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Publication Ref No.

: IJPRD/2010/PUB/ARTI/VOV-2/ISSUE-9/NOV/006 ISSN 0974 – 9446



Yadu Nandan Dey*1, Ajoy Kumar Ghosh2

Central Council for research in Ayurveda and Siddha,
Janakpuri, New Delhi, India
Gupta college of Technological Sciences,
Ashram More, Asansol, West Bengal, India
Yadu Nandan Dey


The present research work discusses the development of a UV spectrophotometric method for
Metronidazole. Simple, accurate and cost efficient spectrophotometric method has been developed for
the estimation of Metronidazole (MND) in Tablet dosage form. The optimum conditions for the analysis
of the drug were established. The maximum wavelength (λ max) was found to be 277nm. The
percentage recovery of Metronidazole was in the 98.2±0.129. Beers law was obeyed in the
concentration range of 1-10µg/ml. Calibration curves shows a linear relationship between the
absorbance and concentration. The line equation y=0.0283x+0.0407 with r2 of 0.9902 was obtained.
Validation was performed as ICH guidelines for Linearity, accuracy, precision, LOD and LOQ. The
sample solution was stable up to 36 hours. The proposed method may be suitable for the analysis of
MND in tablet formulation for quality control purposes.

Key Words: Phytochemical analysis, Amorphophallus paeoniifolius, Ash value, Extractive values,
Physical constants

INTRODUCTION modern drugs are natural product origin and

they play an important role in drug development
In recent years, the use of herbal medicines programs of the pharmaceutical industry1.
worldwide has provided an excellent opportunity Ash values are used to determine quality and
to India to look for therapeutic lead compounds purity of a crude drug. Ash contains inorganic
from our ancient system of therapy, i.e. radicals like phosphates, carbonates, silicates
Ayurveda, which can be utilized for of sodium, potassium, magnesium, calcium etc.
development of new drug. Over 50% of all Sometimes, inorganic variables like calcium

International Journal of Pharma Research and Development – Online 44
Publication Ref No.: IJPRD/2010/PUB/ARTI/VOV-2/ISSUE-9/NOV/006 ISSN 0974 – 9446

