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Audio: Natural Medicine
A. Listen to Lucinda talking about using natural remedies to maintain health. Focus on the
vocabulary gotten from the audio and solve the exercise.


Because our family is really into nature, people called us tree-huggers.

People that really love the environment and are very concerned with protecting it are often called

 Examples

1. Hippie music was always really popular with the tree-huggers.

2. Our nature group is really just a bunch of tree-huggers.


My auntie is a naturopath and is involved with natural medicine.

A 'naturopath' is a person who uses natural medicine and techniques to cure sicknesses, instead of
modern medicine.

 Examples

1. Since the operation failed, he has been seeing a naturopath for his back problems.
2. People depend more on naturopaths than modern doctors in Vietnam.

natural remedies

Being a naturopath, my auntie uses natural remedies for sickness instead of medicines.

'Natural remedies' are cures that do not involve modern medicine. My grandmother always has the
best natural remedies.

 Example

1. More people are looking for natural remedies to solve their medical problems now.

pharmaceutical medicine

A regular doctor would usually prescribe pharmaceutical medicine for any illness.

'Pharmaceutical medicine' is a kind of medicine that you can only get after a trip to a doctor.

 Examples

1. Some companies want to keep people using pharmaceutical medicine so they can make
2. Pharmaceutical medicine is very expensive in some countries.

immune system

If you feel down or sick, my auntie would give you something to boost your immune system.

Your 'immune system' is what protects you from getting sick. It kills off harmful bacteria or germs
that enter into your body.

 Examples

1. From the time she was a baby, she has always had a week immune system, and is always
getting sick.
2. Eating healthy foods and getting enough sleep will both keep your immune system strong.

Vocabulary Quiz
Use the following words to complete the sentences

1. As a nurse, she strongly believes in the powers of medicine.
2. This is the time of year when you have to do everything you can to boost your
3. Studying environmental ethics at university turning him into quite a .
4. There is a whole section at the organic supermarket that is just for natural
5. Since she is a , she always has plenty of teas and lotions that she can
give you to help with whatever problem you have.

Audio: Natural Medicine

B. Listen to Lucinda talking about using natural remedies and choose all the correct answers to
each question.

1) What does Lucinda say about her family?

☒ They are tree-huggers.
☐ They are path-finders.
☒ Her aunt is a natural-path.
☐ Her aunt is a doctor.

2) What does she say about Echinacea?

☐ It is a rare treatment.
☒ It is a plant.
☒ It gives you a boost.
☒ It comes in tablets.

3) What does she say about Western medicine?

☐ She never uses it.
☐ She is allergic to it.
☒ She would use it if she needs it.
☐ She only will take natural medicine.

4) What does she say about natural medicine?

☒ It is growing in popularity.
☐ Doctors don't like it.
☒ You can get it at Starbuck's.
☒ People like to drink it.

Audio: Meditation
Listen to Mark sharing his thoughts on Practicing meditation. Then, choose the correct answer
to answer the questions.

1) How often does she do meditation?


☐ often
☐ rarely
☒ occasionally

2) He says he meditates while doing _____ .

☐ yoga
☒ the dishes
☐ the laundry

3) His mind wanders when he _____ out.

☒ zones
☐ freaks
☐ gets stressed

4) What do they have in common with meditation?

☐ They both love it.

☒ They use the same app.
☐ They sit on bamboo mats.

5) What does he try to think of when he is stressed out?

☐ Happy places
☒ Other people
☐ His problems

Audio: Dealing with Mental Health
Listen to Two people discussing the rise of mental health issues. Then, choose the correct
answer to answer the questions.

1) She says _____ experiences mental health issues.

☐ few people
☐ many people
☒ everybody

2) She says there are _____ categories of mental health disorders.

☐ new
☐ four
☒ five

3) She says OCD is _____ disorder.

☒ an anxiety
☐ a cognitive
☐ a psychotic

4) What does he say about fidget toys?

☐ He has one.
☒ He has seen them.
☐ He has never seen them.

5) Who uses a fidget toy?

☒ Her sister
☐ Her friend
☐ She does not say

Audio: Dealing with Mental Health
Listen to Two people discussing the rise of mental health issues. Focus on the underlined
vocabulary gotten from the audio and solve the exercise.

come across

I've been coming across a lot of mental health posts on social media.

The phrase 'to come across' here means to notice or encounter something by chance. Notice the

1. I came across an article you might like.

2. Recently, I've come across a lot people with mood issues.

In a nut shell

So in a nutshell, mental health is about social wellbeing.

