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Region X

Division of Misamis Occidental

District of Aloran
Taguanao Integrated School

Reflection on Reading Comprehension

Reading is one of the most beneficial activities a learner can do. Out of reading,
learners can be able to discover new things, concepts, places, and people. More so,
reading is a way to relax our mind, going deeply through the world of story and
improve our thinking and internalization process. Furthermore, reading opens the
mind to new horizon and exposes a new experience.

Reading also needs some sort of any other way of process, wherein learner
can read and understand text deeply. This so-called other way of process is the
outlining, that in such a way can be a tool for a meaningful reading comprehension.

Through exploring these various reading strategies, I have learned that there
is no right or wrong approach to teaching reading. The real key is that as a reading
teacher I need to get to know my learners and their needs and find out what
approaches best fit their needs and learning styles. I also understand that I need to
take into consideration the philosophy of teaching of the school and my own
philosophy of teaching reading on order to reach all of my learners. Using data to
drive is also key to learner’s success. A t the school where I teach, we use a
multitude of standard assessment to drive instruction is also gauge learner learning.
In my grade three learner I use the Star assessment to figure out how to plan to read
that will meet the needs of learners.

Reading instruction and delivery methods can sometimes be a matter of trial

and error. As teacher, I assess my learners to evaluate their own practices and
gauge what strategies work for them. If a strategy seems to be working then stick
with it, if learners not showing growth and progress through a specific approach. It is
my responsibility to work to find the best delivery method for the learners.

I realized that it is important to every learner to develop the different domain

like oral language development, phonological awareness, phonics and word
recognition, spelling, fluency, grammar awareness, vocabulary development and
attitude towards reading comprehension for them to be a productive reader.

As a teacher, I’m challenged to improve my way of teaching, I know that

teaching is sacred work, so I have to do the best that I can, I have to level up my way
of teaching in order to produce a productive learner.

Genieva D. Angcot
Region X
Division of Misamis Occidental
District of Aloran
Taguanao Integrated School

Reflection on The Importance of Literacy and Numeracy Skills

The two key subjects in primary school are literacy and numeracy. They are
the heart of curriculum for excellence, as the knowledge, skills and attributes which
equip learners for learning, life and work. It is understood that literacy and numeracy
help learners to gain fundamental skills necessary to achieve success in life. So,
there is a strategy to improv e literacy ang numeracy to support them to live
satisfying and rewarding lives as well as participate as active and inform citizens of

Literacy and numeracy skills are important for accessing the wider curriculum
because they are used in everything. Literacy skills allow children to explore the
ways in which language works so that they can use this knowledge in a variety of
situations. Literacy skills include writing, reading, communicating, listening, and
understanding. Children need be given opportunities to use and extend their
language so that they can develop their literary skills to a higher level.

Literary skills are used across the curriculum in every subject and aspect of
life, so it is important for learners to have access to the concepts at an early age as
possible, so they can grasp it. The key aspect of numeracy skills is for children to
understand its real-life application. Children need to have numeracy skills because
they are equally as important as literacy skills, for proficiency in society. Numeracy
includes number, shape, time, problem solving and handling data. All of which are
needed in everyday life.

Numeracy skills can also be used across other subjects such as science or
P.E. The development of literacy and numeracy skills, is there to increase
confidence and competence of the children ,within the subjects. The also interlink,
where you find word problem in numeracy, which can only be understood if the child
has numeracy skills.

Genieva D. Angcot
Region X
Division of Misamis Occidental
District of Aloran
Taguanao Integrated School

Reflection on Child Safety Education

Child safety involves preventing the child from physical, psychological and
emotional harm. I have learned a lot from this course since child safety is a major
issue in the society. This is because as a grown up I am obligated to take care of all
the children. I came to learn that child safety is a very crucial since it sets the
foundation of the child development. This will make the children to feel appreciated
and loved as the parent guide them in decision making which is very crucial in their

I also came to learn that child safety is more than providing food, shelter,
education and other basic needs, but it entails protection from harm resulting from
abuse and neglect.

I came to learn that child is at high risk of injuries, accidents and crime which
necessitate appropriate measures so as to provide a safe environment for the
children. I learnt that there are several ways of enhancing child safety which include:
providing a safe environment, implementing safety measures as well as educating
protective measures to the children.

