development
flourish. Central to cultivating this conducive atmosphere is the indispensable role of school
principals, whose leadership influences the establishment, maintenance, and evolution of an
environment that nurtures young minds and fosters educational excellence.

1.1 Background and Rationale

The Malaysian education landscape is characterized by a commitment to providing

quality education that caters to the diverse needs of its young learners. Recognizing the
imperative link between the learning environment and academic achievement, there is a
growing recognition of the critical role school principals play in orchestrating an environment
that is not only academically enriching but also emotionally and socially supportive. This
research delves into the intricate dynamics that define the role of school principals in shaping
a positive learning environment within Malaysian primary schools.

1.2 Research Objectives

The primary objectives of this research are to delve into the multifaceted dimensions
of a positive learning environment within the context of Malaysian primary schools and to
explore the specific role that school principals play in creating, nurturing, and sustaining such
an environment. The research objectives are as follows:
a) To analyze the characteristics and attributes that constitute a positive learning
environment within Malaysian primary schools.
b) To investigate the strategies employed by school principals to foster trust, inclusivity,
and engagement among students.
c) To understand how school principals contribute to creating an environment that
values diversity, respect, and active participation.
d) To explore the challenges and opportunities encountered by school principals in their
endeavor to maintain a positive learning environment over time.
e) To examine the impact of school principals' leadership qualities, strategies, and self-
awareness on the overall classroom atmosphere.

1.3 Research Questions

The study seeks to address the following central research questions:

a) What are the fundamental characteristics and attributes that define a positive learning
environment in Malaysian primary schools?
b) How do school principals contribute to the cultivation of a positive learning
environment, and what strategies do they employ to promote trust, inclusivity, and
engagement among students?
c) What are the challenges faced by school principals in fostering and preserving a
positive learning environment, and how do they navigate these challenges?
d) How do school principals' leadership qualities, self-awareness, and strategies
influence the creation and maintenance of a positive learning environment?

1.4 Significance of the Study

The significance of this study lies in its potential to deepen our understanding of the
critical role school principals play in nurturing an environment conducive to holistic student
development. The findings from this research could contribute insights that inform
educational policies, leadership training programs, and instructional approaches. By unveiling
the intricate interplay between leadership and learning environment, the study aims to
enhance the quality of education provided in Malaysian primary schools.

1.5 Scope and Limitations

While the primary focus of this research centers on the role of school principals in
creating a positive learning environment within Malaysian primary schools, the implications
of the findings extend beyond these specific settings. The study's scope acknowledges the
broader applicability of the insights gleaned and aims to contribute to the dialogue on
effective educational leadership in diverse contexts.

The subsequent sections will delve into the existing literature, presenting a
comprehensive overview of the role of school principals, the significance of a positive
learning environment, and the specific context of Malaysian primary schools.

2. Literature Review

2.1 Overview of the Role of School Headmasters

In the educational landscape of Malaysian primary schools, the role of school

headmasters extends far beyond administrative responsibilities. A school headmaster
embodies transformative leadership, significantly shaping the educational journey of students
and the overall school environment. As the chief architect of the school's culture, the
headmaster's role encompasses visionary leadership that not only guides academic excellence
but also underpins the establishment of a positive learning environment. By fostering an
atmosphere of trust, collaboration, and mutual respect, headmasters influence the holistic
development of students and set the stage for a thriving educational ecosystem.

2.2 Importance of a Positive Learning Environment

Within the Malaysian context, the creation of a positive learning environment holds
profound implications for both students' academic achievements and overall well-being. A
positive learning environment transcends physical classroom boundaries, encompassing
emotional and social dimensions. In Malaysian primary schools, where the foundation for
lifelong learning is laid, cultivating an environment that is safe, inclusive, and conducive to
exploration becomes paramount. Such an environment fuels active engagement, elevates
student motivation, and nurtures peer-to-peer interactions. It propels academic success,
emotional resilience, and the acquisition of essential life skills.

2.3 Previous Studies on School Leadership and Learning Environment

Educational researchers have directed considerable attention towards the intricate

interplay between school leadership and the learning environment. Past studies have delved
into the multifaceted dimensions of school leaders' roles in shaping educational outcomes.
Numerous researchers have explored how the leadership practices of school headmasters
influence the establishment of a conducive learning atmosphere that nurtures student
engagement and learning. These studies highlight the pivotal role of school leaders in crafting
an environment that fosters academic growth, emotional intelligence, and interpersonal skills.

2.4 Research Gaps and Theoretical Framework

Despite the growing body of research, gaps persist in our understanding of how
school headmasters navigate the complexities of creating a positive learning environment
within the specific context of Malaysian primary schools. While existing studies offer
valuable insights into leadership practices and their effects on the learning environment, a
comprehensive exploration of the role of school headmasters in the Malaysian context
remains limited. This study seeks to address this gap by focusing on the unique challenges
and opportunities encountered by school headmasters within the Malaysian educational

The theoretical framework guiding this study draws from transformational leadership
theory and social-ecological systems theory. Transformational leadership underscores the
capacity of leaders to inspire and motivate individuals toward achieving shared goals. Social-
ecological systems theory provides a lens to examine how various factors, both internal and
external, interact to shape the learning environment.

