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Fourth Quarter- Module 3
Ways to Prevent and Control
Non-Communicable Diseases

What I Need to Know

Prevention is the action of stopping something from happening or arising. In

health, prevention is controlling measures which include actions that can be taken to
reduce the potential of exposure to risk. This good health practice can help us in many
ways if we just follow them diligently.
Generally, a person’s overall health is about more than the absence of disease. It
is the state of physical, mental, and social well-being. Ultimately, it is the key to living a
productive and satisfying life. Maintaining good health is an important factor for a
person’s quality of life.

After reading this module, the learners should be able to practice ways to prevent and
control non-communicable diseases.
Specifically, you should be able to:
1. identify the healthful ways in preventing and controlling non-communicable
2. write some self-practiced ways in preventing and controlling non-
communicable diseases; and
3. appreciate the importance on how to prevent and control non-communicable
What I Know

Test I. Multiple Choice

Directions: Choose the letter of your answer.

1. To acquire the desired number of hours in sleeping, you need to sleep ______ a day.
A. 3 hours B. 4 hours C. 6 hours D. 9 ½ hours
2. One way of maintaining your physically fit body you need to do the following,
A. Eating nutritious foods.
B. Exercising every day.
C. Drinking enough water.
D. Drinking alcoholic beverages.

3. In handling stress, you must perform the following, EXCEPT_________.

A. Staying calm.
B. Talking to other people for counseling.
C. Having a positive activity to express your anger.
D. Confronting the person that you had conflict with in the height of your emotion.

4. To maintain a healthy diet you must avoid the following, EXCEPT __________.
A. Eating of too much Durian.
B. Eating of a bundle of candies.
C. Eating of excessive carbohydrates.
D. Eating enough amount of vegetables.

5. The best way to keep you healthy is __________.

A. Avoiding fatty foods.
B. Eating a very low-calorie food.
C. Using the food pyramid.
D. Consuming enough food.

Activity 1:
Directions: Put a check (⁄) mark if it is a way that prevent and control non-
communicable diseases and (x) mark if it is not.

Health Habits/Practices (⁄) or (x)

1. Exercise daily.
2. Eat more sugar.
3. Get enough sleep.
4. Eat nutritious foods.
5. Attend zumba class.
What’s New

Activity 2: Photo Essay

Directions: Describe the good practices as shown in the photo collage on how to
prevent and control non-communicable diseases.

What Is It?

Ways to Prevent and Control NCDs

A. Exercise every day. Physical activity

removes disease-causing toxins through
sweat. It also prevents cardiovascular
disease, respiratory problems and reduces
the risk of cancer and diabetes. It is
recommended to perform at least 30
minutes of exercise a day.

B. Maintain a healthy diet. Healthy eating

is an important part of your growth and
development. Eat plenty of fruits and
vegetables, whole grains, a variety of protein
foods, and low-fat dairy products. Control
yourself from eating too much sweets, salty
and fatty foods.

C. Get enough sleep. Most teens need

between 9 and 9 ½ hours of sleep every
night. Sleep has a strong effect on your
ability to concentrate and do well at school.
D. Maintain a healthy weight. Children and
teenagers with obesity are more likely to
have obesity as an adult. They are also at
higher risk for other chronic illnesses,
depression, and bullying.

On the other hand, to prevent from being

under weight, you should eat three proper
meals every day.

E. Learn ways to manage stress. You

cannot avoid stress, so you need to learn
how to manage it. This will help you stay
calm and be able to function in stressful

F. Eliminate smoking and alcohol from

your life. One puff of cigarette leads to 100
times damage to the lungs of the human
body. Addiction to smoking and alcohol
gives a very bad effect to the body and could
lead to complications.

What’s More

Activity 3: Pick Me Up

Directions: Pick the correct practices on how to prevent and control Non-
Communicable Diseases ad write it in your MAPEH activity notebook.
What I Have Learned

Activity 4: Dear Diary

Directions: Answer the question below using a diary form.

What are the practices have you done that help you avoid NCDs and why?

Day/ Date:

Dear Diary,

Signature/ Name:

What I Can Do
Activity 5: Trace in Space
1. Trace your right and left hand in your MAPEH Activity notebook.
2. In your right hand write all your commitment on how you can stop all the bad
3. While in your left hand, write at least five (5) practices that could possibly lead to non-
communicable diseases.


Test I. Multiple Choice

Directions: Encircle the letter of your answer.
1. Which of the following is a good practice in preventing and controlling non-
communicable diseases?
A. Smoke always. C. Do not manage your weight.
B. Manage stress properly. D. Consume too much salty

2. How to be calm in a stressful situation?

A. Take a deep breath.
B. Sleep at least 4 hours a day.
C. Smoke always.
D. Spend a lot of time worrying and thinking about things to happen.

3. The recommended minutes of physical activity in a day for adults is __________.

A. 10 minutes B. 15 minutes C. 30 minutes D. 60 minutes

4. The following are the ways to prevent and control non-communicable diseases,
EXCEPT __________.
A. Sleep at least 4 hours a day. C. Consult a doctor regularly.
B. Maintain healthy weight. D. Eat healthy foods and exercise

5. Not consuming the recommended amount of fruits and vegetables could lead to
A. Overweight and obesity.
B. Greater risk for high cholesterol, diabetes, high blood pressure.
C. Compromised immune system (greater chance of getting sick).
D. All of the above

Test II. Fill in the Blank

Directions: Read the statements carefully and underline the missing words to complete
the healthy practices.
1. Exercise every ( day , hour ).
2. Get enough ( sleep , wealth ).
3. Maintain a healthy ( diet , relaxation ).
4. Learn ways to ( manage , tolerate ) stress.
5. Eliminate ( smoking , rest ) and alcohol from your life

Grade 7 MAPEH Textbook, First Edition 2017

World Health Organization (Western Pacific). Preventing and Controlling Noncommunicable Diseases.
Accessed on July 16, 2020https:\\and-controlling-noncommunicable-diseases
©2020 Leaf Group Ltd./ Well+Good. How to Prevent Non-Communicable Diseases. Accessed on July 16,
Cleveland Clinic ©1995-2020. 9 Way to Prevent Disease (and To Your Healthiest Life). Accessed on July
16, 2020
©American Academy of Family Physicians. Teenagers: How to Stay Healthy. Accessed On July 16,
Clipart Panda. Woman Lifting Weights. Accessed on July 16, 2020.
Shutterstock, Inc. [US]. Zumba Clipart. Accessed on July 16, 2020.
Vecteezy. Yoga Class Illustration. Accessed on July 16, 2020
Gograph. School children having lunch. Accessed on July 16, 2020.
Ghorkov. Good Sleep. Accessed on July 16, 2020.
Healthhub. Woman weighing. Accessed on July 6, 2020.
Simg. Heart clipart Black and white. Accessed on July 17, 2020

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