I also learned that parents advise is paramount as it guides the children on

appropriate safety measures. Parents should also listen and respond to their
children's needs which ensure they maintain good rapport between parents and the

In conclusion, child safety is becoming a social concern since children are

likely to face many risky situations. Providing necessary child safety is very essential
to every child especially in their in development. This is because the children grow
up in a safe environment free from abuse and neglect. Children should be protected
from physical, emotional and psychological harm. However, it is imperative to
provide appropriate level of child safety since overprotecting the children have
adverse consequences.

Genieva D. Angcot
Region X
Division of Misamis Occidental
District of Aloran
Taguanao Integrated School

Reflection on My Experience in the Field of Education

There are always great rewards that come with teaching. Having the experience
to teach anyone is self-gratifying. The experience undoubtedly opened up my eyes to
the challenges as well as the benefits of teaching adults. With every experience, I was
able to become stronger as a communicator, team player and teacher. The experience
ultimately reiterated my passion for teaching and gave me the confidence to continue on
my career path.

Teaching MAPEH at the hinterland transformed my perspective on teaching and

proved to be a wonderful experience. During teaching this course, I was able to really
hone and develop my lesson planning skills. I now approach this task with greater vision
and ability to think about my lessons contextually, and to shape them in a manner that
will be of the greatest benefit to my students.

In conjunction with lesson planning, collaboration was extremely beneficial during

my experience. Group configuration is influential in changing the dynamics and overall
attitude of the class. Prior to this experience, I never thought about the impact group
configuration has on the attitude of the class.

Additionally, I have learned that it is crucial to accommodate different learning

styles and preferences in the context of classroom activities. I surmised this through
observation. Students with a visual preference, for example, will work better in activities
such as creating a personal life timeline. By contrast, a student with an auditory
preference will likely be more productive in a story retelling or a rewriting activity.

Moreover, a tactile-oriented student, may work better in activities such as survey

and report writing, while a kinesthetic student will probably be more responsive to a role-
playing assignment. Research has demonstrated that students who were taught via a
preferred learning style received higher scores overall than those who were taught in
styles that differed from their own preferred learning style. Different learning styles and
creating activities that will meet all different learning styles is challenging.

Consequently, the most difficult task I encountered was providing feedback to the
learners. The most crucial aspect of teaching is ensuring that students receive proper
feedback. When students receive proper guidance and feedback, then they are more apt
to making progress. While this proved to be a difficult task for me, I now know moving
forward in my career the kind of feedback that is conducive to students.

Overall, the experience was beneficial to my learning experience and added to

my passion to becoming an educator. Teaching students is challenging but rewarding.
Being able to create lesson plans, work in groups and provide proper feedback to my
students, solidified the reasons why I chose this profession. Knowing that I am making a
difference in someone’s life gives me utter joy. I look forward to the rest of my journey as
an educator.

Genieva D. Angcot
Region X
Division of Misamis Occidental
District of Aloran
Taguanao Integrated School

Reflection on Digital Storytelling: Lessons Learned for Effective Teaching

The art of storytelling has existed for long. Consequently, the means of telling
stories have evolved with time from oral stories, scribes, newspapers, television and
most recently, the internet. Currently, digital storytelling blends technology with
tradition thus allowing pupils to narrate stories through text and media (Keengwe and
Onchwari, 2009). It turns a series of events to a multidimensional experience and
encourages research.

Due to its ability to motivate and engage, digital storytelling is highly rich in
supporting literacy development and languages thus its wide use in early childhood
learning. Children can make a digital story in various ways including taking pictures
using a digital camera, drawing and scanning images, acting out scenes, and
narrating stories using their own words. When such young learners participate in the
creation of a digital story, the exercise becomes highly meaningful and, therefore, a
highly effective teaching and learning tool (Keengwe and Onchwari, 2009). It is worth
noting that children tend to grasp and memorize events presented visually in the
classroom more than what is verbally communicated by the teacher. Digital
storytelling is thus a useful learning tool for students since it utilizes beautiful images
that excite children of that age (Keengwe and Onchwari, 2009).