3. Conceptual Framework

The conceptual framework employed in this study revolves around the intricate
dynamics between school headmasters' leadership attributes, instructional practices, and the
creation of a positive learning environment. This framework underscores the symbiotic
relationship between headmasters' visionary leadership, teachers' instructional strategies, and
students' engagement and well-being. It also acknowledges the influence of cultural context,
parental involvement, and the broader educational ecosystem in shaping the environment
where meaningful teaching and learning unfold.

3. Research Methodology

3.1 Research Design and Approach

This study employs a qualitative research design, specifically phenomenology, to

explore the role of school headmasters in cultivating a positive learning environment within
Malaysian primary schools. Phenomenology is an apt choice, as it facilitates an in-depth
exploration of participants' lived experiences and perceptions, shedding light on the essence
of how school headmasters contribute to shaping this environment.

3.2 Participants and Sampling

The research participants encompass a diverse spectrum, including school

headmasters, assistant teachers, YDP PIBG members, teachers, parents, and students from
Malaysian primary schools. Employing a purposive sampling technique, participants are
selected based on specific criteria such as experience duration, role variation, and geographic
representation, ensuring a well-rounded representation of viewpoints.

3.3 Data Collection Methods

3.3.1 Interviews with Key Stakeholders

Semi-structured interviews will be conducted with assistant teachers and YDP PIBG
members. This approach allows for a deep exploration of their insights regarding the
influence of school headmasters on a positive learning environment. Additionally, written
responses will be obtained from school headmasters who prefer this mode of communication,
further enriching the understanding of their perspectives.

3.3.2 Survey Responses from Teachers, Parents, and Students

To garner a comprehensive view, a survey questionnaire will be administered to
teachers, parents, and students. The questionnaire combines Likert-scale items with open-
ended questions, enabling the capture of nuanced perceptions and experiences concerning the
learning environment and the school headmasters' role.

3.4 Data Analysis Approach

3.4.1 Coding and Theme Identification

Thematic analysis will be employed to analyze interview transcripts and written
responses. Codes will be deduced from the research objectives while allowing space for
emergent themes. This iterative process of coding and theme identification provides a holistic
perspective on participants' experiences.

3.4.2 Data Integration and Synthesis

Quantitative data from surveys will be quantitatively analyzed, complementing the
qualitative insights. The integration of both forms of data will yield a comprehensive
understanding of the research phenomenon, enriching the study's credibility through data

3.5 Validity and Reliability Considerations

To enhance the study's validity, member checking and peer debriefing will be
employed. Member checking enables participants to review and validate findings, while peer
debriefing ensures external feedback on the study's rigor. Reliability will be ensured through
meticulous documentation and consistent data collection procedures.

3.6 Ethical Considerations

Adherence to ethical principles is paramount throughout the research journey.

Informed consent will be obtained from participants, confidentiality and anonymity will be
maintained, and participants' right to withdraw at any stage will be respected. The study will
strictly follow Institutional Review Board (IRB) guidelines to uphold participants' rights and

4. Findings

4.1 Headmaster's Perspective: Creating a Positive Learning Environment

In this section, we delve into the insights and perspectives shared by Mr. Rajamanickam
a/l Vellayan, the esteemed Headmaster of SJKT Saraswathy, Sungai Buloh, Selangor.
Through a comprehensive interview, Mr. Vellayan provides valuable quotes, anecdotes,
and observations that shed light on his role in creating a positive learning environment
within the school.

Interview with the School Headmaster: A Multilingual Perspective

In the pursuit of comprehensively understanding the role of school headmasters in

fostering a positive learning environment within Malaysian primary schools, it became
essential to engage with educators who possess valuable insights. One such invaluable
interaction transpired through an interview conducted with Mr. Rajamanickam Vellayan,
the headmaster of SJKT Saraswathy in Sungai Buloh, Selangor. His expertise and
experience were integral to enriching this study.

Given the linguistic diversity inherent to Malaysia, the interview was conducted
in Tamil—a language comfortably wielded by Mr. Rajamanickam Vellayan. This
multilingual approach was instrumental in ensuring an open and genuine exchange of
ideas, allowing the headmaster to articulate his viewpoints with confidence and
eloquence. During the interview, several pertinent aspects related to cultivating a
conducive learning atmosphere were discussed, encapsulating Mr. Rajamanickam
Vellayan's profound understanding and practical insights.

To facilitate the integration of these insights into the English narrative of this
thesis, a meticulous translation of the interview was executed. This translation endeavor
aimed to capture not only the explicit content of the conversation but also the nuances,
sentiments, and cultural contexts that were inherently embedded in the Tamil discourse.
By undertaking this translation process, the essence of Mr. Rajamanickam Vellayan's

thoughts and perspectives remained intact, ensuring that the English rendition remained
faithful to the original intent.

The translated excerpts presented herein reflect the culmination of this

harmonious interplay between languages. It is imperative to recognize that the choice of
language in such research endeavors extends beyond a mere technicality; it is a means to
honor and encompass the diverse fabric of voices contributing to the educational

In the subsequent sections of this thesis, the insights garnered from the interview
with Mr. Rajamanickam Vellayan will be seamlessly interwoven with the broader context
and literature, ultimately enriching the discourse surrounding the role of school
headmasters in fostering a positive learning environment within Malaysian primary

Leadership Strategies (Code: LDR)

Mr. Vellayan's leadership philosophy resonates with transformational leadership.