oxalate, silica, carbonate content of the crude MATERIALS AND METHODS

drug affects ‘Total ash value’. Such variables Plant
are then removed by treating with acid like The tuber of Amorphophallus paeoniifolius
Hydrochloric acid and then acid insoluble ash (Dennst.) Nicolson var.campanulatus (Decne)
value is determined. Extractive values are (Areaceae), was collected from Asansol, West
useful for the evaluation of the drug. It gives Bengal, India. The tuber of Amorphophallus
idea about the nature of the chemical paeoniifolius (Dennst.) Nicolson
constituents present in a crude drug. It is useful var.campanulatus (Decne) Sivadasan
for the estimation of specific constituents, (Areaceae), was
soluble in that particular solvent used for identified with the Herbarium of Botanical
extraction. Loss on drying is the loss in weight Survey of India, Botanic Garden, Howrah with
in % w/w resulting from water and volatile ref no. CNH/I-I/ (272)/ 2008/ Tech. II/ 314.
matter of any kind that can be driven off under Preparation of extract
specified conditions.2,3 The tubers of wild plants The tuber of the plant was dried in shade and
are highly acrid and cause irritation in throat and made to fine powder using a laboratory mill. The
mouth due to excessive amount of calcium dried powder is stored in dessicator. The dry
oxalate present in the tubers. The tubers are powder is extracted with methanol and
anodyne, antiinflammatory, antihaemorrhoidal, petroleum ether using soxhlet extractor.
haemostatic, expectorant, carminative,
digestive, appetizer, stomachic, anthelmintic, PHARMACOGNOSTIC EVALUATION OF THE
liver tonic, aphrodisiac, emmenagogue, PLANT
rejuvenating and tonic. They are traditionally A. Ash value and extractive values
used in arthralgia, elephantiasis, tumors, The dried powder of the tubers of the plant were
inflammations, hemorrhoids, hemorrhages, taken and the parameters like moisture content,
vomiting, cough, bronchitis, asthma, anorexia, total ash, acid-insoluble ash,
dyspepsia, flatulence, colic, constipation, alcohol(90%ethanol) and water soluble
helminthiasis hepatopathy, splenopathy, extractive values were determined.10
amenorrhea, dysmenorrhoea, seminal B. Acid neutralizing capacity
weakness, fatigue, anemia and general
debility4. The tuber is reported to have The Acid-Neutralizing capacity was carried out
antiprotease activity5, analgesic activity6, as per USP 31. All tests were conducted at
cytotoxic activity7 , anti-inflammatory activity8 temperature 37± 3°C. A pH meter was
and CNS depressants activity.9 standardized using the 0.05M potassium
In view of this, an attempt has been made to biphthalate buffer. Magnetic stirrer was used to
study the pharmacognostic evaluation and produce stirring rate 300± 30 rpm. 0.5 g of ash
phyto-chemical analysis of the different extacts of tuber of Amorphophallus paeoniifolius was
of the tuber of Amorphophallus paeoniifolius. transferred to 250 ml beaker and 70 ml distilled
The objective of the present research is to water was added. It was mixed with magnetic
prove the traditional uses of the plant A. stirrer for 1 min. Then 30 ml 1.0 N Hcl was
paeoniifolius due to its active bioactive added to the test solution with continuous
phytocontituents. Further it is planned to isolate stirring for 15 min. Excess Hcl was titrated with
the active phytoconstituents by using 0.5 N NaOH to attain a stable pH of 3.5. The
biologically action guided extraction procedure. number of mEq of acid consumed was
calculated by formula:
Total mEq = (30×NHcl) – (VNaOH×NNaOH)

International Journal of Pharma Research and Development – Online 45
Publication Ref No.: IJPRD/2010/PUB/ARTI/VOV-2/ISSUE-9/NOV/006 ISSN 0974 – 9446

Where NHcl and NNaOH are normalities of Wagner's test, Tannic acid test),
hydrochloric acid and sodium hydroxide Glycosides(Free sugar, Raymond’s test, Legal’s
respectively and VNaOH is volume of sodium test, Bromine water Test), specific glycosides
hydroxide and the result were expressed as like Saponin Glycosides(Froth Test, Hemolysis
total mEq per gm of substance.11 test), Anthrauinone Glycosides(Borntrager's
C. Loss on drying test, Modified Borntrager's test), Cardiac
Glycosides(Kedde’s test, Keller killiani test),
The loss on drying procedure was carried Cyanogenetic Glycosides, tannins & Phenolic
out as per Indian Pharmacopoeia (1996) Compounds(Gelatin test, Ferric chloride test,
Method A. Weigh a glass-stoppered, shallow Vanillin Hydrochloride test, Alkaline reagent
weighing bottle.Transfer to the bottle 1 g of the test, Mitchell’s test), Flavonoids (Shinoda test,
sample, cover it and accurately weigh the bottle Zinc Hydrochloride reduction test, Alkaline
and the contents. Distribute the sample as reagent test), Proteins & Amino Acids(Millons
evenly as practicable by gentle sideways test, Ninhydrin test), Sterols & Triterpenoids
shaking to a depth not exceeding 10 mm.Place (.Libermann-Buchard test, Salkowski test),
the loaded bottle in a hot air oven at 105 °C for Carbohydrates (Molisch's test, Benedict's test,
1 hour with the stopper remains open. After 1 Barfoed's test, Camnelisation, Selwinoff’s test,
hour, close the stopper and allow it to cool to Tollen's test, Bromine water test, Fehling's test),
room temperature in desiccators before Fats & Fixed Oils (Stain test, Saponification
weighing. Weigh the bottle and the contents. test)14,15,16,17,18
D. Morphology of the Plant:
A stout herbaceous plant with underground RESULTS
hemispherical depressed dark brown corm; ( Refer Table No. 01, 02 and 03 )
leaves compound,large,solitary, petiole stout,
mottled, 60-90 cm long, leaflets 5-12.5 cm long Table 1 The physical properties of the extracts
of variable width, obovate or oblong, acute, of the tuber
strongly and many nerved; male and female
inflorescences contiguous, neuters absent, Table 2 The Pharmacognostic parameters of
appendage of spadix sub-globose or the extracts of the tuber
amorphous,equally or longer than the fertile
region, spathe campanulate, pointed Table 3 Qualitative Phyto-Chemical Test
,strongly,closely veined, greenish-pink
externally,base within purple,margins Phytochemical screening of methanolioc extract
recurved,undulate and crisped, male indicated the presence of steroids, flavonoids,
inflorescence subturbinate, female 7.5 cm or alkaloids and carbohydrates.
more long; fruits obovoid 2-3 seeded red Phytochemical screening of Petroleum ether
berries.12,13, extract indicates the presence of steroids, fats
and fixed oil.
The qualitative chemical tests for various DISCUSSION:
phytoconstituents were carried out for From the above study it was found that the ash
methanolic and petroleum ether extracts of value of the dried tuber was found to be 7.35%.
Amorphophallus paeoniifolius.The phyto The water soluble ash and the acid insoluble
chemical tests were performed for the presence ash were 3.09 and 1.47 respectively. The acid
of Alkaloids (Mayer’s test, Dragendorff’s test, neutralizing capacity of the plant was 12.066