Numerous presentation tools and websites make the production of digital

storytelling easy for teachers. They provide examples, avatars, step-by-step
instruction, and easy to use features to allow anyone use their video clips, digital
pictures, record and incorporate sound effects, music, and voices to create a digital
story. Besides, the tools enable one to add text and effects to enhance the drama.

Digital storytelling is key for social change among pupils. It helps these
children to acquire and develop self-confidence that enables them to express
themselves more through the exclusive combination of pictures, images, voice and
video recordings to be used in classroom lessons (Keengwe and Onchwari, 2009).

Genieva D. Angcot
Region X
Division of Misamis Occidental
District of Aloran
Taguanao Integrated School

Reflection on Using Computers in Education

I believe as an educator, integration literacy is essential for the children and

can save a teacher time, energy, and make them able to incorporate more real
authentic learning.  When a teacher can find appropriate technology to go along or
match objectives being taught, then they are using their integration literacy.  I have
done some integration, mainly in the language arts areas.  For example, I had found
an online student unit on a book we read together as a class.  After every 3 chapters
there was an assignment for the students.  The students used a mobile and were
paired up with partners.  They worked on the assignment together after each of the
chapter selections.  The assignments ranged from writing assignments to using the
Kid’s Almanac on the Internet.  This allowed the students to learn not only how to
browse the Internet, but to become familiar with the many sources of information
they can also find.  They also learned of the many fun student activities that go along
with what we are learning in class.  They learned to bookmark favorite websites and
got to practice their writing skills in word processing and tested out how to insert data
to make graphs.  I found that by integrating technology, the students became more
motivated about their schoolwork and were able to connect what they were learning
with their own personal lives. 

As I learn more about integrating technology into the classroom, I have

learned that I must continuously reflect on how I can use my new knowledge in three
ways:  For my own professional development, using technology as a productivity tool
in my classroom and extensively integrating technology in my teaching, lessons,
student-based projects, and student assessments to improve student
learning.  Engaging in this is called curriculum-specific or discipline-specific
learning.  I look forward to finding more about curriculum specific content that I can
use in my classroom.  Being a 9th grade classroom teacher, sometimes I get
nervous that I am not spending enough time on proficiency practice or proficiency
objectives.  But if I could find curriculum specific information and ideas on how to use
it in the classroom, then I could be focusing in on proficiency objectives at the same
time motivating students by using technology. 

By knowing and understanding what a computer is, what it does, and the
components of a computer I am/will be more able to teach to the students in my
class.  I will also be able to order the appropriate software, be more apt to problem
solve when there are computer errors, and know of the many different tasks a
computer is able to perform. 

Genieva D. Angcot
Region X
Division of Misamis Occidental
District of Aloran
Taguanao Integrated School

Thinking back when I was young, I see myself as an excited, conscientious

and avid learner motivated by understanding the unknown. I loved exploring the
world using my imagination and literature. I loved questioning how things worked by
interrogating and disturbing seemingly complex systems like water fountains, garage
doors or anything with buttons. It is said that all children are born with curious minds.
I believe curiosity is an innate aspect of childhood that drives the learning process.
This theory of learning was actually pioneered by Jean Piaget (1954), who argued
that knowledge is generated by experience and ideas interacting. Piaget suggested
that learning occurs as we navigate and interact with our environment: “The universe
is built up into an aggregate of permanent objects connected by causal relations.
The self thus becomes aware of itself, at least in its practical action, and discovers
itself as a cause among other causes and as an object subject to the same laws as
other objects” (Piaget, 1954, p. 397). I too believe it is the interaction between a
subject and its environment which is fundamental to the process of
learning. However, in addition to this, I believe that learning deeply involves asking
questions, testing ideas and finding answers. I argue that this process of interacting
with and questioning our environment is what constitutes learning.

Genieva D.
Region X
Division of Misamis Occidental
District of Aloran
Taguanao Integrated School

Reflection on The New Normal Education

Learning in the new normal is a challenge for the teachers, students and even
parents. After postponing the opening of online classes last August 24, DepEd now
confirms that they are ready for October’s opening of classes, for the school year
2020 to 2021, through different learning modalities approaches after reaching more
than 23 million enrollees. 