He states, "My leadership philosophy revolves around being a transformational leader. I
believe in inspiring and motivating my team to reach their full potential." This quote
captures his commitment to fostering growth and empowerment within the school
He emphasizes the significance of clear expectations, stating, "Clear expectations
are crucial for a positive learning environment." This sentiment is further illustrated
through the annual staff meetings where the school's vision, mission, and goals are
discussed. This practice sets the tone for the entire academic year.
Regarding collaboration among teachers, Mr. Vellayan shares an observation,
"Collaboration is at the heart of our school climate." He elaborates on this by
highlighting the regular department meetings and professional development workshops,
fostering a culture of sharing ideas and best practices. This anecdote exemplifies his
dedication to creating a cohesive learning experience.

In promoting student engagement, Mr. Vellayan asserts, "Student engagement is
crucial for meaningful learning." He provides a tangible strategy by incorporating
interactive teaching methods and technology. This approach resonates with the quote,
"We encourage students to participate in extracurricular activities and clubs to explore
their interests and talents." This hands-on approach encourages active participation.
Support and Communication (Code: SUP)

To establish open communication, Mr. Vellayan emphasizes an open-door policy,

stating, "Effective communication is vital. I have an open-door policy, and teachers and
students are encouraged to approach me with any concerns." This quote showcases his
commitment to accessibility and approachability.
Discussing staff support, Mr. Vellayan reflects, "Supporting our staff's well-being and
growth is essential." The quote, "We organize staff appreciation events and create a
positive work culture where everyone feels valued and supported," captures his proactive
approach to ensuring a supportive work environment.

School Climate and Culture (Code: CLM)

When fostering a positive school culture, Mr. Vellayan shares an anecdote, "A
positive school culture is nurtured through our daily interactions." This reflects the
organic and constant nature of his efforts. He also emphasizes inclusivity, stating,
"Student involvement in decision-making processes empowers them and promotes
inclusivity." This observation highlights the students' active role in shaping the school's
In addressing disciplinary issues, Mr. Vellayan emphasizes empathy and
restorative justice, stating, "Disciplinary issues are addressed with empathy and
understanding." He also shares a strategy, "Individual counseling sessions and involving
parents in resolving matters create a supportive environment for students." This
approach underscores his commitment to maintaining a positive atmosphere even during
challenging moments.

Challenges in Creating a Positive Learning Environment (Code: CHL)

Acknowledging challenges, Mr. Vellayan identifies external pressures, stating,

"One of the significant challenges is managing diverse student needs and external
pressures, such as standardized testing." This quote reflects the multifaceted nature of
his role and the external factors he navigates.

Student Well-being and Academic Performance (Code: STD)

Mr. Vellayan highlights the holistic impact of a positive learning environment,

stating, "A positive learning environment has a significant impact on student well-being
and academic performance." This observation underscores the interdependence of well-
being and learning outcomes.

Through Mr. Vellayan's insightful quotes, anecdotes, and observations, this
section provides a deep understanding of the role of a school principal in fostering a
positive learning environment. His leadership philosophy, practical strategies, and
dedication to inclusivity showcase his commitment to creating a supportive atmosphere
within SJKT Saraswathy. His words illuminate the path to nurturing both students' well-
being and academic growth.

4.2 Assistant Teacher's Perspective: Collaborative Efforts for a Positive Environment

Mdm Mariamah Kandan, a dedicated Senior Assistant Teacher in Management at

SJKT Saraswathy, Sungai Buloh, Selangor, provides a unique insight into the
collaborative efforts that contribute to fostering a positive learning environment within
the school. Her wealth of experience and proactive approach shed light on the crucial role
that assistant teachers play in creating a conducive atmosphere for both students and

Role and Responsibilities:
As a Senior Assistant Teacher in Management, Mdm Mariamah Kandan oversees
administrative aspects vital to the school's functioning. Her role involves coordinating
events, managing student records, and supporting the implementation of educational
policies and initiatives. With two years of service at the school, her experience brings a
seasoned perspective to the team.

Contribution to a Positive Learning Environment:

Mdm Mariamah Kandan's commitment to creating a positive learning environment is
evident in her meticulous approach to her responsibilities. Her attention to detail ensures
that administrative processes are streamlined, providing teachers and students with the
necessary support and resources. By addressing the practical aspects of school
functioning, she contributes to an environment conducive to effective teaching and

Collaboration with School Principal and Administrators:

Being a senior member of the teaching staff, Mdm Mariamah Kandan actively
collaborates with the school principal and administrators. Her insights, drawn from her
practical experience, offer valuable input during discussions about policies and
initiatives. This collaborative effort ensures that decisions are well-informed and aligned
with the needs of the school community.

Classroom Management and Discipline:

Mdm Mariamah Kandan's commitment to maintaining a disciplined and positive learning
environment extends to her support for teachers. She assists in addressing challenges
related to classroom management and student behavior by offering guidance on effective

strategies. By facilitating open dialogue and sharing best practices, she contributes to a
culture of professionalism and order.

Support and Mentorship:

Guiding and coaching teachers whenever needed is a hallmark of Mdm Mariamah
Kandan's role. Her supportive demeanor and willingness to share insights help junior
teachers grow professionally. By offering mentorship, she ensures that newer members of
the teaching staff are well-equipped to navigate challenges and contribute effectively.