International Journal of Pharma Research and Development – Online 46
Publication Ref No.: IJPRD/2010/PUB/ARTI/VOV-2/ISSUE-9/NOV/006 ISSN 0974 – 9446

mEq of 1 N Hcl and the loss on drying was 8. Dey YN, De S, Ghosh AK, Anti-inflammatory
found to be 5.1%. Phytochemical screening of activity of methanolic extracts of
methanolioc extract indicated the presence of Amorphophallus paeoniifolius and its possible
steroids, flavonoids, alkaloids and mechanism. International J. of Pharma and
carbohydrates.Phytochemical screening of Biosciences 2010;1(3),1-8
Petroleum ether extract indicates the presence 9. Dey YN, Das SS, Sen M, De S and Ghosh AK.
of steroids, fats and fixed oil.The methanolic Effects of Petroleum Ether Extract of
extract was found to be reddish in colour having Amorphophallus paeoniifolius Tuber on Central
characteristic odor viscous consistency while Nervous System in Mice. Indian J. Pharm. Sci.,
the petroleum ether extract was found to be 2009, 71 (6):651-655
pale yellow in color havind viscous consistency. 10. British Pharmacopoeia 11: Ash values, Acid
The percentage yield of the methanolic and insoluble Ash, Water soluble and alcohol
petroleum ether extracts were found to be soluble extractive. Appendix XI. (1980). Her
9.81% and 6.23% respectively. Majesty’s Stationery office, London. A108,
REFERENCES: 11. Khandelwal KK. Practical pharmacognosy;
1. Baker JT, Borris RP, Carte B, Cordell GA, Techniques and experiments. 7th ed.: Nirali
Soejarto DD. Natural product drug discovery prakashan;2008
and development: New perspective on 12. Nair RV. Indian Medicinal Plants 3, Madras:
international collaboration. J. Natl. Prod. 1995; Orient Longman; 1993. p. 118-122.
58,1325-1357. 13. Agrawal DP. Complementary and alternative
2. Kokate CK, Purohit AP, Gokhale SB.5 medicine: an overview. Curr. Sci. 2002; 82, 518-
Pharmacognosy. 32nd ed. Nirali Prakashan; 524.
2005 14. Kokate CK, Purohit AP, Gokhale SB.5
3. Evans WC, Trease GE. Trease and Evans Pharmacognosy. 32nd ed. Nirali Prakashan;
pharmacognosy. W.B. Saunders Ltd. London. 2005
2002. Pp 32, 33, 95-99, 512, 547 15. Evans WC, Trease GE. Trease and Evans
4. Nair RV. Indian Medicinal Plants 3, Madras: pharmacognosy. W.B. Saunders Ltd. London.
Orient Longman; 1993. p. 118-122. 2002. Pp 32, 33, 95-99, 512, 547
5. Prathibha S, Nambisan B, Leelamma S. Plant 16. Brain KR and Turner TD. Practical evaluation of
Foods. Hum Nutr, 48: 247, (1995). phytopharmaceuticals. Wright- Scientechnica,
6. Shilpi JA, Ray PK, Sardar MM, Uddin SJ. Bristol. 1st Ed. 1975.144.
Analgesic activity of Amorphophallus 17. Ciulei I. Methodology for analysis of vegetable
campanulatus tuber. Fitoterapia 2005;76:367-9. drugs. UNIDO Romania. 1981. 17-25.
7. Angayarkanni J, Ramkumar KM, Poornima T, 18. Harborne JB. Phytochemical methods. A guide
Priyadarshini U. Cytotoxic activity of to modern technique of plant analysis.
Amorphophallus paeniifolius tuber extracts in Chapman and Hill, London. 1992.279
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International Journal of Pharma Research and Development – Online 47
Publication Ref No.: IJPRD/2010/PUB/ARTI/VOV-2/ISSUE-9/NOV/006 ISSN 0974 – 9446


