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The Analysis of KH. M.

Hasyim Asy'ari in Biography of

KH Hasyim Al Asy’ari Founder of Nahdlatul Ulama

Ach. Muqoddam Alallah





The Analysis of KH. M. Hasyim Asy'ari in Biography of
KH Hasyim Al Asy’ari Founder of Nahdlatul Ulama

KH Hasyim Al Asy'ari is a scholar who founded

Nahdlatul Ulama (NU), the largest social organization in
Indonesia. He is also the founder of the Tebuireng Islamic
Boarding School, East Java and is known as a pesantren
education reformer. Here, the analysis of KH Hasyim Al
Asy'ari in biography of KH Hasyim Al Asy’ari founder of
Nadhdlatul Ulama (NU) That consist of 3 part, there are
personality, conflict, and moral message.
A. KH. Hasyim Asy'ari's Personality

Muhammad Hasyim is the nickname given to him by

his parents, he was born in the village of Gedang, east of
Jombang on 24 Dzulqo'dah 1287 H. Or coinciding with
February 14, 1871 M. Asy'ari is the name of his father who
comes from Demak and is also the founder of a pesantren
hard. in Jombang. (Abdurrahman Mas'ud, 2004: 197).
Meanwhile, his mother, Halimah, is the daughter of Kiai
Usman, the founder and caregiver of the Gedang Islamic
Boarding School in the late 19th century M. KH. Hasyim
Asy'ari is the third of ten children, namely Nafi'ah, Ahmad
Sholeh, Radi'ah, Hassan, Anis, Fatanah, Maimunah,
Maksum, Nahrawi and Adnan. He is a Kyai descendant of
the Majapahit nobility and also a descendant of the
Javanese elite. Besides that, His ancestor, Kiai Sihah, was
the founder of the Jombang Rice Tambak Islamic
Boarding School. He absorbed a lot of religious knowledge
from his family's boarding school environment.

Since his childhood, Kiai Hasyim has lived in the

traditional Gedang Islamic Boarding School environment.
At the age of five, Kiai Hasyim moved from Gedang to
Keras village, a village south of the city of Jombang,
following his father and mother who were building a new
pesantren. Here, Kiai Hasyim spent his childhood until he
was 15 years old, before finally leaving hard and exploring
various famous pesantren at that time to Mecca. Kiai
Hasyim is known as a figure who is thirsty for religious
knowledge (Islam). To quench his thirst, Kiai Hasyim went
to various well-known Islamic boarding schools in East
Java at that time.

KH. M. Hasyim Asy'ari has some personality such as

patient, productive, and strong determination. Here are the
proofs of KH. M. Hasyim Asy'ari.

a. Patient Character

KH. M. Hasyim Asy'ari is a person who is very patient

facing many obstacles he got, when his wife died and
when his son followed his wife (died).

KH. M. Hasyim Asy'ari is a person who is very patient

when his wife died. We have known together In 1303
H/1892 AD, Kiai Hasyim, who was only 21 years old,
married Nyai Nafisah, the daughter of Kiai Ya'qub. Shortly
after the wedding, he then went to the holy land of Mecca
to perform the pilgrimage with his wife and in-laws. In
addition to performing the pilgrimage, in Mecca he also
deepened the knowledge he already had, and absorbed
the new knowledge needed. He studied almost all
religious disciplines, especially the sciences related to the
hadith of the Prophet SAW which was his favorite since he
was in his homeland. The journey of life is sometimes
difficult to predict, happy and sad come and go. Likewise
with Kiai Hasyim Asy'ari in the holy land of Mecca. After
seven months of living in Mecca, he was blessed with a
son named Abdullah. In the midst of the joy of having a
baby, the wife fell seriously ill and later died.