Blended learning is a combination of both online and offline learning

methodologies with the use of technology. Online is when the students’ study with
their teacher and classmates through an application that uses a webcam while offline
is when the teacher provides the students with the lesson, seatwork or assignment
that they can finish at their own pace, within the deadline. And we in the Taguanao
Integrated School utilized the modular distance learning or the offline method since
most of the students have no gadgets and the place has weak internet connectivity.
Despite the given condition, continuing education would never be a hindrance for the
learners who are eager to pursue learning.

This new way of learning brought by COVID-19 pandemic can be an

additional challenge during this tough time. And since going back to the “normal”
we’re all accustomed to isn’t going to happen anytime soon, so better do the best we
could to adjust and make this current situation work. 

Genieva D.
Teacher’s Personal Note

Name of Teacher: GENIEVA D. ANGCOT

School Year: 2020-2021
Topic: LDM 2 For Teachers
Resource Speaker: Mrs. Miriam Paller & Mrs. Redeme D. Adrece

The session started on the morning session of October, 2020 with the
discussion and sharing of ideas about LDM 2 for Teachers. The participants
downloaded the LDM 2 Course Manual for reference. The speaker discussed on the
parts of the LDM 2and assigned topics and tasks per participants.

Upon listening to the discussion of the speaker, I learned that we (teachers)
need technical assistance to adapt to the new normal and as to what new strategies
in teaching should be used in this kind of teaching modalities. We must be well
equipped and must have the technical know-how with regards to LDM platforms to
ensure quality learning outcomes and make necessary and meaningful adjustments.
We need to work together to continuously improve with content and pedagogical
knowledge, practice, skills and attitudes.
LDM2 LAC sessions must be institutionalized because this is the avenue of all
teachers to improve with regards to the adaptation and embracing the challenges of
the New Normal. Teachers must embrace these changes for the benefit of the
We must have the sufficient background knowledge about the DepEd Order
No.35 s. 2016 titled “The Learning Action Cell as the K to 12 Basic Education
Program School- Based Continuing Professional Development Strategy for the
Improvement of Teaching and Learning.”
Region X
Division of Misamis Occidental
District of Aloran
Taguanao Integrated School

Teacher Reflections after a 5 Day VIRTUAL INSET

Genieva D. Angcot
The VIRTUAL INSET 2021 from day 1-5 was indeed tremendous! Why?
Mainly, I am very interested in teacher education and would like to be more updated in the
new norm, then, I knew that the INSET would require me to gain more knowledge digitally.
Although I know the seminar will require loads of work, I still wanted to take it and I don’t
regret my choice.
There was a great variety of tasks and topics of the seminar such as Video editing
techniques, poster design, mobile apps, people puzzle and etc., all of which provided me with
a different perspective to teacher education. I had already known about basic tools for teacher
development. However, thanks to the seminar I learned how they are similar and how they
are different from each other. I also became aware of the particular advantages of each and I
even learned about some more specific tools such a teacher could use. I really enjoyed from
day 1-5 and found the activities meaningful. Especially, I was glad that I had a concrete
reason for learning more and more. Another very valuable experience the INSET 2021
provided was to keep a teaching portfolio since we had a real aim for starting an online
portfolio and sharing our work with others, which in return has the potential of being an
online CV that could open up new opportunities. As the tasks I mentioned reveal, it was the
seminar that required a great
deal of autonomy. It was us, learners, who had to work for the progress of each teacher
participant. Even though the idea of online virtual seminar is a bit boring still was able to
manage. Input sounds less appealing than submitting online assignments at first, I actually
thought that the in-class sessions were more thought-provoking and eye-opening because of
the fruitful discussions being made. I believe that as a teacher

I should be able to discuss with others to brainstorm and gain insights from these
conversations. Therefore, I am of the opinion that the number of this kind of seminar could be

I highly like the VIRTUAL INSET 2021 as I was able to complete the tasks meticulously
because this is how one can really improve themselves.
Republic of the Philippines
Region X
Division of Misamis Occidental
District of Aloran
Taguanao Integrated School

Teacher Reflections after a 5 Day VIRTUAL INSET 2.0

By: Genieva D. Angcot

DAY 1:
In-service trainings serve as a reminder to educators that the learning process
never truly ends. As a result, it is essential to attend these events with an open mind
and an open heart, acknowledging that there are things we do not yet understand.
Given the transition to online learning, we must raise our game and become
acquainted with new educational platforms that use information and communication
technology. As a result, despite the crisis, we are able to meet the challenge of
carrying out our responsibilities as teachers.

