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ITEM NO. 78.

Direction: Use the picture below to answer item no. 78.

78. What kind of aquatic activities in the picture shown below?

A. Water rafting
B. Kayaking
C. Scuba diving
D. Parasailing

Type Multiple Choice Question

Option A Water Rafting is not the correct answer

Reasoning because rafting is perform in river.


C Scuba diving is perform underwater.

D Parasailing is a recreational kiting activity

where a person is towed behind a vehicle while
attached to a specially designed canopy wing
that resembles a parachute, known as a
parasail wing.

Classification Skill and Content Context Estimated

Subskill Difficulty

Using evidence Recreational Environmental Easy

to formulate an Activities Resources and
argument (Aquatics) Quality

Curriculum Content Demonstrates understanding of recreation in

Standards Standard optimizing one’s health as a habit; as requisite
for physical activity assessment performance,
and as a career opportunity
Performance Leads recreational events with proficiency and
Standard confidence resulting in independent pursuit
and in influencing others positively

Competency Discusses the nature of the different

recreational activities.

Code PEH12FH-IIa-20

Item Intent* Explains the different types of aquatic activities.

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