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Chuyên đề : Sử dụng các trò chơi ngôn

ngữ trong các giờ học Tiếng Anh

1. I want to eat some junk food,____I’m putting
on weight.
A. so B. and C. but D. or

Spin Wheel

He doesn’t want to be tired tommorow,____he
should go to bed early
A. and B. but C. or D. so

Spin Wheel

I have a temperature,____ I feel tired.
A. and B. but C. or D. so

Spin Wheel

I can exercise every morning, ____I can cycle to
A. and B. but C. or D. so

Spin Wheel

Today was so hot. I forgot to wear a hat , so I
A. had an allergy B. got sunburnt

Spin Wheel

He eats less vegetables, and he watches ____ TV. He
feels tired

A. less B. more C. little

Spin Wheel

Period 15:Unit 2: HEALTH
Lesson 7: Looking back & project
Content of looking back
• Vocabulary

• Grammar

• Communication
1. What health problems do you think each of these people has?

Oh, I forgot to wear a sun hat


I think you have SUNBURN

1. What health problems do you think each of these people has?

I never remember to wash my


I think you have SPOTS

1. What health problems do you think each of these people has?

I eat too much junk food, and

I’m too weak to exercise.

I think you have

1. What health problems do you think each of these people has?

I think I ate something that wasn’t


I think you have

1. What health problems do you think each of these people has?

I feel itchy and my nose is


I think you have

2. Look at the pictures. Write the health problem below each person.

spots put on weight sunburn

stomachache flu
3. Complete the health tips below with ‘more’ or ‘less’.

less junk food. It makes you fat!

1. Eat _____
more You will have less chance of catching flu.
2. Wash your hands ______.
3. Sleep _______, but try to wake up at the usual time. Even at weekends!
4. Go outside ______. If you do need to go outside, wear a sunhat.
5. Watch ______less
television. Looking at the screen for too long hurts your
eyes. less
6. Do ______ exercise, and you will feel fitter and healthier.
4. Draw a line to link the sentences and a coordinator to form meaningful sentences.
Suggested write to form meaningful sentences
I want to eat some
so I can cycle to school.
junk food,
1. I want to eat some junk food, but I am putting on weight.
I don't want to be I should go to bed
2. I don’ttired
want but
to be tired tomorrow, so I should go early.
to bed early.

3. I have a temperature, and I feel tired. I am putting on

I have a temperature, or
4. I can exercise every morning, or I can cycle to school.
I can exercise every
and I feel tired.
5. Choose one of the following health problems. Role-play a discussion. Student A is
the patient. Student B is the doctor.

OK. Thank Did you have enough

calorie? You should eat
you doctor. more, and I think you
should get more exercise

Hi doctor. I feel
weak and sick.
5. Choose one of the following health problems. Role-play a discussion. Student A is
the patient. Student B is the doctor.

Have sunburn

Hi doctor. I feel
weak and sick.
Have sunburn

Patient : Hi doctor. I was outside all day

yesterday. I feel very hot and my face is red.
Doctor: I see. I think you have sunburn.
You should put on a sun hat
when going outside.
Patient: OK. I’ll do that. Thank you doctor
Putting on weight

Patient : Hi doctor. I often feel tired and lazy. I

don’t want to do anything but eat. I eat whatever
I have.
Doctor: I see. You are putting on weight. You
should eat less junk food, and exercise more. You
should also eat more vegetables.
Patient: OK. I’ll do that. Thank you doctor
Have toothache

Patient : Hi doctor. I often have pain in my

teeth. I want to eat but I can’t.
Doctor: I see. You have toothache. You should
brush your teeth regularly and see the doctor
every three months.
Patient: OK. I’ll do that. Thank you doctor
Have an allergy

Patient : Hi doctor. I often feel itchy and my skin

has red spots. They make me uncomfortable
Doctor: I see. I think you have an allergy. You
should wear keep away from those things such
as: seafood, pets,....
Patient: OK. I’ll do that. Thank you doctor
Have a cough and
a runny nose

Patient : Hi doctor. Last night I got wet in the

rain, so I have coughed all the night until now.
And my nose has been running, too.
Doctor: I see. I think you have a bad cold. Take
these tablets three times a day. You should keep
your body and your feet warm. You should also
stay in bed until you feel better.
Patient: OK. I’ll do that. Thank you doctor
6. Discuss the following sentences about health with a partner.
Do you think they are facts or myths?( Ex. 6/p.24)

 When you have a headache, you should rub an egg on

your head.
A: I don’t think it is true. It’s a myth.
B: Yes, I agree. / No, I disagree. It’s a myth.

1.Going outside with wet hair gives you a cold or flu.

2.Eating more fresh fish makes you smarter.
3. Eating more carrots helps you see at night.
What is Covid 19 ?
Coronavirus 2019 (2019-nCoV) is a new
respiratory virus that causes acute
respiratory infections in humans and has
been shown to spread from person to
person. 2019-nCoV is a new virus strain
that has not been previously identified.

Coronavirus 2019 (2019-nCoV) là một loại

virus đường hô hấp mới gây bệnh viêm
đường hô hấp cấp ở người và cho thấy có
sự lây lan từ người sang người. 2019-
nCoV là chủng virus mới chưa được xác
định trước đó.
Symptoms Of Disease
• Fever ( Sốt )
Symptoms Of Disease
• Cough ( Ho )
Symptoms Of Disease
• Shortness of breath ( Khó Thở )
How to prevent coronavirus

Tăng cường nhận thức về sức khỏe

Tăng cường tập thể dục

Nghỉ ngơi thường xuyên

Cải thiện khả năng tự miễn dịch

Mọi người nên tăng cường nhận thức về vệ

Everyone should increase hygiene and sinh và sức khỏe, tăng cường tập thể dục,
health awareness, increase exercise, get nghỉ ngơi thường xuyên, cải thiện khả năng
regular rest, improve immunity and avoid miễn dịch và tránh đi đến các khu vực bị ảnh
going to the affected areas. hưởng.
1 Wash your hands often with soap
Wear a mask properly
3 When should I see a doctor?
• Acute respiratory infections such as fever (armpit temperature 37.3 °
C), tired and cough (mainly dry cough) have had a history of travel
prior to onset.

Nhiễm trùng đường hô hấp cấp tính như

sốt (nhiệt độ nách 37,3 ° C), mệt mỏi và
ho (chủ yếu là ho khan) đã có lịch sử đi
từ nơi khác về trước khi khởi phát.

1 Economic impact

2 Impact on society

Impacts for many other

3 specific sectors, especially

4 Impacts on political and

diplomatic relations
between countries
a r t v o ca b ula r y
• Learn by he
and grammar
x er c is es in t e x t b o o k
•R e do a l l e
it 3 : G e tt i ng
• Prepare for Un

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