KH. M. Hasyim Asy'ari is a person who is very patient

when his son followed his wife (died). Forty days later, his
son Abdullah also followed his mother back to
Rahmatullah. His sadness, which at that time had already
begun to be known as a scholar, was almost unbearable.
The only consolation in his heart was performing tawaf
and other acts of worship which he almost never stopped.
In addition, he also has a loyal friend in the form of books
that are always studied all the time. Until finally, he left the
holy land, Maturity of Knowledge in the Holy Land The
longing for the holy land apparently called him to return to

b. Productive Person

Besides being known as a very patient person, KH.

M. Hasyim Asy'ari is a very productive person when he
established Tebuireng boarding school and when he built
Nahdlatul Ulama’. This is evidenced by the establishment
of the Tebuiren Islamic Boarding School and the Nahdlatul
Ulama' organization.

KH. M. Hasyim Asy'ari is a very productive person

when he established Tebuireng boarding school. After
returning from the holy land around the year 1313 H/1899
AD, he began teaching santri, first teaching at the
Ngedang Islamic Boarding School which was raised by his
grandfather, as well as the place where he was born and
raised. After that he taught in the village of Muning
Mojoroto Kediri. It was here that he managed to marry one
of the daughters of Kiai Sholeh Banjar Melati.
Unfortunately, for various reasons, the marriage did not
last long so Kiai Hasyim returned to Jombang. While in
Jombang, he planned to build a pesantren, which he
chose in Tebuireng Hamlet which at that time was a
hotbed of disobedience and chaos. On 26 Robiul Awal
1317 H/1899 AD the Tebuireng Islamic Boarding School
was established together with comrades in arms, such as
Kiai Abas Buntet, Kiai Sholeh Benda Kereb, Kiai Syamsuri
Wanan Tara, and several other Kiai, all the difficulties and
threats of the parties involved.

KH. M. Hasyim Asy'ari is a very productive person

when he built Nahdlatul Ulama’ organization. On 16
Sa'ban 1344 H/31 January 1926 AD, in Jombang, East
Java, Jam'iyah Nahdlotul Ulama' was founded together
with KH. Bisri Syamsuri, KH. Wahab Hasbullah, and other
great scholars, with the principles and objectives: “Staying
firmly in one of the four schools of thought, namely Imam
Muhammad bin Idris Asyafi'i, Imam Malik bin Anas, Imam
Abu Hanifah An-Nu'am and Ahmad bin Hambali . And also
do anything that makes the benefit of Islam." KH. Hasyim
Asy'ari was elected to NU's rois akbar, a title that no one
now has. He also drafted the NU qanun which developed
the ideology of the Expert Sunnah waljama'ah.

c. Strong Determination

Establishing some boarding schools and a big

organization, KH. M. Hasyim Asy'ari received a lot of
criticism and bad views from the surrounding community,
but he is kind of person who has strong determination.
especially when he wanted to establish Tebuireng Islamic
Boarding School and when he got criticism from societies.

KH. M. Hasyim Asy’ari is person who has strong

determination when he wanted to establish Tebuireng
Islamic Boarding school which is a center for immorality. It
is not an easy job to create an Islamic zone in bad
environment, but he just focusses on his target (building
an Islamic Boarding School). He never thinks to quit or
give up during his process. He is the one with strong
determination. His sacrifice brings him into a successful
person achieving his wish.

KH. M. Hasyim Asy’ari is person who has strong

determination when he got many criticisms because his
unthinkable place chosen. This choice, of course, raised a
big question mark among the community, but all of them
were ignored. He remained in strong determination. The
name Tebuireng was originally Kebo ireng (black buffalo).
The story is, In that area there was a buffalo that was
buried in mud, where there were many leeches, when
pulled ashore, the buffalo's body had changed color from
reddish white to black filled with leeches. It is said that
since then the area was named Keboireng which
eventually turned into Tebuireng. On 26 Robiul Awal 1317
H/1899 AD, the Tebuireng Islamic Boarding School was
established due to his struggle and strong determination.