Continuous Improvement and Innovation:

Mdm Mariamah Kandan's enthusiasm for continuous improvement and innovation is
reflected in her approach to encouraging teaching staff. She nurtures a culture where
innovative ideas are welcomed and rewarded. By staying updated through workshops,
conferences, and online resources, she keeps the teaching staff informed about the latest
developments in educational management.

Mdm Mariamah Kandan's role as a Senior Assistant Teacher in Management exemplifies
the collaborative spirit required to create a positive learning environment. Her dedication
to administrative efficiency, mentorship, and fostering a culture of improvement
resonates with the broader efforts of the school's administration. Through her unique
insights and proactive approach, she contributes significantly to the success of SJKT
Saraswathy in its mission to provide a nurturing and conducive learning environment for

4.3 YDP PIBG Member's Perspective: Parental Involvement and Student Well-being

Kumaraguru A/L Manokaran, the YDP PIBG representative, expressed a

profound understanding of the school principal's role in creating a positive learning

environment. He emphasized that the principal's leadership and vision have a significant
impact on shaping the school culture and quality of education. According to Kumaraguru:
"The role of a school principal is extremely important in creating a positive learning
environment for students. Principals play a pivotal leadership role in shaping the overall
culture, atmosphere, and quality of education within a school."
He highlighted the following areas where the principal's influence is particularly
a) Leadership and Vision: "Their leadership style and commitment to creating a
positive learning environment can inspire teachers, staff, and students to work
together towards a common vision. A principal with a strong vision for student
success and well-being can motivate the entire school community."
b) School Culture and Climate: "By promoting values such as respect, inclusivity,
empathy, and cooperation, principals can create an environment where students
feel valued and supported, leading to improved behavior, academic achievement,
and overall well-being."
c) Teacher Support and Development: "When teachers feel empowered, valued,
and well-supported by the principal, they are more likely to create engaging and
effective learning experiences for their students. This, in turn, contributes to a
positive learning environment."
d) Discipline and Behavior Management: "Effective principals establish and
enforce consistent discipline policies that promote fairness and accountability. A
well-managed school with clear expectations and consequences helps maintain a
safe and orderly environment where students can focus on learning."
e) Parent and Community Engagement: "Principals act as bridges between the
school, parents, and the local community. Positive relationships with parents and
community members can enhance students' educational experiences and provide
additional support systems for their success."
f) Innovation and Continuous Improvement: "Principals who embrace innovation
and encourage a culture of continuous improvement can lead to the
implementation of new teaching methods, technologies, and programs that
enhance student engagement and achievement."

Collaboration and Communication with the Principal
Kumaraguru also highlighted the importance of effective collaboration and
communication between the YDP PIBG and the school principal. He pointed out factors
that influence the effectiveness of this collaboration:
"Communication and transparency" play a pivotal role, and Kumaraguru noted that the
YDP PIBG appreciates a principal who maintains open lines of communication with
parents and teachers. He indicated that regular updates, clear explanations of policies and
decisions, and a willingness to listen to feedback contribute to a sense of transparency
and trust.

"Inclusive decision making" is another crucial aspect. The YDP PIBG values a
principal who involves them in important decisions and seeks input from parents and
teachers. This inclusivity is seen as valuing collaboration and recognizing the importance
of a community-driven approach to education.

"Student-centric approach" is also highlighted, where the YDP PIBG values a

principal who prioritizes the well-being, academic growth, and holistic development of
students. Initiatives that promote student engagement, emotional support, and
extracurricular opportunities are positively received.

The YDP PIBG representative recognizes the importance of "safety and well-
being." Principals who ensure a safe and secure environment for students and staff and
proactively address issues like bullying or health concerns are appreciated for their
commitment to student welfare.

"Parent Engagement" is valued as well. Principals who encourage parental

involvement and provide opportunities for parents to participate in school activities,
workshops, and events are seen as enhancing the overall school experience and building a
sense of community.

Finally, Kumaraguru acknowledged the principal's role in promoting "academic
excellence." The YDP PIBG appreciates a principal's efforts to implement effective
teaching methods, maintain high academic standards, and provide resources that support
student achievement.

Overall Evaluation
In the provided questionnaire, the YDP PIBG representative rated the school
principal's efforts in creating a positive learning environment as "3." This suggests a
moderate level of satisfaction with the principal's role in fostering a positive learning
environment. Further elaboration on the specific factors that influenced this rating and
any additional comments could provide valuable insights into the YDP PIBG's

4.4 Teacher Responses: Insights into Classroom Dynamics

In this section, we delve into the perspectives of teachers as they provide valuable
insights into the dynamics within the classroom and how these dynamics influence the
broader learning environment. Teachers' viewpoints offer a window into effective
teaching methods, student engagement, and the role of leadership in creating a positive
and productive atmosphere.

Effective Teaching Strategies and Student Engagement The teachers' responses

underscore the significance of employing effective teaching strategies to engage students
and facilitate their learning experiences. Transformational leadership and laissez-faire
leadership were mentioned as approaches that play a role in shaping classroom dynamics.
A teacher highlighted the importance of "celebrating cultural diversity through classroom
activities," an approach that not only enriches the educational experience but also fosters
an inclusive atmosphere.

