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Evidence 2. Group work-Health Advisors 8.




Group work: Read the article again and answer the following questions:
1. Why do some people stop in the article it is mentioned that people do
exercising and eating well? not exercise because they are lazy to follow a
routine to stay healthy and prefer not to do it
2. What relaxation technique does the relaxation technique of meditation and
the article mention? especially a walk of ten minutes
3. What are some examples of biscuits
healthy snacks from the article? healthy snacks
4. What healthy options do you have choose light food add some fruit
when you eat fast food?
5. What kinds of things can you do to Go to the gym
get more exercise? to walk
exercise while watching tv
6. What can help you get a good don't sleep with the tv on
night's sleep? the room totally dark and silent

Group work: Discuss the suggestions in the article. Do you follow any of them? if yes,
which ones?, If no, say why not. Each member of the group writeas a conclution:


Name: Yaritza Rodriguez

Conclution: The increased blood flow raises the oxygen levels in your body. This
helps lower the risk of heart conditions such as high cholesterol, coronary artery
disease, and heart attack. Regular exercise can also lower blood pressure and
triglyceride levels.

Name: Yaritza Rodriguez

Conclution: It is good to eat healthy and exercise because it improves the

functioning of the heart, lungs, muscles and bones. It allows you to rest better.
Counteracts stress and increases the feeling of general well-being. Helps in the
prevention and treatment of chronic diseases

Name: Yaritza Rodriguez

Conclution: Regular physical activity can improve muscle strength and increase
endurance. Exercise supplies oxygen and nutrients to the tissues and helps the
cardiovascular system work more efficiently. And when your heart and lung health
improve, you have more energy to do everyday tasks.

Two weeks later, five people ring your office and leave telephone messsages
describing their health problems. Listen to the five messages and match the
messages to the correct picture.



1. Person 1: Picture: For stomach

pains, a cinnamon
tea would be good
or also an aromatic
one that helps to
better regulate food
2. Person 2: Picture: It would be
good if you went to
the doctor and
checked what is
happening, but you
can recommend an
ibuprofen that is
good for toothache
3. Person 3: Picture: for cough
you can drink hot
drinks that are good
for congestion and
you can also take
4. Person 4: Picture: for the
headache you can
take acetaminophen
2 pastes if it is very
5. Person 5: Picture: you can
apply cream is the
most recommended
and take capsules if
the pain is very

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