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5 a How are you feeling?

1 Listening and Reading. (track 47)

A. Discuss. (escribe tus respuestas)
- When did you last go to the doctor’s What for?
The last time when Igot to the doctor was six months ago for my
routine check with my endocrinologist
- what do you usually do when you have a cold?
When I have a cold Itake pills of paracetamol, drink té and resta ll the
day for I feel me better
B. Read the three dialogues quickly and put them in the correct order. Write
1-3. Then listen and check your answers.
A __3
B __2
C __1

C. Read again and complete the missing information.

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Friday 4th March


10:30 Time:

Mary Smith Name:

Terrible headache, runny nose and

Rest, lot of fluids and pain relievers


2 Vocabulary
Un verbo (phrasal verb) consiste de un verbo (e.g. get, break) y/o una o más
preposiciones (e.g. for, o with). El significado de un phrasal verb es diferente
del significado del verbo que este incluye.
Look at the highlighted phrasal verbs in the dialogues and match them
meanings a-e.
1. get over _b__
2. take away __d_
3. run out of ___a
4. be booked
up ___e
5. Hang on __c_

3 Grammar
Read the examples and complete the rules.
Use the full ifinitive (e.g. to do):
- To express purpose.
- After certain verbs ( e.g. would, see, want, decide, need offer).
- After too and enough.
- After question words (e.g. who, what, how) in indirect questions.
Use the bare infinitive (e.g. do):
After modal verbs (e.g. can, could, must).
After the verbs make and let.

4 Practice
Complete with the full or the bare infinitive of the verbs in parentheses.
1. A: could you call a doctor? I feel sick
B: Do you want me to take you to the hospital?
A: no, just call a doctor
2.- A: Can you show me how to use this printer?
B:sure. Just let me finish what I´m doing firts
3.- A: We´re going to Boston for the weekend to visit Joanna. Would you like
to come?
B:No, I´m too busy to go away
4.- A: Oh no! I failed the MAth test. Now, my parents Will make me study all
B: Jenny has offered to help me with Math. Why don´t you ask her for help,
too? You need to do something about it

5 Intonation (track 2, 4)
B. Listen and repeat. Underline the stressed word in questions 1-3 and
choose the correct answer.
1. Does Robert have a toothache?
a) No, Lisa has a toothache
2. Did Alicia go to the bank?
b) no, she went to the drugstore
3. Are you seeing the dentist on Monday?
b) No, I´m seeing the dentist on Friday

6 Speaking
Talk in groups of three. Act out the conversations.
Escribe una conversación entre el un doctor y un paciente.
Doctor: Hello Ms. Morales ¿how may I hep you?
Pacient: Doctor I feel sick, I have nausea and stomachache
Doctor: I well… What did you eat last night?
PAcient: tacos outside my house
Doctor: Ms. Morales you have a stomach infection, I Will prescribe antibiotics so
that you recover quickly.
Pacient: thank you doctor

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