DAY 2:
The threat of COVID-19 remains, and it is extremely risky to continue face-to-
face lessons anytime soon. That choice has been made appropriately by the national
The education of the Filipino children, on the other hand, cannot be
suppressed. “Education must continue,” said Department of Education (DepEd)
Secretary Leonor Briones on numerous times. So, at today's session, it was stated
that DepEd is adopting a "all-hands-on-deck" approach to ensuring that teachings
are provided to students in every possible way.

DAY 3:
The morning session highlighted topics that are quite relevant to my
profession. Despite the fact that I've been using Microsoft Office apps for as long as I
can remember, I know there are still a lot of things that I need to master. Not to
mention that the company has always been creating innovative product and
The two subjects discussed throughout the afternoon were undoubtedly
ambitious and futuristic, and to be honest, they are of little importance to both
teachers and students. Why do I say this? The continuous deployment of blended
learning demonstrates that our issues are fairly fundamental - a lack of stable
Internet connectivity and gadgets to be used.
It may not be much of a problem in urban areas like Metro Manila but in the
provinces, that is not the case. It is good to dream of the things we wish we have, but
we have to work with what we have.
DAY 4:
The fourth day of the Department of Education's Virtual In-Service Training
2.0 was a whirlwind of activity. There were seven sessions in all, covering everything
from mental health concerns to Google Educators Group, as well as picture
manipulation and video production. To be honest, it was overwhelming.
I enjoy the mental health workshop since it is important to us educators.
However, it felt more like an empty gesture on the part of the agency since if they
truly want to fight for teachers' mental health, they should not delegate us so many
responsibilities that are unrelated to the profession for which we were hired. We do a
lot of paperwork and have few to no vacation days!
And once again, I felt that the topics discussed during the afternoon cannot
really be used by most teachers, especially by those who are not adept at utilizing
the said applications. Getting used to those stuff requires more than just sitting
through a one-hour talk without hands-on activity.
DAY 5:
I'm delighted that this week's five-day virtual in-service training for preschool,
elementary, and high school teachers is done. This week has been jam-packed with
presentations on a spectrum of topics, including cyberbullying, mental health
awareness, instructional video games, and so on.
Although all of the sessions were instructive, certain subjects were more
pertinent than others due to the varying circumstances of teachers and students
across the country. There have been ongoing technical issues with accessing the
agency's website, which has surely hampered teachers' ability to complete the so-
called "exit quizzes" necessary to obtain certificates. The glitches certainly added to
the stress experienced by teachers who, technically, are still on vacation.
I commend the Department of Education’s willingness to explore all options –
some more realistic than the others – just to make sure that the education of Filipino
students will go on despite the uncertainties caused by the worsening COVID-19
pandemic. I should also once more praise my co-teachers’ readiness to still rise to
the occasion in the face of never-ending challenges.

Prepared by:


Republic of the Philippines
Region X
Division of Misamis Occidental
District of Aloran
Taguanao Integrated School


It’s our 2nd year into delivering education amidst the height of the Pandemic

and yet teachers and parents are still struggling but feeling perseveres for the sake

of continuous learning.

As I reflect, I believe that educators, as well as parents, are should be hand-

in-hand or connected to make this children’s learning be successful, and in this time,

having more patience and building strong relationships are essential to make the

learning journey of the students be a wondrous and efficient one. Having said that,

constant communication and collaboration of both teachers and parents are also

necessary in dealing with unprecedented amounts of change such as delivering

lessons through modular distance learning. I know it’s a challenging time for

everyone, and it’s important to strive to share communications that are sensitive,

clear, and supportive. To help keep the lines of communication open and set

students up for success, it’s best to approach teacher-parent relationships in a

meaningful and strategic way.

Prepared by:

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