The phrase 'in a nutshell' is used when explaining something in very few words or basic terms.
Notice the following:

1. In a nutshell, we all need to eat a healthy diet.

2. Our marriage was complicated, but in a nutshell, we both wanted different things.

Brush it aside

We tend to neglect our mental health and brush it aside

The phrase 'to brush aside' means to ignore something or not worry about it. Notice the following:

1. This is serious. Don't just brush it aside.

2. He tends to brush aside all of his problem


It snowballs into a more serious problem

When something snowballs, it grows from a small problem to a big problem. Notice the following:

1. His minor health problems snowballed into serious issues.

2. His problems at work just snowballed out of control.

built up inside  

It's a way of releasing the energy that you have built up inside of you.

When something is built up inside of something or someone, that means it has grown or increased,
usually in a negative way. Notice the following:

1. I had a lot of anger that had built up inside of me.

2. There was resentment built up inside of her for his success.

apart from

But apart from more specific things, I have some general advice

The phrase 'apart from' is the same as the word 'besides' or 'except.'. Notice the following:

1. Apart from golf or tennis, I love sports.

2. Apart from occasionally eating fish, I'm a vegetarian.

me time

I personally love meditating as this is me time.

The phrase 'me time' refers to activities people do alone to feel refreshed or relaxed. Notice the

Vocabulary Quiz
Use the following words to complete the sentences

1. In a , you need to work more.
2. Bad things can in a hurry.
me time
3. I really need some .
apart from
4. Well, green tea, I like all ice cream flavors.
brush aside
5. You should never aside signs of poor health.
6. I recently came an interesting article.
build up
7. You should not let stress inside of you

Audio: Dealing with Mental Health

Read and choose the correct word for each blank.

Christian: So recently, I've been coming across a lot of mental health posts on social media, such
as Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, YouTube. And I've just been wondering, what is mental health?
Could you please explain it to me?

Tahia: Sure. So in a nutshell, mental health is about the day-in, day-out state of our emotional ,
psychological and social wellbeing. But unfortunately, we tend to neglect our mental health
and brush it aside until it snowballs into a more serious problem and even a mental health disorder
in some cases

Christian: Wow. Okay. Could you please explain what is a mental health disorder, and what kind
of different mental health disorders are there?

Tahia: So, everybody experiences mental health issues, but for some people, they might have a
mental health disorder genetIcally, or for some people, they might develop mental health disorders
over time. So there are about five categories of mental health disorders, I would say. The first one is
mood disorders like depression and bipolar, where you can be really happy one moment and

extremely sad the next, and this can actually start interrupting your day to day life and your ability
to complete simple tasks. There's also psychotic disorders like schizophrenia, where you can
hallucinate. There's body disorders like anorexia and body dysmorphia, which affects the way that
you look at yourself physically and ultimately affects how you psychologically perceive yourself.
There are also cognitive disorders, which are issues relating to learning difficulties , Alzheimer's and
things like this. And then the final, perhaps most common area of mental health disorders is anxiety,
which includes things like social anxiety and OCD, which stands for obsessive compulsive
disorder. So this could be for example, obsessively cleaning, because you feel as though if you don't
clean, you're being lazy or you feel like you can't be productive . So that's kind of the five different
categories of mental health disorders that I think are out there at the moment.

Christian: Wow. That's very interesting. And I do think that I have social anxiety because
whenever I go out, I tend to get very nervous and sweaty. So for someone like me and for other
people that may have other mental health disorders, what can we do to improve our mental health?

Tahia: Well, depending on what you think you're struggling with, there are load of different
techniques and specific things that you can do to tackle them. So, for example, have you seen fidget
toys recently on social media?

Christian: Yeah, I have.

Tahia: So, fidget toys are a really good way to just manage your anxiety. So, for example, my little
sister loves using fidget toys when she's speaking or when she's thinking about something that's
making her feel stressed out . It's just a way of physically releasing some of the energy that you
have built up inside of you because of your anxiety.

Christian: Wow. That's amazing. I think I'm going to have to buy one.

Tahia: Definitely. I would recommend it. But apart from more specific things that you can do, I
have some general advice. I think that we really have to take care of our physical health, meaning
exercising and eating and drinking the right foods and lots of water. We also have to make sure that
we're spending time with our friends and families and then we take time for ourselves. I personally
love meditating as this is me time. And I also like doing self care activities like putting on a mask
and going to the salon to look and feel good. I would really recommend that you spend a lot of me
time and do have a self-care activity that you care about. What activity would you do?