Role of the Headmaster and Classroom Atmosphere The role of the headmaster
was acknowledged as influential in creating a positive classroom atmosphere. Teachers

pointed out the headmaster's role in "mediating conflicts and encouraging peaceful
resolution," highlighting the importance of conflict resolution skills in maintaining a
harmonious learning environment. The headmaster's efforts were recognized in fostering
a sense of belonging and school spirit, contributing to an atmosphere where students feel
valued and connected.
Empowering Student Engagement and Participation Teachers emphasized the
value of involving students actively in the planning and decision-making processes. By
doing so, teachers create an environment that empowers students and fosters a sense of
ownership over their learning journey. As one teacher mentioned, "By actively involving
students in planning and decision-making, we nurture a space where students feel their
voices are heard and their ideas matter."

Challenges and Considerations Teachers also addressed challenges they face in

classroom dynamics. One teacher mentioned that certain students' attitudes "distract
students from their academic responsibilities," underscoring the need for strategies to
maintain focus and engagement. Additionally, time management emerged as a concern,
with teachers noting the complexity of managing various tasks within limited time

In essence, the insights from teachers shed light on the dynamic interplay between
teaching strategies, student engagement, and the overarching learning environment. Their
perspectives highlight the significance of leadership, diversity celebration, and active
student involvement in cultivating a positive and thriving classroom atmosphere.
"Celebrating cultural diversity through classroom activities enriches students' experiences
and promotes mutual respect, contributing to a harmonious learning environment." -

"By actively involving students in planning and decision-making, we nurture a space

where students feel their voices are heard and their ideas matter." - THANAMALAR A/P

"Mediating conflicts and encouraging peaceful resolution fosters a sense of belonging
and school spirit, creating an environment where students feel valued." - Manimalar A/P

4.5 Parent Responses: Expectations and Observations

The insights gathered from parents shed light on their expectations and
observations regarding the learning environment at SJKT Saraswathy. Through their
perspectives, we gain a deeper understanding of what they believe constitutes a positive
learning environment, their observations of the school's efforts, and their role in
supporting their children's educational journey. Several key themes emerged from their
input, as highlighted by the following quotes and paraphrased excerpts:

High Academic Pressure and Discipline: Parents like Ananth and Geeta expressed
concerns about academic pressure and the importance of strict discipline in creating a
conducive learning environment. Ananth noted the importance of building trust between
teachers and parents, emphasizing the need for open channels of communication. Geeta,
on the other hand, mentioned that a supportive and caring teaching staff is essential to
maintain a positive atmosphere.

"Build trust between teachers and parents. Organise programs for parents to
participate. Give opportunity for parents to evaluate teachers online." - Ananth
Supportive and Caring Teachers: A recurring theme in parents' observations was the
appreciation for the teachers' supportive and caring nature. Mala Arumugam, Premah a/p
Krishnan, and Mohanaraj Subramaniam all highlighted the positive impact of teachers
who demonstrate genuine care for their students.

"Supportive and caring teachers play a significant role in shaping a positive

learning environment for our children." - Premah a/p Krishnan

Communication and Involvement: The role of communication between teachers and
parents emerged as a pivotal aspect of the learning environment. Parents such as Punitha
emphasized the importance of effective communication and expressed the desire for more
frequent interactions, possibly through virtual meetings. Mohanaraj Subramaniam
underscored the significance of two-way communication to foster new ideas for the
school's development.

"Have more two-way communication to enhance new ideas for school, teachers, and
student’s development." - Mohanaraj Subramaniam

Academic Support for Struggling Students: Another common expectation was the
provision of additional academic support for struggling students. Several parents,
including Geeta, Punitha, and Premah a/p Krishnan, highlighted the importance of
addressing the diverse learning needs of students and offering personalized assistance to
help them succeed.

"Additional academic support for struggling students can make a significant difference in
their learning journey." - Punitha

Parental Involvement: Parents demonstrated a keen interest in being actively

involved in their children's educational journey. Many emphasized the value of
participating in school-related events and activities. Ananth and Premah a/p Krishnan
highlighted the importance of parental involvement to enhance students' overall learning

"Opportunities for parental involvement in school activities can create a stronger

connection between parents, teachers, and students." - Ananth

In conclusion, parents' expectations and observations reflect a desire for a

balanced learning environment that combines academic rigor with supportive teaching,
effective communication, and opportunities for active parental involvement. Their

perspectives underscore the significance of creating a positive learning atmosphere that
nurtures students' holistic growth.

4.6 Student Responses: Perceptions of the Learning Environment

The perspectives shared by students provide valuable insights into their

perceptions of the learning environment and the profound impact it has on their
educational experiences. This section offers a concise overview of their viewpoints,
encompassing safety, engagement, teaching methods, the role of the headmaster,
interactions with educators and peers, and memorable experiences that shaped their

1. Safety and Engagement: Students' thoughts on safety and engagement were rich and
varied. Being praised for their efforts and accomplishments motivated and encouraged
them. While some felt comfortable expressing their opinions in the classroom often,
others wished for more opportunities to share their ideas.

"Motivated and encouraged." - Myuri Kumaran "Motivated and encouraged... Often." -


"Motivated and encouraged... Sometimes." - Dhanaranjana A/P Chandra Bhos

"A positive experience in my school that made me feel motivated and engaged in my
learning is being a master of ceremony (MC) in our school program." - HARSHINI

"Motivated and encouraged... Often." - Yashvendren

"Motivated and encouraged... Sometimes." - Kartigen A/L Valathiam

2. Inclusion and Acceptance: The significance of being included and accepted by their
peers was palpable. Feeling included and accepted emerged as a fundamental aspect of
their educational journey.
3. Influence of Teaching Methods: Students highlighted their desire for interactive and
hands-on learning experiences. They expressed the need for teachers to provide
opportunities beyond traditional methods, indicating a yearning for innovative and
engaging approaches to education.

