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A Grade 3 level boy sitting in front of the table, annoyed and stubborn to take the music class his
mother enrolled him to. He is now contemplating whether to obey his parent or play with his buddies
outside. He picked up the violin suddenly when his mother came inside his room. He pretends to be
studying the notes until his mother walked out the door. Violin class bored him. He sneak into his
window and decided to play with the other children.

Interpret the TAT sample stories below using the guide provided:

1. Main Theme

A boy dose not like play violin,against the requirements of their parents, sneak into his window and
decided to play with the other children.

2. Main Hero

A) Age: A Grade 3 level boy

B) Sex:M
C) Vocation:student
D) Abilities:play violin
E) Interests:NONE
F) Traits:NONE
G) Body Image:tired
H) Self Image:NONE

3. Main needs and drives of hero

a) Behavioral needs of hero implying…
need go outside relax
b) Figures, objects or circumstances introduced implying need for or to:NONE
c) Figures, objects or circumstances omitted implying need for or to:NONE

4. Conception of environment (world) as


5. Inter Personal Object Relations

a) Parental figures (m,f) are seen as and subject's reaction to (a) is M

b) Contemporary figures (m,f) are seen as and subject's reaction to (b) is
c) Junior figures (m,f) are seen as and subject's reaction to (c) is

6. Significant conflicts

His parents and him

7. Nature of anxieties: can be any of the following:

of disapproval,of deprivation

8. Main defenses against conflicts and fears

He sneak into his window and decided to play with the other children

9. Adequacy of superego as manifested by "punishment" for "crime" being:


10. Integration of the ego, manifesting itself in:

Hero ,inadequate
Thought processes as revealed by plot being:


He was being asked by his father to take over their business but he refused because he plans to go to
another country and pursue medicine. He is now tormented which to choose. He left his father to
have a moment of silence and think over what he want him to do. He then chose to obey his parent
and took over the business months later. He became a good businessman but deep in his heart he
want to save lives by being a surgeon. He grew old and let go of the dream he was not able to fulfill.

Interpret the TAT sample stories below using the guide provided:

1. Main Theme

He gave up his ideal (to become a doctor), obey his father, became a businessman

2. Main Hero

J) Sex:M
K) Vocation:businessman
L) Abilities:NONE
M) Interests:to be a doctor
N) Traits:none
O) Body Image:none
P) Self Image:none

3. Main needs and drives of hero

a) Behavioral needs of hero implying…
need to be a doctor
b) Figures, objects or circumstances introduced implying need for or to:NONE
c) Figures, objects or circumstances omitted implying need for or to:NONE

4. Conception of environment (world) as

5. Inter Personal Object Relations

a) Parental figures (m,f) are seen as and subject's reaction to (a) is M

b) Contemporary figures (m,f) are seen as and subject's reaction to (b) is M
c) Junior figures (m,f) are seen as and subject's reaction to (c) is M

6. Significant conflicts

To be a doctor or to be a businessman

7. Nature of anxieties: can be any of the following:

of disapproval
of deprivation

8. Main defenses against conflicts and fears

He obeys his father, became a businessman

9. Adequacy of superego as manifested by "punishment" for "crime" being:


10. Integration of the ego, manifesting itself in:

Hero, inadequate
Thought processes as revealed by plot being:

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