KH. M. Hasim Asy’ari is protagonist and round

character during his life time. Being apart of a noble
family, he was educated since he was child. That can
make him become someone patient, productive, strong in
B. KH. M. Hasim Asy’ari conflicts

Known as a great person does not mean that KH. M.

Hasyim Asy’ari did not have any obstacles to facein his
life. In fact, KH. M. Hasyim Asy’ari has various conflicts,
those are physiological conflicts and social conflicts.

1. KH. M. Hasim Asy’ari physiological conflicts

We know together that everyone absolutely has

physiological conflicts. It also happened to KH. M. Hasyim
Asy’ari when his special women passed away, when he
would like to establish Tebu Ireng Boarding school, and
when he wanted to establish Nahdlatul Ulama’.

a. When KH. M Hasyim Asy’ari lost his wife .

when KH. M. Hasyim Asy'ari lost his wife. KH. M.
Hasyim Asy'ari was sad and discouraged because
being left by loved ones. this incident occurred when
he went to Mecca with his wife which after seven
months of living in Mecca he was blessed with a child
but the wife passed away after giving birth and
followed by his forty day old son.
b. When KH. M Hasyim Asy’ari would like to establish
Tebu Ireng Boarding School.
When KH. M Hasyim Asy’ari wanted to build a
sugar cane hut, he was haunted by various fears of
the impact of choosing the place where it was a nest
of immorality. it made him think hard. but that didn't
make him cancel the plan because he was sure that
he could turn the place into a place full of Islamic

c. When he wanted to establish Nahdlatul Ulama’.

When he wanted to establish Nahdlatul Ulama’,

KH. M. Hasim Asy'ari is not easy to do because
Nahdlatul Ulama is a bond of scholars throughout
Indonesia where scholars have different views in
Islam but he has a strong desire to establish it so he
consulted one of the great scholars in Madura ( K.M.
Khalil bin Abdul Latif).

2. KH. M. Hasim Asy’ari social conflicts

Besides KH. M. Hasim Asy’ari having several
physiological conflicts, KH. M. Hasim Asy’ari also had
several social conflicts those are when KH. M. Hasim
Asy’ari vs societies and when KH. M. Hasim Asy’ari
vs Japan soldiers.

a. KH. M. Hasim Asy’ari vs societies.

 When efforts of KH. M. Hasim Asy'ari does
not always run smoothly, this is evidenced
by the conflict with the community in the
construction of sugarcane ireng where the
community protested and even complained
about the choice of the place because in
their view the place was a place of
immorality and inappropriate for a pesantren
to be established.

b. KH. M. Hasim Asy’ari vs Japan soldiers.

 when during the Japanese occupation, KH.
M. Hasim Asy'ari was detained by the
Japanese government because he was
considered a person who had a great
influence on society. While in detention, he
was physically tortured which caused one of
his fingers to become disabled but at that
time he carved a sheet with gold ink called
the Jihad Resolution which he adopted on 22
October 1945 in Surabaya which is better
known as the National Heroes Day.
3. KH. M. Hasim Asy’ari moral message
a. Never feel satisfied with the knowledge that we

We can take lessons from the life story of KH. M.

Hasyim Asy'ari that we should never be satisfied with
the knowledge that we have. We can learn this when
he was studying from a young age where he felt
thirsty for knowledge even though he was already
able to understand the science of religion so he
moved to other schools just to deepen his knowledge
starting from the Wonorejo, Wonokoyo, Tringfilis,
Langitan, and Bangkalan Madura Islamic boarding
schools. who was raised by Shaykhona Kholil.

b. Respect the teacher and make him happy.

At the time of KH. M. Hasyim Asy'ari was staying

in Bangkalan who was raised by Shaykhona Kholil, he
showed his sympathy for his teacher (Shaykhona
Kholil). at that time he saw his teacher who was
gloomy then because his wife's ring fell into the toilet
and could not be found so he finally decided to look
for it by going into the toilet where the dirt was until
finally he could find the ring full of memories. It makes
the teacher very happy

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