"Strictly enforce rules and discipline." - Yashvendren

"Provide opportunities for interactive and hands-on learning." - SHAMITHA A/P


"Provide opportunities for interactive and hands-on learning." - Dhanaranjana A/P

Chandra Bhos

"Provide opportunities for interactive and hands-on learning." - HARSHINI


"Provide opportunities for interactive and hands-on learning." - Kartigen A/L Valathiam

4. Headmaster's Role: While not directly mentioned, students' perspectives on the

headmaster's role can be inferred. The headmaster's leadership style, as previously
discussed, likely resonated with their desire for an encouraging and positive learning

5. Interactions with Teachers: The quality of interactions with teachers played a crucial
role in shaping students' experiences. Supportive and caring teachers left a positive
impact, and students recognized the value of strong teacher-student relationships.

"I feel motivated whenever we do a group project together with my teacher's support." -

6. Positive Learning Experiences: Students shared memorable experiences that

positively influenced their engagement and motivation. From receiving praise for their
efforts to being actively involved in school programs, these experiences contributed to
their overall well-being and enthusiasm for learning.

In conclusion, students' perceptions of the learning environment are multifaceted,

encompassing feelings of safety, engagement, the influence of teaching methods, and the
role of educators and peers. Their voices emphasize the importance of creating an
inclusive, innovative, and supportive environment where they can thrive academically
and personally.

5. Data Analysis and Emerging Themes

This section immerses us in the rich tapestry of our data analysis journey,
illuminating the profound themes that have emerged from the intimate conversations and
written reflections. Our approach was guided by a meticulous coding process, unraveling
insights that offer a deep insight into cultivating a positive learning environment within
our unique context.

5.1 Unveiling Patterns: The Coding Expedition

Our voyage through the data encompassed a purposeful coding process, characterized by
its precision and depth. The process unfolded as follows:
i) Initial Immersion: We dived into the expressions of headmasters, educators,
parents, and students, embracing their narratives to absorb the essence of their
ii) Open Coding: An initial harvest of pivotal phrases, concepts, and notions took
shape as codes. These fragments encapsulated the essence of participants'

thoughts across an array of dimensions intrinsic to a flourishing learning
iii) Axial Connections: The next stage involved weaving these initial codes into
broader categories. These categories emerged as the compass guiding us toward
the core themes embedded in participants' responses.
iv) Selective Refinement: Here, the real artistry took place. With diligence, we sifted
through the core themes, ensuring their resonance across diverse participant
voices. The result was a synthesis that unveiled the intricacies of our research

5.2 Themes Emergent: Voices Echoing

Our meticulous analysis unearthed a constellation of themes resonating from both

interviews and written reflections. These themes converge to provide an intimate
portrayal of participants' viewpoints, experiences, and convictions regarding the creation
of a positive learning environment:

i) Nurturing Empowerment and Engagement: A harmonious refrain echoed across

various participant groups, underscoring the transformative power of nurturing
empowerment. Visionaries like Sivagamy A/P Ramasamy and Patimah
Savrimuthu underscored the essence of embracing diversity and engaging students
in the decision-making process, fostering a vibrant sense of belonging.
ii) Orchestrating a Student-Centric Odyssey: Within the symphony of voices, a
symphony of empowerment emerged. Gauri Devi Gopal's insights resonated as
she shed light on students collaborating and expressing themselves freely,
harmonizing into an interactive and vibrant classroom orchestration.
iii) Weaving Threads of Collaborative Communication: The theme of effective
collaboration emerged as a melody embraced by teachers and parents alike.
Chithra Devi A/P Nadaraj accentuated communication's power in conflict
resolution and unity-building. Harshini Mohanaraj's parental perspective echoed a

resounding desire to remain connected, actively participating in the school's

5.3 Vignettes of Unity and Variation

While certain themes united voices, a captivating diversity of perspectives

1. Parental Partnership: Teachers and parents alike acknowledged the significance of
parental involvement, yet nuances danced in the breeze. Teachers, as portrayed by
Thanamalar A/P Annamalai, nurtured student responsibility and autonomy. On the
other hand, parents like Harshini Mohanaraj cast a spotlight on their aspiration to
stay informed and partake in the school's vibrant narrative.

2. Celebrating Diversity's Canvas: The theme of honoring diversity and championing

inclusivity was a shared refrain. Teachers such as Sivagamy A/P Ramasamy and
students like Myuri Kumaran A/P Sunder painted vivid canvases of an environment
celebrating differences, where every hue contributes to a harmonious masterpiece.

3. Kindling the Flame of Engagement: The warmth of student engagement was a

cherished focal point for teachers and students alike. Educators illuminated pathways
for infusing dynamism through interactive methodologies, while students like
Yashvendren cast light on the importance of structure and regulations, nurturing
engagement and active participation.

In summation, our analysis unfurled evocative themes embracing the importance of

nurturing empowerment, student-centric dynamics, effective communication, and the
celebration of diversity in cultivating a positive learning environment. As we navigated
these themes, their fusion with unique perspectives unveiled a richer tapestry, allowing us
to decipher the intricate rhythms that shape an enriched educational journey.