Table 1 The physical properties of the extracts of the tuber

Sl. Physical Methanolic Extract Petroleum ether

No. Characteristics Extract

1. Percentage yeild 9.81% 6.23%

2. Color Reddish Pale yellow
3. Odor Characteristic Characteristic
4. Consistency Viscous Viscous

Table 2 The Pharmacognostic parameters of the extracts of the tuber

Sl. No. Physical Constants Value

1. Ash Value 7.35 %

2. Water Soluble Ash 3.09 %
3. Acid Insoluble Ash 1.47 %
4. Acid Neutralizing Capacity 12.066±0.8 mEq of 1 N Hcl
5. Loss on drying 5.1 %

Table 3 Qualitative Phyto-Chemical Test

Methanolic Petroleum ether

Extract Extract
Mayer’s Test +ve –ve
Dragendorff’s Test +ve –ve
Alkaloids Wagner’s Test +ve –ve
Hager’s Test +ve –ve
Tannic Acid Test +ve –ve
Raymond’s Test NA NA
Glycosides Legal’s Test –ve –ve
Bromine Water Test –ve –ve
Froth Test –ve –ve
Saponin Glycosides
Hemolysis Test –ve –ve

International Journal of Pharma Research and Development – Online 48
Publication Ref No.: IJPRD/2010/PUB/ARTI/VOV-2/ISSUE-9/NOV/006 ISSN 0974 – 9446

Borntrager’s Test –ve –ve

Anthraquinone Test Modified Borntrager’s
–ve –ve
Kedde’s Test –ve –ve
Cardiac Glycosides
Keller Killiani Test –ve –ve
Cyanogenetic Glycosides –ve –ve
Gelatin Test –ve –ve
Ferric Chloride Test –ve –ve
Tannins and Phenolic
Vanillin Hydrochloride
Compounds NA NA
Alkaline Reagent Test –ve –ve
Shinoda Test +ve –ve
Zinc Hydrochloride
Flavonoids +ve –ve
Reduction Test
Alkaline Reagent Test +ve –ve
Proteins and Amino Millon’s Test –ve –ve
Acids Ninhydrin Test –ve –ve
Steroids and +ve +ve
Salkowski Test +ve +ve
Molisch’s Test +ve –ve
Benedict’s Test +ve –ve
Tollen’s Test +ve –ve
Fehling’s Test +ve –ve
Stain Test –ve +ve
Fats and Fixed Oils
Saponification Test –ve +ve
+ve- Presence of phytocontituents confirmed by the phytochemical test
-ve- Absence of phytoconstituents by the phytochemical test


International Journal of Pharma Research and Development – Online

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