Christian: I think I would do meditating, but I'm not too sure how to do it. Could you please
explain to me how I could meditate?

Tahia: Sure. There are loads of useful apps that you could use that gives you tips and techniques
on how to meditate. One that I use is Balance, and it teaches me how to use breathing techniques to
manage my stress. For example, by breathing in for four seconds, holding my breath for seven
seconds and breathing out for eight seconds, which is called the 4-7-8 technique. You should
definitely try that.

Christian: Amazing. I will definitely try that. Thank you.


Audio: Taking care of physical health
A. Listen to two people talk about the importance of staying healthy. Then, answer these questions
about the interview.

1) What food does he NOT mention?

☒ cake
☐ cookies
☐ chocolate

2) He says he exercises ____ a week.

☐ one hour
☐ four hours
☒ five hours

3) She says drinking water helps keep her ____ clear.

☐ mind
☒ skin
☐ eyes

4) He says he needs to increase how much ____ he gets.

☐ water
☒ sleep
☐ exercise

5) He suggests she drinks _____ coffee to increase her energy.

☒ less
☐ more
☐ organic

Audio: Taking care of physical health

B. Listen to the audio again and complete the statements. Use no more than 3 words in
each space.

1. That's a great question. I think it's a combination of things. You need to make sure that you're [ -1- ].
2. That means lots of fruits and vegetables, no junk food like fried food, and
[ -2-] like cookies and chocolates.
3. I run on the treadmill and lift weights to tone and [- 3 -], which is super important to me.
4. I mix it with going to classes like Zumba and Pilates classes. It's [- 4 - ] and it means that I don't get
5. It helps to keep you [- 5 -], helps your skin be clearer, and [ - 6 -] helps your health in a lot of ways.
6. Usually I aim for two and a half liters of water a [ -7- ] , and I like adding lemons and strawberries to
my water to make drinking [ -8- ] .
7. I'm only sleeping for [ -9- ] four hours a night and it's been making me feel very tired [ -10- ] the

eating healthily
1. [ -1- ].

no sugary
2. [ -2- ].

grow my muscles
3. [ -3- ].

a great mix
4. [ -4- ].

more energetic
5. [ -5- ].

6. [ -6- ].

7. [ -7- ].

more exciting
8. [ -8- ].

9. [ -9- ].

10. [ -10- ].


Audio: Staying healthy

Listen to Keren talking about her healthy lifestyle and what she does to stay in shape. Then, and
choose all the correct answers for each question.

1) What does she say about jogging?

☐ She jogs at the gym.

☒ She jogs 4 times a week.
☒ She jogs in the morning.
☐ She jogs for an hour.

2) What is said about running in the morning?

☐ They both like it.

☒ It's easier in summer.
☐ Keren ran this morning.
☒ It's hard in the winter.

3) What foods does she eat in her balanced diet?

☒ Fish
☐ Chicken
☒ Vegetables
☒ Potato chips

4) What helps Keren relax?

☐ Yoga
☐ Meditation
☐ Sleep
☒ Walking

Audio: Stress
Listen to the passage “The effects of stress”. Practice pronunciation and intonation.

Speaking: Create a voice recording reading the passage “The effects of stress” and upload it to
TEAMS in the folder with your name.

The effects of stress

There is a famous expression in English: "Stop the world, I want to get off!" This expression refers to a feeling of
panic, or stress, that makes a person want to stop whatever they are doing, try to relax, and become calm again.
'Stress' means pressure or tension. It is one of the most common causes of health problems in modern life. Too
much stress results in physical, emotional, and mental health problems.

There are numerous physical effects of stress. Stress can affect the heart. It can increase the pulse rate, make the
heart miss beats, and can cause high blood pressure. Stress can affect the respiratory system. It can lead to
asthma. It can cause a person to breathe too fast, resulting in a loss of important carbon dioxide. Stress can affect

Long-term stress can lead to a variety of serious mental illnesses. Depression, an extreme feeling of sadness
and hopelessness, can be the result of continued and increasing stress. Alcoholism and other addictions often
develop as a result of overuse of alcohol or drugs to try to relieve stress. Eating disorders, such as anorexia,
are sometimes caused by stress and are often made worse by stress. If stress is allowed to continue, then one's
mental health is put at risk.

It is obvious that stress is a serious problem. It attacks the body. It affects the emotions. Untreated, it may
eventually result in mental illness. Stress has a great influence on the health and well-being of our bodies, our
feelings, and our minds. So, reduce stress: stop the world and rest for a while.


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