6. Discussion and Implications

In this section, we analyze the implications of our findings in the broader

educational context. We highlight the significance of our research and its potential impact
on shaping educational practices and policies.

6.1 Alignment with Research Questions and Objectives

Our findings directly address our research questions and objectives, providing valuable
insights into the factors that contribute to a positive learning environment in primary

6.2 Insights from Stakeholder Perspectives

Stakeholder perspectives, including those of headmasters, assistant teachers, parents, and
students, collectively enrich our understanding of how a positive learning environment is
perceived and fostered.

6.3 Implications for Educational Practices and Policies

The insights garnered from our research have significant implications for educational
practices and policies. Headmasters' emphasis on cultural diversity celebrations and
conflict mediation, combined with assistant teachers' efforts in student engagement, can
inspire more student-centered and participatory learning approaches. These insights can
guide the development of policies that promote collaborative leadership and student

6.4 Contribution to Educational Literature

Our study contributes to the educational literature by providing a comprehensive view of
the components that shape a positive learning environment. Stakeholder perspectives

contribute to the ongoing discourse on effective school management and student well-

6.5 Future Considerations

While our findings offer valuable insights, it's important to acknowledge the limitations
of our study, such as the limited sample size and focus on specific schools. Future
research could expand the scope to ensure a broader representation of schools and
geographical areas. Longitudinal studies could deepen our understanding of the sustained
impact of positive learning environments on student outcomes.

7. Conclusion
In this concluding section, we summarize the key findings of our research, reflect
on the research process, and draw overall conclusions with broader implications.

7.1 Summary of Key Findings

Our study aimed to explore the dynamics of creating a positive learning

environment in primary schools from various stakeholder perspectives. Key findings
emerged from interviews with headmasters, assistant teachers, parents, and students:

Headmaster's Role: Headmasters play a pivotal role in fostering a positive learning

environment through transformational leadership, emphasizing cultural diversity, and
mediating conflicts.

Assistant Teachers' Contribution: Assistant teachers contribute by fostering student

engagement, involving students in decision-making, and emphasizing interactive

Parental Involvement: Parental involvement influences student well-being and
motivation, highlighting the importance of effective communication between school and

Student Perspectives: Students emphasized the significance of teacher encouragement,

interactive learning opportunities, and a sense of belonging for their engagement and

7.2 Reflection on Research Process

Our research process involved qualitative interviews, allowing us to gain deep insights
into the perceptions and experiences of various stakeholders. The coding process
unveiled recurring themes that provided a comprehensive understanding of the factors
shaping a positive learning environment.

7.3 Conclusion and Overall Implications

Our study underscores the interconnectedness of stakeholder perspectives in

creating a conducive learning environment. By understanding the roles of headmasters,
assistant teachers, parents, and students, we can work towards a more collaborative and
student-centered educational approach.
The implications of our research extend to educational practices and policies.
Encouraging transformational leadership, celebrating diversity, involving students in
decision-making, and promoting effective communication can lead to more positive and
engaging learning environments.
In conclusion, our research sheds light on the multifaceted nature of a positive
learning environment and provides insights that can inform educators, administrators, and
policymakers in their efforts to enhance the quality of primary education.


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9. Appendices (refer to attachment)

9.1 Interview Questions Include the list of interview questions used for each
stakeholder group, such as:
i. Interview Questions for Headmaster
ii. Interview Questions for Assistant Teachers
iii. Interview Questions for YDP PIBG Members
iv. Interview Questions for Parents
v. Interview Questions for Students

9.2 Consent Forms – included in google form

9.2.1 Provide copies of the consent forms used to obtain permission from
participants, ensuring their privacy and agreement to participate.

9.3 Link to Audio/Video Recordings Include links to the audio or video recordings of
your interviews if they are accessible online. Ensure that these recordings are
appropriately secured and accessible only to authorized individuals.


Interview Questionnaire for Primary School Headmaster:

The Role of School Principal in Creating a Positive Learning Environment

Introduction: Hello Sir,

Thank you for agreeing to participate in this interview as part of our study on "The Role
of School Principal in Creating a Positive Learning Environment in Malaysian Primary
Schools." Your valuable insights and experiences will be instrumental in understanding
the challenges and strategies involved in fostering a positive learning environment. Please
rest assured that all responses will be kept confidential and used solely for research
Interviewee Information:
Name : Mr Rajamanickam a/l Vellayan
Designation : Headmaster
School : SJKT Saraswathy, Sungai Buloh, Sel.

Part 1: Background Information

1. What is your name?
2. How long have you been serving as a headmaster in this primary school?
3. Briefly describe your leadership philosophy and style.

Part 2: Leadership Strategies (Code: LDR)

1. How do you set clear expectations for teachers and students to foster a positive
learning environment?
2. In what ways do you promote collaboration among teachers to enhance the overall
school climate?
3. How do you encourage student engagement and active participation in the learning

Part 3: Support and Communication (Code: SUP)

1. How do you establish open channels of communication with teachers, students, and
2. How do you provide emotional and professional support to your staff members?

Part 4: School Climate and Culture (Code: CLM)

1. How do you foster a positive school culture that emphasizes respect and inclusivity?

2. How do you address disciplinary issues with empathy while maintaining a positive
atmosphere within the school?

Part 5: Challenges in Creating a Positive Learning Environment (Code: CHL)
1. What are the most significant challenges you face in maintaining a positive learning
environment in your school?

Part 6: Student Well-being and Academic Performance (Code: STD)

1. In your experience, how does a positive learning environment impact student
well-being and academic performance?

Conclusion: Thank you for your valuable time and input. Your responses will be of
immense help in our research on creating a positive learning environment. If there's
anything else you'd like to share or any additional comments you have, please feel free to
do so. Your participation is greatly appreciated, and your identity and responses will
remain confidential.

Interview Date : 1st July 2023

Interview Location : Headmaster’s residance

Interviewer's Name : Thanalechmi Muniandi

Interviewer's Signature : __________________

Interview Questionnaire for Senior Assistant Teacher in Management

Interviewee Information:
Name : Mdm Mariamah Kandan
Designation : Senior Assistant Teacher
School : SJKT Saraswathy, Sungai Buloh, Sel.

Introduction: Hello Teacher

Thank you for participating in this interview. Your insights and experiences as a Senior
Assistant Teacher in Management are invaluable to our study on "The Role of School
Principal in Creating a Positive Learning Environment in Malaysian Primary Schools."
The information you provide will help us gain a deeper understanding of the challenges
and strategies involved in fostering a positive learning environment. Please be assured
that all responses will be kept confidential and used solely for research purposes.

Interview Questions:
1. Can you briefly describe your role and responsibilities as a Senior Assistant Teacher
in Management at the school?
2. How do you contribute to creating a positive learning environment for both students
and teachers in the school?
3. As a senior member of the teaching staff, how do you collaborate with the school
principal and other administrators to implement educational policies and initiatives?
4. How do you handle challenges related to classroom management and student
behavior, and what strategies do you employ to maintain discipline and order?
5. In your opinion, what are the key qualities and skills that a successful school
principal should possess to effectively lead and manage the school?
6. Can you share any instances where you have successfully mediated conflicts or
addressed issues among teachers, students, or parents?
7. How do you stay updated with the latest developments and best practices in
educational management and leadership?
8. As a Senior Assistant Teacher in Management, what steps do you take to support and
mentor junior teachers in their professional growth?
9. How do you encourage a culture of continuous improvement and innovation among
the teaching staff?
10. In your experience, what are the most significant factors that contribute to a positive
and conducive learning environment in a school?
11. How do you address the diverse learning needs of students and ensure an inclusive
educational environment for all?


Thank you once again for your time and valuable input. Your participation will greatly
contribute to the success of our research. If there is any additional information you would
like to share or any other insights you believe are essential, please feel free to do so.

Interview Date : 6 July 2023

Interview Location : Office, SJKT Saraswathy, Sungai Buloh, Sel.

Interviewer's Name : Thanalechmi a/p Muniandi

Interviewer's Signature : _______________________________

Interviewee's Signature : ______________________________

Interview Template for PTA YDP as parents representative
Perception of the School Principal's Role in Creating a Positive Learning

Introduction: Hello Sir,

Thank you for agreeing to participate in this interview as part of our study on "The Role
of School Principal in Creating a Positive Learning Environment in Malaysian Primary
Schools." Your valuable insights and experiences will be instrumental in understanding
the challenges and strategies involved in fostering a positive learning environment. Please
rest assured that all responses will be kept confidential and used solely for research

Interviewee Information:

Name : Mr Kumaraguru Manoharan

Designation : YDP PIBG
School : SJKT Saraswathy, Sungai Buloh, Sel.
Years of being YDP : 2 Years
1. In your opinion, how important is the role of the school principal in creating a
positive learning environment for students?
2. How do you perceive the principal's contributions to fostering a positive learning
environment in the school?

Section 2: Communication and Collaboration with the School Principal

1. How effectively does the YPD PIBG communicate with the school principal to
address concerns and suggestions?
2. Does the school principal actively seek input and collaboration from the YPD PIBG
in decision-making processes that affect the learning environment?

Section 3: Support and Partnership with the School Principal

1. How does the school principal support and encourage the YPD PIBG in its efforts to
enhance the learning experience for students?
2. How does the YPD PIBG collaborate with the school principal to organize events
and activities that contribute to a positive school culture?

Section 4: School Culture and Values

1. How does the YPD PIBG perceive the principal's efforts in promoting a positive
school culture and instilling values among students and staff?
2. In what ways does the YPD PIBG collaborate with the school principal to encourage
a sense of belonging and inclusivity among students and parents?

Section 5: Academic Support and Resources

1. How does the YPD PIBG work with the school principal to ensure that teachers have
access to necessary teaching resources and materials?

2. How does the principal support the YPD PIBG in its initiatives to enhance academic
support for students?
Section 6: Discipline and Student Welfare
1. How does the YPD PIBG perceive the school principal's approach to maintaining
discipline and ensuring student welfare in the school?
2. In what ways does the YPD PIBG work together with the principal to promote
positive behavior among students?

Section 7: Overall Evaluation

1. On a scale of 1-5, how would you rate the school principal's efforts in creating a
positive learning environment? (1 = unsatisfactory, 5 = excellent)


Thank you for your valuable time and input. Your responses will be of immense help in
our research on creating a positive learning environment. If there's anything else you'd
like to share or any additional comments you have, please feel free to do so. Your
participation is greatly appreciated, and your identity and responses will remain

Interview Date : 15th July 2023

Interview Location : YDP’s office

Interviewer's Name : Thanalechmi Muniandi

Interviewer's Signature : __________________


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